You'll never go back to the golden age of vidya (89-98)

>you'll never go back to the golden age of vidya (89-98)

Hold me

System Shock 2 1999
Diablo 2 2000
Deus Ex 2000
Morrowind 2002

Now fuck off retard


silver age t b h

>you will never save video games from cancerous nostalgia retards

Thrill me

Gothic 2 2002
Warcraft 3 2002

>you'll never have a qt azn wife who loves you more than anything and will never leave your side

me on the left

but the golden age of vidya is now. always right now.

that donut looks disgusting

What makes you believe you deserve love?

My mom told me I'm special

everyone deserve love except me

Sixth gen was amazing though. I'd take it over any other era.

just buy one from pinoy land or thailand

everybody deserves love user.

Everybody needs somebody to love.

Nobody needs anybody to love.

Take it back to /r9k/, you sadsacks.

somebody needs a hug.

>you'll never go back to the golden age of christianity (1095-1291)

the games didn't just evaporate. go play them. the games from that era.

Who is this whore of Babylon?

i have a japanese girlfriend here in japan who always talks about how much she loves me and wants to marry.

however unlikely that may seem to you its true but theres something shallow about it. japanese dont like to get as close and knowledge about each other as we do in the past. i often feel like she doesnt know anything about me and just loves me unconditionally based on whatever image of a western romantic she has in her head.

im honestly thinking of ending it because i just dont feel any passion

girls like this are shallow and dont love

others are just interested in fucking and fucking around like everyone else contrary to the cutesy faces you see on their exterior.

that romantic idea you have in your head isnt real outside of your chinese cartoons

Ai Shinozaki, G cups. They are on like thread 75 on /s/.

but the best year of vidya was 2004

Watch your mouth,Ai is pure

I'm there every day. I still play most of those great games all the time. More than I play shitty modern games, that's for sure.

Based Aiposter.

Diablo 2 is a shit game that no one with taste will miss, the others are good but not good enough tbqh

what makes you believe you should only get what you deserve?
youve been raised by single mother or something?

What makes you think YOU deserve to be loved?

>all pcuck trash



This was the Golden Era. If you didn't play it during this period you missed the best MMO ever made.