What are some decent 3D platformers on PC?

What are some decent 3D platformers on PC?
Apart from emulation and Ty on Steam there don't seem to be any.

Platformers are dead, only Nintendo and the occasional indie titles are of note in the genre now.

I guess just wait until Yooka-Laylee
There's also the Psyhonauts PC release if you haven't played that already.

PS3 and wiiU to an extent, not PC

psyconauts is meant to be good but ive never played it

Psychonauts, i highly recommend it.

Cloudbuilt is the only good one from a gameplay perspective. Psychonauts is a good game overall but the platforming is mediocre.

Billy Hatcher? Sonic Lost World? Rayman 3?

Voodoo Vince is out soon

>decent 3D platformers
>Jak and Daxter
Sure love walking around lame giant empty levels to show off our day/night cycles and no loading zones. Mmm, yes, lovely, less actual platforming than your average Banjo Kazooie knockoff. Suppose the spider cave level was alright.

Anyway Portal is pretty good, lot of momentum based stuff when it isn't trying to have a story. Psychonaut's Steam port is pretty good, although beyond the retard bounce ball it has underwhelming mechanics. Mirror's Edge has some real design problems but the core gameplay is okay.

Deadcore, Cloudbuilt, and Lemma are all pretty good indie efforts. First two in particular I maintain are plain good. Tiny and Big has some decent physics based stuff if you don't mind that it's made by 2009 "quirky" hipsters.

Zineth is free, by Arcane Kids. Bloody fine game. They're making a follow up, that they should fucking finish already and stop making meme games until they do.

That's uh, pretty much it.

How comes no one has made a decent 3d platformer on unity yet ?

what platformers were on PS3 other than Sly?

LBP is one I commonly hear as an example of a Sony platformer, but I always felt it was a stretch to call that one a platformer given is iffy platforming controls (that it makes up with stellar level-creation tools)

R&C is another staple, but again to me that series takes far more focus on your weapon arsenal over traditional platforming, and doesn't feel much like a platformer to me.

Psychonauts is terrible

>a-a-a-autism combo


It's an autistic genre.

thank you for your contribution

Does Jet Set Radio count as a platformer?

Do you have a single argument to back your opinion up?

Came here to post this, JSR is GOAT
although user's pic related is a game called Hover: Revolt of Gamers. It's name is autistic, but the game itself is immesurable ammounts of fun with comfy community and insane amount of movement freedom

>decent constructive posts are autism
sasuga Sup Forums

Maybe JSRF, I don't know about the first game as I have never played it, I just know that it was more about getting the QTEs for the various sprays correct, while JSRF seemed more about being a collectathon in general and sprays were just another way of doing that.

While the story and characters are consistently good, level design and actual decent platforming peaks at Black Velvetopia, and even then, it's mostly saved by it's art style, because it has it's share of the most obnoxious oops-you're-dead falls in what's essentially a well-designed hallway

Things don't really recover after the Risk-meets-RTS Napoleonic level, which Double Fine decided to turn into a full-priced game with Brutal Legend

Meat Circus, i.e. the original hard level meme alongside Hell, was mostly a bitch because you were a victim of terrible camera angles, semi-constant projectiles, and a timed escort mission that makes Emma and Raiden look easy

In most cases, Psychonauts is carried a lot by nostalgia, since it was our original industry-snubbed Criterion-quality game with a soul that was sabotaged by THE MAN in a Bush-fatigued world, and even that narrative starting to look like bullshit when you consider how most publishers rightfully-avoid Tim like the plague