What did he mean by this?
New reveal soon with Dorito Pope
What did he mean by this?
New reveal soon with Dorito Pope
does anybody really care when his last 3 games were so bad?
>"Here's a teaser, guys!"
>There's absolutely nothing new on his channel
Fucking Kojima
Not from people who really like videogames, which are scarce
If there's one thing Kojima is good at it's cutting trailers with misdirection in mind.
I can still feel the MGS Vee trailers hurting and they won't stop.
Maybe just maybe he will actually surprise us and Death Stranding won't be shit, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt just this once.
that link goes nowhere
well it goes somewhere but not a new teaser
>Another cancerous Kpjima twitter thread
At least this one is video game related
Yep, i do
Daily reminder that MGSV is shit
I fucking learned my lesson and will NOT get hyped for the future amazing trailers,
Still gonna buy the shit out of it, BUT, I will not get hyped for it.
Nope Kojima
Why does he love burgers so much
Daily reminder that V was the best Metal Gear since Snake Eater. Only deluded story fags/Hillary supporters think otherwise.
He believes they give him american superpowers
>randomly inserting modern politics for yous
looking forward to the konjima damage control
kek mate you put an at sign dude wtf is wrong with you? xD
>unironically being cancer
what a shitty trailer
>mad as fuck he didn't get a (You)
>mfw all of these fucking normies who only heard about MGS when 4 came out are trying to pass themselves as avid video game players and think they can say shit about Kojima
top fucking kek you people need to go back where you came from, MGS and Kojima games are not meant for you, play sports games or whatever, you can't possibly enjoy what Death Stranding is going to be.
What we know so far about the game
>A black beach full of dead fish
>Sad, naked Norman Reedus
>Black hand paint baby
>Flying people
>A dude on the moon or something
What is this game about?
My guess is Norman Reedus left his son playing with paint alone at the beach, he went to buy him an icecream, and when he got back, the baby had painted the whole fucking beach and the fish died because of it. Reedus got really sad that his son was so fucking stupid, and after the baby put paint on his father too, Reedus said "fuck it". He abandoned the baby, met 4 flying guys who took him flying to the moon to become an astronaut, because that had always been Reedus' dream, instead of taking care of some retarded baby.
Oh, and it was a nudist beach. That's important.
Maybe the tweet wasn't supposed to be up so soon.
Where did the baby get enough paint to fill a whole beach?
>moviefags still bitching about TPP despite it being one of the best stealth games of all time
I had to unfollow Kojima because he kept tweeting all the fucking time, mainly of DVDs that he bought
Its being shown at PSX, supposedly to show off the Engine he selected
Maybe the baby knew the ancient indian technique of shitting on the ground, and he used his poo as paint?
The game itself will have nothing to do with beach or baby.
>here's a new 20min cgi teaser
u got teased by the master, sonny jim
im tellin ya folks, kojimas a disaster. Just terrible. I went to a good school and MGSV was a bad game. Just a tremendous disaster. I have the best words but that MGSV... SAD!
I would agree with you but I cant really rate unfinished games