The Great debate

The Great debate

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gta v has better music
gta iv has better talk shows

The two pillars of great video games.

It's not really a great debate. I can't think of one thing V did better than IV.

Better city, story, atmosphere, technology, realism, attention to detail, music
Has a more fleshed out Online, Single Player has more side quests, introduced us to some fun characters

That's about it.

GTA4 physics, police and pedestrians were far, far better.

GTA5 was better at everything else.

>all nigger music
nah, IV's soundtrack was great and it was an objectively better game. Even the multiplayer in IV was better and that's where all of the money for V went

5 sucked because they focused on online multipler rather than build a fun and cohesive single player experience.
also the gta 4 engine felt way more realistic.

That's debatable. V had more good music but it was spread out over different radio stations that also played really bad music. IV had a few stations that were consistently good, and a bunch that were consistently bad.

ITT: we wait for that one fag who hates GTA IV's driving mechanics

GTA 4 hands down, GTA V strived so hard for realism that it came off as boring instead of escapascism which is what video games are at the end of the day .

>Playing "Everyone Wants to Rule the World and running over pedestrians in Times Square

You can go into cover in V, lean out of cover, aim your weapon and fire at will, you do not, like in IV, have to hold down the fire button continuously otherwise your character will lean back into cover.
This one, retarded decision made the gunfights total shit in IV.

The gun fights in GTA V was more like playing whack a mole more then anything else

I can name two dozen GTA IV characters. I can barely name half a dozen of GTA V characters excluding the protags.

I think that settles it

the cover system was a gimmick in IV, it was much easier to just use the crouch button and strafe in and out of cover. i don't see why they got rid of crouching in V.

Vote here, anons.

Aside from the awkward silence during missions due to no background music, 4 is better in every way. And with all the dlc it's a really solid package.

Great example of devs taking steps back. GTA IV was a technical marvel, V threw it all out the window and gave idiots what they asked for - more whacky shit and more nigger shit like in GTA San Andreas.

GTA has always been at it's best when it focuses on the mafia, IV had a great story that focused on different crime families from all around the world settling in Liberty City. Story in V was about 2 old bank robbers and a black guy, the story doesn't really elevate past that and the first major plot point is absolutely retarded.

Face it. Only people who prefer V over IV are kids or people whose first GTA was San Andreas. R* wanted to evolve but you asked for the wrong things and couldn't appreciate IV.

GTA IV had better physics, V had better everything else.

5 is a higher number than 4 therefore, V > IV

>all these people thinking the music to 5 is bad

Lmao, how pleb are you?

gta 5 better gameplay
gta 4 better story

you should play vanilla GTA V on the 360 and PS3, before they added all that new music. i didn't think about it back then but now i see they were definitely holding back and waiting for the remaster to tack on another selling point to justify charging full price for the same exact game they released a year prior.

GTA V is better because GTA IV doesn't run on my PC.

>Elevating IV while bashing V for "too much realism" at the same time
What the fuck am I reading.

The newer music they added is worse. But you have Twin Shadow running a station, Henry Rollins running a station, Wavves running a station, an entire FlyLo dedicated station, Jesco White running a station. You've got new music made specifically for the game like Neon Indian for example.

>a positive aspect

Both are shit,hate to admit it but actually play the games, they suck.


Why fight over the two inferior instalments after the Trilogy?

5 had a better world, first person mode, RPG stat system, abilities/powers, and a shit ton of ways to customize each character and spend all the money you get.

4 had a better atmosphere, better story, better physics and overall better gunplay due to the better physics/realism. It also had hilarious as fuck talk shows such as that Black Judge on the WKTT station sadly missing from GTA V. GTA V had better TV shows on its in-game TV though.

In the end, I'd give it to 4 because it's more fun to fuck around due to the better AI and physics, but 5 had the more fun weapons/customizations/cheats/world.

they're both lame compared to SA

regardless of who the DJs are the music is terrible for the most part. there are only a handful of songs that i like from V but i liked most of the music in IV with the exception of the classic hip hop. but that's mostly because i've heard all those songs a billion times before the game came out.

all really bad rap and pretty shit pop. the 80s pop is decent but a generic selection.

>You can't push people like in IV

why ?
I loved doing that

user you just have shit taste in music. Every DJ for all the Radiostations picked their favorite songs. GTAIV had completely terrible radio stations until expansions came out like Liberty City Hardcore & The Beat

GTA5 has:

A$AP Rocky
Kendrick Lamar
Schoolboy Q
Danny Brown & Action Bronson
Travis Scott
Multiple Bootsy Collins songs
Rick James
Stevie Wonder
One Way
Billy Ocean
DJ Quik
Ice Cube
multiple Snoop Dogg & NWA songs
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Johnny Cash
Waylon Jennings
Willie Nelson
Def Leppard
Phil Collins
Doobie Brothers
Steve Millers Band

This is all from just 4 radio stations. Now let's just look at great radio stations from GTAIV!

Electro-Choc is literally who music until expansions were released
Fusion is literally who music
IF99 is literally who music
Jazz Nation is literally who music
Liberty City Hardcore & Rock didn't have a single good song until Lost & Damned
Radio Broker exists and it's all trash.

Why did they change the way police worked in GTA 5?
It seemed perfect in GTA 4:
>Police cars would patrol the streets
>Police would search a radius on the map based on where you were last seen
>Chasing cop cars would try to pit maneuvre you
>You had to leave the radius without being seen to lose your wanted level

GTA 5:
>Police cars don't patrol
>They just spawn 200 yards ahead of where you're driving
>Police search exactly where you are even if they can't see you
>Chasing cop cars just ram into your bumper which causes your steering wheel to automatically go full-lock left or right
>Just have to hide from their view and they'll give up

GTA V is better in most ways outside of cop AI, placement and routine.

again you're just listing names, not actual songs. and making huge autistic lists isn't going to change my opinion so i don't know why you're wasting your time. ask anyone who played vanilla GTA V and they will probably tell you that the radio is a joke compared to the game's predecessors.

LCHC was better before TLAD you fucking reprobate

GTA IV is like Tim Burton's Batman, it's girtty and tries to keep itself realistic but can still have fun.

GTA V is like Joel Schumacher's, he just says fuck subtlety, fuck realism, crank everything to 100 and have your colorful ridiculous fun.

V is superior, really.

kys, just look at gta iv radio stations on youtube and you'll see that barely anyone remember them and look at radio mirror park with over 1300k views

They really scaled down Euphoria in V, which I don't like.

yeah that's because GTA V sold more copies, genius. and it roped in even more kids than ever before, and kids like to use youtube. if youtube views are your gauge to the quality of something then we're clearly not on the same page.

Both are mediocre in their own way

all gta radio stations are popular except maybe one IV, now you tell me kids remember vice city

>gta v has better music
kek no way

it's not just kids it's casuals in general. GTA V roped in the most. GTA V has the most casual fans. it's not a difficult concept to understand.

>He actually thinks IV has good driving
V's driving is shit too but that doesn't excuse the vomit that is GTA IV driving.

Exactly the engine limitations are quite obvious in GTA V, but this is probably because of the previous generation of consoles were bound to it. Most people dont even realize the car speeds are gimped to the world loading and not realistic in any sense of the world, true for both games.

I wish you guys could watch me play GTAIV with rocket cops, aka all the weapons have changed values and some projectiles. SMGs would fire small smgs and was effectively a grenade launcher that would blow up on a strict timer. the glock most importantly was changed into a rocket projectile, and as you can imagine made pretty much everything near impossible.

What surprised me is that the game is still fully playable and beatable except the mafia industrial yard sniper mission which had spawn issues, and the van climbing mission that involved a real time cutscene with nico climbing in through the passanger side and capping the driver with his own glock- resulting in instant destruction of everybody and the van and a hard mission failure.

>Electro-Choc is literally who music until expansions were released
>literally who music

Things IV did better imo:

Story, better protagonist, better police AI (this is a big one), tons of little details and TECHNOLOGY. Also although V also had it's moments, IV's storyline had way more funny moments and interesting cutscenes.

Things V did better imo:

Large selection of vehicles. Plenty of different weapons. Improved shooting mechanics, free aim finally plays smooth af. Driving is improved (although I didn't mind the driving in IV), you can tune cars again and it's actually a fun game to race online now. In general this game seems more suited to mess around in freeroam (except the cops AI). Just more content in general.

Ultimately I like them both, but prefer IV. The story in V just doesn't compare to IV, while it had some memorable and cool setpieces, the story in GTA V just doesn't grab you and I personally was completely uninterested in the outcome halfway into the game. Also the choice you get in the end didn't make a whole lot of sense and the final mission feels rushed as fuck. IV actually had a meaningfull decision at the end and that last mission was a great way to end the game

thanks 4 reading my blog

GTA V will be best when GTA VI comes out. And GTA VI will suck until GTA VII comes out.

GTA5 has:
>fleshed out list of names that I took time to research and write out

GTA4 has:
>I have a negative opinion of this game so I'm not going to even bother fleshing out my argument at all.

Suck a redditor's flimsy cock, you dimwitted, Michael bay loving, sissyfag.

contrarianfags are the worst

GTA V will never be best, because Vice City and San Andreas exist

Hey dawg, I didn't say / liked it. That's just how Sup Forums operates.
Besides, I like Vice City the best.


gta iv had better music

>YouTube views means good music

Nicky minaj has over 100 million views on her videos, doesn't mean she nakes good music. Mcfucking kill yourself.


>literally none remember IV stations
>i-i-its good they don't know shit

I bet u listen some Sup Forumstant underground hipster garbage and pretend that you got the best taste in music, end life.

4 for story/characters/music
5 for driving mechanics/online play

It became shit with 3.

GTA 2 was the high point of the franchise.

Fucking Russians with meat grinders.

Is it much of a debate?
One of them feels like Grand Theft Auto and the other is a dreary grey tech demo

There's no debate, gtav is better in every conceivable way objectively, thats all there is to it.

>Not having the OST to every GTA game

Stay pleb

IV had a better plot, DLC, and physics for car damage and shooting.
Everything else is better on V.

>driving mechanisms

you can literally rotate your car upside down manually on a decent sized jump

Story, characters, physics is better in 4

driving, looks, cars, world better in 5

Still, 4 is my favourite GTA because Niko was a great character

ultra mega hipster

Yeah, I prefer that to
>you took a turn at 1mph over the speed limit and your car was too top heavy even though youre driving a Lamborghini

the arcade-y drive style of V is far better than the over hyper-realism of 4

>Better city
>Better story


GTAV's city and story are pretty average, but dogshit is better than GTAIV's story and city.

I thought the city in V was nice. Lots of variety put into buildings and pedestrians. Different suburbs actually feel different, which is something that IV wasn't very good at.

the inferno has very good handling, if you have trouble turning then you're just a terrible driver. the driving mechanics in IV were done purposefully to make you feel like you were progressing in the criminal underworld by getting faster and better cars. in V almost every vehicle that isn't a truck can turn on a dime.

>ultra mega hipster
>GTA 2 us hipster now
Fuck off.

it was hyperbole retard

4s driving was SHIT

V's only good station was the rock station.

I mean unless you are a sissy boy that likes modern pop.

>if you have trouble turning then you're just a terrible driver. the driving mechanics in IV were done purposefully to make you feel like you were progressing in the criminal underworld by getting faster and better cars
You're reaching pretty hard

even if it was hyperbole you shouldn't have had any trouble at all turning the inferno, not even a little bit. if you did, you are a bad driver.

>you actually have to drive the cars
m8 pls

Holy shit I was pissed that crouching became some stealth thing.

>hurr durr strawman the inferno xDDd

fuck off retard

how so?

IV > V

Why were the characters of IV better than the ones in V?

That nitpicking faggot got BTFO'd hard by the response video.

You just made that shit up inside your head to try and explain away the awful driving in IV.
There's no progression to what cars you find. IIRC the best cars were all in a showroom on the second island anyways.

because you're the sort of guy who'd rather put on a drama and have a cry than watch an action or horror movie

Trevor is an edgelord

how is that a strawman? were you not referring to the inferno when you said lamborghini? because there aren't any other lamborghini inspired cars in the game.

The only thing that I didn't like about V was the weapon firing sounds.

GTAIV nailed the noisy mess that are actual guns.

GTAV has very pretty weapon sounds which breaks the immersion for me.

GTA: SA has the best commercials.

no, those are all just different colored turismos. which is actually the fourth best car, behind the infernus, super GT, and the comet. the progression in the vehicles is more noticeable in IV than any of the other games.

Today i will remind them


GTA IV has the worst city and atmosphere of a GTA, I can't believe how awful and gray it felt, like someone plastered a shitty shader over it, GTA V was miles better in every department.

Also, GTA IVs story was SHIT.

>Large selection of vehicles
None of them handle any differently so this benefit is redundant.
>Plenty of different weapons
None of them handle any differently so this benefit is redundant.
>Improved shooting mechanics, free aim finally plays smooth af
I would disagree in virtue of the fact that you only need an assault rifle and you can't lose any of the missions.
>Driving is improved (although I didn't mind the driving in IV)
It's fucking not. See above.
>you can tune cars again
Wow they go slightly faster and stop slightly sooner! When they were already fast and stopped on a dime! Thanks Rockstar!
>and it's actually a fun game to race online now
It's only fun to your shit tier tastes. Because, in GTA IV, you had to actually pay attention to physics. That was clearly too much for you. In GTA V racing is merely alternating between braking and accelerating and steering the car. In IV you can drift, PIT other racing niggas and spin them out, use brake steer, etc. It's the mariana trench of depth compared to the puddle that is V's. It's not a racing sim by any means, but at least GTA IV actually tried to be a good driving game.
>In general this game seems more suited to mess around in freeroam (except the cops AI). Just more content in general.
Wow, a simple model swap and a new sound file. ROCKSTAR R SO GUD!


>Story & Characters

Overall GTA V is the better game but it took a huge step back in storytelling and in the whole atmosphere of the city. IV actually sort of feels like a real city and more like a real place, LS in V does not feel believable and even though I've haven't been to either place, LC seems much more reminiscent of actual NY than LS is of LA.

None of the characters in V are likeable or memorable and it all feels like a big parody. IV on the other hand has a much more serious tone and actually provides an interesting, morally grey story. It's amazing how much of a step back V was in this regard.

and yet... that extra space has absolutely nothing of relevance


street and building size is much smaller in sa.