Home street
Home street
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I'll have nine number two's.
All you had to do was follow the damn CJ, train
Like it says in the curse, we're both blessed and booked
Does the shit wood in the popes?
What fucking book
A dip with extra two number 45's
At least I fucked everything up until it was
You a CJ, busta
Straight, busta straight
looking real gangsta, technical AHAHAaa
How come you allowed to blind if you drive
>yfw he was delaying etc
What do I have?
Hit me.
Are you sure man?
I'm going for a five card hand
Yfw big smoke knew the Ballas were gonna attack you, so he took a long time placing his order so you couldn't make it to the perfect killzone, saving all your lives
Big smoke is a mastermind
Ryder was on his side, right?
then why he still shoot at the ballas and told Smoke "hey, shoot you fat fuck" and stuff?
Im guessing he was trying to tell him "dont be so obvious" or something.
Them's your duckets now!
Did they side with ballas from the very beginning?
Yeah, before CJ arrived Los santos.
Smoke saw the opportunity to be into the drug business and shit, and told ryder to join him
Ryder hesitated a little, but in the end accepted.
They tried to tells sweet, but sweet went muh grove and stuff
So, they send ballas to kill him in the green sabre but they killed Cj's mom by mistake.
And thats were all began
Least it fuck, til I was up everything
I don't remember any of that being explained. Guess it's time to reinstall
CJ, shit! CJ!
Its not ingame, its on some special cutscenes
How did CJ fuck up?
he didn't follow the damn train
He left in search of better life, abandoning the 'hood.
>current year
>NOT following train
how can you fuck this up
>people actually thought the train mission with Smoke was difficult
Just keep the right distance from the train and Smoke will get them down.
>White Cop
>mfw it's fucking Jimmy
That is Officer Pendlebury. A fine man I might add.
Curse Berkley you! You curse!
>the Ballas control Grove St. In V
yeah fucking blow me
we can crap on you from such a height, god will think you himself have shitted on you
Innocent Tommy Vercetti is a man!