The game itself is not canon

>The game itself is not canon
What fucking garbage lore

That's because the game is shit


>t. Randy Pitchford

Who's the black guy?

>playing Overwatch for the story

What would Overwatch (Titan) have been like as an MMO?

nice opinion you got from Sup Forums there. try to think for yourself user

I play for the backstory.

Probably a custom super hero game.


Why would you play the game then? The game itself has no story in it whatsoever so theres no point you idiot.

>playing Overwatch for the backstory

Reaper isn't black.

I played it this free weekend.
I did not change my opinion on it being a shitty Overpriced (get it?) game.

I was talking about the butts :-)

The game is first person, you rarely have a chance to stop and look at butts. You're a fucking idiot.

>just assuming xyr race

Wow I bet you assumed xyr gender too shitlord

>The game is first person, you rarely have a chance to stop and look at butts.

Let's analyze the scenario if the game was canon

>LMOA why is zenyata working with talon to kill the omnics nice lore blizzdrones xdd

What I'm getting at is that there'd still be senseless bitching

Tf2 made it work make the game take place years later and be about old overwatch members needing to fight each other for one reason or another

Stop complaining user! It's the most diverse game in history! I can't wait for them to reveal who is the gay character.

If it was up to me, I would say that one of the Overwatch hero's is gay, but never say which one. Never even hint at it. Id make a public post condemning people who wanted to know, telling them that the hero's sexuality is none of their business, and maybe even saying they are homophobes for caring so much

Id kill a man to read the Kotaku article following in this' wake

Blizzard's writing sucks anyway. The game is okay.

How about you bring back the lost vikings in a proper lost vikings game though, you fucking ginormous faggots.

Woo Boy... wait til you find out about fighting games

Of course the game is canon. All of the Overwatch characters go out and fight in a dozen different locations in the world and die hundreds of times every single day. What's so hard to understand about that?

You mean like Resident Evil? The single most overrated video game franchise in history? The embodiment of "lol why the fuck are people playing this?" in video game form?

I've never touched Overwatch but if you're going to shit on games for doing this let's spread the hate around.


Blizz already said they're not revealing who is canon gay and straight.
And they are so totally aware of all the shipping and SFM going on with OW.

>caring about the lore/story of Overwatch

I thought only autistic 13 year olds cared about it

What are you on about you delusional shitposter?

It's genuinely boring and I wouldn't pay money for it.

Unless you play Torbjorn.

Ur so funy. Tel me more to be gud at joek.

>playing any videogame
>my own individual playthrough isn't canon

Why is this acceptable?


The game

>Implying someone who doesn't like Overwatch automatically loves Battleborn.
They're both shit, man.