>Play a moba for tablets
>It's more fun than all the ones on PC
>Play a moba for tablets
>It's more fun than all the ones on PC
>smearing my cum all over a screen is better than m+kb
Is that how you usually play mobas?
That's how i fuck your mom.
>on MMOs.com
this is fucking retarded
>on Sup Forums.org/v/
this is fucking retarded
I found vainglory super boring. It was slow as hell. And who wants to spend a half hour in a match on the tablet? Tablet and phone gaming is only decent to kill time with, not invest time into. Its great for tavelling too. But all these things usually mean quick games or games that dont depend too much on the internet (travelling by train for example) tend to be better.
TL:DR vainglory is trash and if you really wanna spend time on a moba, there are better options.
There's the speed mode which is about five minutes.
Name 5(five) games that aren't mobas
protip:you can't
>playing a moba
>on a tablet
>discussing it on Sup Forums
This hurts.
>Had a smartphone for years
>Never really tried any games because they all seemed boring and whatnot
>Decide to try it out
>Most games are shit
>Discover Voez
>Rhythm game
>You only get to unlock like 5 songs out of 90, if you want the other ones you have to pay $100
Why? Why don't they just put a normal price for the game like $20-40 and be done with it?
I also tried some shoot em up and while I was in the middle of the fucking game a video ad came up that I couldn't skip for 25 seconds, when it went away, I was already dead and they asked me if I want to be revived for $1.
Yeah fuck talking about games
Freemium games are a literal cancer. I'm glad that shit hasn't infected real games yet.
You fuck his mother behind a screen? Isn't that just internet porn?
>play one moba you played them all cause they're all the same shit
>apparently one is more fun than the other
nice bait.
>have shit taste
>enjoy eating shit
It's just simpler and easier and that appeals to your underdeveloped millennial mind. You know, the same thing with LoL players hating Dota 2.
Dota has too much of a burden of knowledge
What are some good mobile games? I can't find any.
I agree with this, but its actually pretty fucking difficult to actually click on the shit, and is why im a pretty bad player, I can do well in fps's, but when it comes to dota I fumble like fuck in faster paced matches.
>dota clones that don't understand what makes dota fun
there are none
>what makes dota fun
Phone games are nothing more then time wasters, they use archaic arcade designs
It just requires constant attention and some people can't handle that. I see Dota 2 as way more rewarding for the exact reason that it's a bit more complicated and demanding. At the end of the day, to each his own, I guess.
>p2g """loot""" boxes
It's been in real games longer
But I need a good time wasters which use archaic arcade designs.
Skyforce Reloaded
Haven't played Dota in quite a long time, but on the top my head:
- denying creeps
- creep block
- higher skill ceiling
- a lot more technically demanding heroes
- more complicated recipes
And, last but not least... hold on to your butts... aaaaaany second now:
- not being a totally uninspired mess of unoriginality spiced up with weeaboo tits
On another note though, LoL's community is pretty much as childish and toxic as Dota's. Yes, Russians, I'm talking about you.
>shilling your shitty mobile moba only koreans play on Sup Forums