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No amount of XV shitposting will change my mind on how XIII is the worst in the series, right next to II.
Fuck you, the first fucking dungeon in XV is already better designed than the entirity of XIII

First I need a 20 hour tutorial.

I haven't enjoy a final fantasy game since 9 but then I started to like it a little again after XIII-2 but then started hating it again after lighting returns


As long as XV's tutorial isn't literally 20 hours long it's already better.

Apologize to Toryama-san right now and maybe he will make XIII-IV

X was the last good one. Sure it was a corridor as well but at least it still felt like a damn Final Fantasy game. It was also the last FF done by Squaresoft.

How the fuck did they give this crazy man funding? Honestly who cares? That shitty mmo and Vaan kinda killed my spirit for Final Fantasy already.

Why would I? I've been defending you here for years. 12 is still better though

kill yourself

FF has been shit since Sakaguchi left, desu.

Bro it gets good 35 hours in!


12 was ok


Vaan and the gambit system made the game a chore to play.

...about what?
It was alright. Fuck the internet memes and shitposters.

13-2 was a lot better tho', and LR was literal GOTY material.

>These retarded threads every day actually make me consider replaying it to see if it's as bad as I remember it
>Open up steam
>Remember that the characters are all complete faggots that I want nothing to do with
>The combat system is more bland than turn-based

Should I emulate X, or play the remaster?

remaster, it's been fixed.
the only bad thing remaining is Tidus' crackhead face. not worth gimping the whole game just for his looks.

Remaster. It has some legitimate faults but on the whole, almost everything is vastly improved.

One notable fault is that in X, subtle facial animations such as brow movement are either severely toned down or nonexistent in the high-poly cutscene models. This makes some characters, mostly yuna, look lifeless in the cutscenes. Oddly enough, X-2 does not share this problem.

I'll apologise to the setting, designs and even characters (except fucking Snow), but never to Toriyama.

No, fuck you Lighting.

oh I'd fuck her alright

You could ignore Vaan and the game is challenging to set up (combat-wise) unless you grind and/or take forever to go through areas and so have like 80 hours before you beat it. (I did both and it was still fun despite not being a challenge).

Frankly the only bad FF game is 2 and that's because of the combat system. Arguably 8 may also be. 12 is great and 13 is fine (one you get to the endgame on Pulse, doubt many even beat the easy main game).

I'm sorry, Final Fantasy 13. Looking back, it's a miracle that you didn't have any DLC and I should have appreciated that in 2010.

XIII is the only Final Fantasy that I've ever felt compelled to finish.

right in the armpit

no, fuck off. the latest itteration of the series does not make any past transgressions any less awful

fuck XIII, fuck lightning, and fuck you fags that keep trying to say MUH XIII IS GUD GUISE XV IS WORSE

>fuck lightning

Oh. I haven't even thought of it.
Man, fuck this industry.

It doesn't become better just because time has passed. It is a poor game. This isn't going to change ever.

I apologize.

time to listen


XV's metacritic score is higher than XII's. You apologize for this shit thread, and for making it profitable enough to be turned into a trilogy, wasting everyone's time. Or you can repent by killing yourself.

I won't apologize.

I don't hate you and You never did anything bad to me either.

In fact, I think I'll buy LR next month.

Destructoid rating for FFXIII is 4/10
Destructoid rating for FFXV is 9/10

I don't think so, OP.

c-could u make a better port pls

We all agree he was the best character, right?

You do realize that said FF13 review was found out to be falsified and Jim Sterling lied about finishing right?


The bare minimum a reviewer has to do is finish the game before making a full review over it. Missing material causes the review to become biased one way or another.

>XIII is so shitty even paid reviewers couldn't give it a good score

You would have to literally pay me milions to finish XIII.

That piece of shit made me lose will to live as FF is one of my fav series. And making 2 sequels out of that piece of shit didn't help.

Hyped as fuck for XV tho as i love Real time combat.

But there's a huge fucking difference between the level design in X and XIII, which comes down to one, fundamental gameplay mechanic:

Treasure Chests in FFX were actually a 'thing'.

A major flaw with FF13's design is the lack of collectable goods you can get excited for. See, when you came across a treasure chest in FFX, it was always a beneficial thing to happen to you, as almost anything and everything you could loot from them would come in handy in the long haul. Hell, even character progression was directly linked to collectables.

FF13's gameplay is much more disconnected from the loot mechanic. I personally finished 75% of the game without ever making much use of the boring, simplistic crafting system, and new equipment itself didn't make for a visible upgrade in performance when I found one.

If your main character itself is KO-d, the entire party is wiped. (I think the term artificial difficulty sounds stupid, but I think it's a fitting description to that dumb fuckery, just by-the-by.) This inherently shifts the focus away from reviving party members with your limited supply of Phoenixes to just not ever dying to begin with. Mana isn't a thing either, so you don't need to dig your neighbor's trash cans for mana pots either. Battles as a whole feel disconnected from outside influences and accomplishments.

It's still lying to the audience and the people who worked on the game.

That's how shit that kind of review is. A reviewer's job is to FINISH a game and then review it.

But FF13 had treasure chests.

Collectables are a huge time waster and gets really annoying.

Point is, there's no need created in you to explore for chests and treasure. And if you think about it, FFX's entire level design was focused around finding chests and treasure. It's the sole reason why you didn't run past every screen. You went behind each little house and path and spammed X to see if there's a hidden chest. You tapped O along suspicious edges to see if there's a hidden path you can jump up or down to. You stopped to do frivolous shit and mini games for the promise of cool new thingamajigs. Things like these make you become more attentive to the environment. You pay attention to where you are, you subconsciously absorb the scenery, instead of plowing through it as fast as possible.

Which you do in FF13. Or at least I did. A lot. You see, you could go back in time and pay Da Vinci himself to draw an artsy fartsy backdrop to your level, but nobody's going to just STOP and experience it on their own.

You have to corral player behavior to appreciate the art you create. Put some treasure on a cliffside so they can walk into the vista. If there's 2 specific celestial bodies in the sky, maybe you should refer to it beforehand, so you make at least SOMEONE giddy about seeing it.

But FF13's design is simply below complexities like that. It's simply not a thing that the director even thought about. The fact that there's no hidden lore that expands upon the world spread around in the level design doesn't help this either.

>A reviewer's job is to FINISH
So if i am guy that tastes food for money and the food is so fucking bad it makes me literally puke and fucks up my stomach to insane levels should i still finish it?

>inb4 food analogy

Not going to fall for this meme no matter how bad XV is. XIII will always be garbage.

This might sound like utter nit-picking, but it bugs the fuck out of me. To me, killing enemies has always had this satisfying aspect in Final Fantasy.

Take FF7. You kill a monster, it turns red and fades out while this awesome "TSSSS" sound bit plays. For bosses, the "TSSS" is louder and longer. It's freaking awesome!

In FFX, when you kill an enemy, they ALL play a death animation, and have this demonic outcry sound byte as they evaporate into pyreflies.

What happens in FF13? You whack an enemy, it fades out. That's it. No death animation. No death sound byte. This is a PS3/360 game we're talking about, and yet a basic aspect of the game is outdone by the first 3D Final Fantasy from the 90's.

>The fact that there's no hidden lore that expands upon the world spread around in the level design

Datalogs are a thing.

>all those comments claiming otherwise
it really is dishonest as fuck to publish a review without beating the game. your public is assuming you've at least beaten the main story to know what you're talking about, unless you disclose in your review that you've dropped halfway in, which is somehting he didn't do.
people who say "you don't need to eat shit to see it tastes bad" are justifying the old "judging a book by its cover" like >the association begins and ends at "you consumed a part of the product". literally nothing else applies, it's a huge false equivalency.

No but thankfully video games being bad won't cause you any bodily harm unless you're an autist.

Death animations are important but I liked how their model turns black then evaporates.

Oh don't give me that bullshit. Food and video games are two different things

If you walk out of a movie half way through, how do you know what happens next? What doesn't make sense now might make sense later and vice versa.

Same with video games. What if the plot introduces something that was set up in the first half that you didn't understand?

What if a new game mechanic shows up that you haven't tested out yet?

What if a bug comes in the later half? Or lazy game design in the other half? How do you know about it if you didn't finish it.

>judging a book by its cover

Nigger i played the game for more than 10 FUCKING HOURS and it was SHIT For all of this 10 hours.

XII which is said to be the grindfest MMO-tier FF still gets good faster, hell atleast it gets better at all.

>normal enemies in X shit out tons of pyreflies on death
>final boss only 1

Wow... I didn't know this. I did the research and found out what you said is actually true.

Thanks. I take back what I originally posted.

Fuck Jim Sterling. Why didn't they remove his "review" from Metacritic?

>People were actually impressed by FFXIII

Even the dialogue is fucking trashcan tier.

"Don't be so stupid! You know damn well we can't escape the PSICOM! We are all l'Cie now! We have no chance! The only way through the Pulse Vestige is to stop by Palimpolum because we need to avoid the l'Cie Ark! Barthondelus is actually a Fal'Cie all along, you dweeb! Don't be so ignorant! I can't believe we have to become Ragnarok, otherwise we turn into crystals! You're so childish, for keeping your spirits up despite this, Snow!

Snow: Hey, man, Heroes don't need a plan!

Hope: OMMAHFUGGEN GOD YOU RAPED MY MOTHER! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS! *43 years after Hope's mother intentionally let go of Snow's hand.*

Sazh: Dajh! Dajh!? Dajh, where are yoooou!?

Vanille: I am not Rikku.

>Nigger i played the game for more than 10 FUCKING HOURS and it was SHIT For all of this 10 hours.
good, then make your review and state in it that you've played for only 10 hours.
or better yet, don't call it a review, but "First Look" or "Impressions" instead.

Prompto is alone better than the whole cast of that fucking garbage XIII except for the nigga with the bird that guy was cool.

Vanille was ironically the opposite of Rikku in that she was one of the only important characters in your party whereas Rikku is about as relevant as Khimari.

He played 20/30 hours of a 100 hour game and stopped
He's an unprofessional, overemotional child, he deserved to be blacklisted for lying to the readers
The same goes for all the lying sellouts who scored MGSV without completing the game

Which leads us to MGSV getting 10/10s everywhere

No, I said FINISH. Which is about a 40 hour RPG. Completed is a WHOLE new monster that only The Competionist does on a weekly basis.

>one of the only important characters

Because she was a simplistic McGuffin to the plot. Who the fuck cares? Your video game was one of the most garbo experiences I've ever had, and one of the main reasons I switched from consoles to PC.

Whats with all these FF13 threads recently?

>He played 20/30 hours of a 100 hour game

If someone played 100hours of XIII i bet he would end up in a mental asylum

X was never good.


Zelda cycle basically.

Actually it's over 50 hours to complete FFXIII
And yeah, I'm ok with this, just finish the thing
It's like being a food critic, and writing a review of a whole menu after only eating the first dish, if you do that you lose all credibility and can probably get sued by consumers and chefs

honestly if the game is so fucking bad that someone can't bring themselves to continue playing it, even though they're getting paid to, that tells me a hell of a lot more about the game than most reviews.

jim sterling is a hack though, i'll give you that

>Your game

woah woah man, I ain't one of these apologists. I was just pointing out an amusing irony. I loathe 13.

it's more like writing a review about a full course meal at restaurant and saying "the salad was too salty so I went home, 0/10"

No, to the trash it goes.

It just means they're a lazy shit who can't even do a thing people pay to do
They deserve my disdain not my sympathy

Who was a worse main antag?

Seymour or Barthandelus? Both are pompous phony church leaders dressed in big silly robe outfits that are repeatedly fought throughout the game. By their last encounter they're both pretty much laughed at by the party who are sick of their shit. They have associated summons (Anima for Seymour and... that bird for barthandelus?) and they both have the same whiny nihilistic 'kill everyone' perspective on things.

if you legitimize temper tantrums as the expected behavior of all professionals of a category, it tells a hell of a lot more about your low standards when evaluating criticism.
can you imagine the same happening for any other industry? "wow that guy is such a genius, he literally dropped everything and told everyone to fuck off, it says a lot about everyone but himself"

well at least seymour did things that made sense so that gives him a few points vs bart

>Seymour or Barthandelus?

Who and who

>Pope randomly becomes a transformers robot.
>Random guy gets killed in a cutscene, while the main cast interrupts some non-descript, unexplained race and we're supposed to care.
>Not once are we even treated to a shot of pulse to get a sense of what in the fuck the world's geography/geometry might look like.
>People just get summons out of nowhere for getting really angry.
>Annoying fucking J-pop plays for 50% of the soundtrack. I had a shitty job back then, and I went home only to play this garbage game, then back to the shitty job and have that fucking J-pop stuck in my head.

This game was fucking horrible, fuck off Neo-Sup Forums.


It felt like the last Fantasy game, all the ones that came after it felt like Nu-JRPG with FF references and Action combat, but it never felt like FF anymore.

user spoke the truth.

I am sorry. Clearly now i see how wrong was i. You got lucky, if it only was Versus...

Barthy at least was scary and challenging, with a decent amount of carisma
Seymour has only one redeeming part, his final battle song

fucking casuls, brainfucked since 2006 by facebook, flooding every corner of the internet with their shit taste of video games. No matter how hard they get fucked by the industry, they will hold the line to get even more butt pressure from their lovley publisher. From deep in their anus all the way up to their throat they keep vomiting the lossly words put in their mind by the most fucked up shill/bot/socjus agenda driven shithole of this planet.

true vidya had his glory days back in 2006. Than slowley morphed into a gigantic designated shittingplace. generic as fuck, super easy so even a braindead baby understand it and milked to death by every cancer you could ever imagin.

Fuck off, Final Fantasy is dead. The last truly good FF was made by squarsoft and it will remain as the last good FF!

Saymour is still better, he was shunned by the whole world, even his own race due to prejudice, going to the point of being traumatized as a kid for seeing his own mother having to sacrifice herself to save him, leaving him alone to fend off for himself.
He is merely lashing back, while Bart is just a pawn of the superior gods, acting all smug like he's got everyone played but actually doesn't have a say in anything.

Yeah instead the game is 20 hours long now

Seymour had better boss fights besides his final 4th one.

With sidequests dungeons and exploring
>which the game is about

Its around 40

I barely remember Barthandelus' motives or backstory. So I guess Seymour is better.

>temper tantrums

a bad review is not a temper tantrum

at a certain point of playing, you know if a game is so bad it couldn't do anything to redeem itself. having attempted to play FF13, i know this is true in this specific case. I don't care if it gets better at the end. even if Lighting popped out of my TV and sucked my dick, the game is so horrible it's not worth sitting through it up to that point.

no I won't, you have the same retarded story-telling as FFXV.

pic related is a way superior Final Fantasy, even if it's not FF at all.

Like XIII is a 100+ hour game if you do side content
Like every FF since 7 is over 40 hours to beat the main story without side content?
Kill yourself for defending this crap

>true vidya had his glory days back in 2006

thats a really weird way to spell 1998

>t. didn't actually do anything in Gran Pulse
XIII's lore is leagues better than X's
The problem is that you have to leave the actual plot (which is fucking terrible) behind to find it and there's no encouragement to do any of this from the first 3/4 of the game so it can get easily skipped by most players

Problem with XIII is 20-30 to get to the best open part and then the game finishes immediatly after.

>tfw Nomura has designed two based niggas

>every FF since 7 is over 40 hours to beat
>you get the best sword in 9 by getting to the final boss in 12 hours


>a bad review is not a temper tantrum
dropping your work is.
not all bad reviews are a temper tantrum, but all temper tantrums lead to a bad review, like in this case.
>at a certain point of playing, you know if a game is so bad it couldn't do anything to redeem itself.
you have every right to do so as a consumer. however, he is a reviewer, it's his job to properly analyze the game. meanwhile you're not doing a job, you're just enjoying a product you've bought.