Why haven't you hacked your friends 3ds? They aren't as informed as you, help them!

Why haven't you hacked your friends 3ds? They aren't as informed as you, help them!

I'm on the newest firmware

I don't have any friends

But I did! And now I'm going to unban myself with his console!

I don't have friends. I did hack my roommate's for him though, but that was more because I had to to do mine.

I hacked my sisters 3ds before she got a kid and didn't have time to play anymore

How can you have a roomate and not be friends with him?

3ds is for ???????

I mean, I guess he's my only friend by virtue of being the only person I interact with. He used to beat me and berate me and stuff. I met him from Sup Forums.

Wait let me get this straight.

You somehow actually met someone from Sup Forums irl, you moved in with him and he used to hit you? Are you some kind of trap or something? Why would a man let another man hit him and still live with him?

Yes, yes and yes. Living with him is the better alternative to where else I could live. He has since stopped though.

I pirated friends with hacked 3DSes, there's no need :^)

Want to be my trap roommate? I'll cuddle and play games with you all day

What does hacking a 3DS get you? Legit question. I'm looking to buy a 3DS finally and am curious.

I upvote and second this

Well, you can play pirated games on it

Depends, where do you live, what living expenses do I gotta cover and what kinda video games do you like?

>wanna cyber XD@@

fuck off back to deviant art you mentally ill sodomites

But user, it's cyber Monday. It's in the spirit of the day.

Is online play possible with a hacked 3ds?

>People not having a hacked 3DS in 2016

>Hey I bought a 3DS like you told me to, now how do I hack this thing?

Thanks for the help.

What's the advantage?

Is it quick n easy?

How does online work?

Wouldn't mind hacking it, may just get a custom cartridge that fits micro SD and out games on that. I don't mind paying for games as I have a good career but if it's worth to hack it I wouldn't mind it.

Thanks ahead of time.

Is this a jojo reference?

It's a little bit long, it's just about impossible to mess up if you can follow step by step guides though. Online works and if you have a New 3DS, I heard you can set it to be slightly overclocked and some games will run better.

I need help im on firmware 1.2 really want to play revelations T.T

No downside

>backups of your saves and firmware in case your 3ds breaks
>screenshots without miiverse
>region free
>makes it compatible with most old ds flashcarts if you have one
>custom themes, badges

If you own a n3ds:
>overclocking every game
>streaming without capture card or hardmods
>screenshot homebrew runs more stable and works with more games
>even faster to hack than o3ds

Timestamp your 3ds and I'll help.

Thanks, I'm pretty tech savvy I used to root my old androids manually (no auto run .bats like today).

I'll look into the process, as I have a new 3ds and over clocking it sounds intredasting

It's not really overclocking. The N3DS runs at 800MHz on N3DS games. However it downclocks itself to 200MHz for old 3DS games.

The "overclock" is just making it run at 800MHz for old 3DS games.

Thanks dude I'll definitely look into it.

luckily I got a 9.9 firmware and managed to hack it successfully

Nice, where can I read more on that? Just genuinely curious.

Guys I need help and reddit is slow as shit for helping me out..

I hacked my 3ds a couple days ago and installed a load of .cia files which worked great. I was playing fire emblem SS last night and when I booted up my 3ds this morning all my icons had gone from my home screen except my cartridge and all the ninendo files (eshop, settings etc.) wtf has happened. Pic related (sorry for shit quality). My custom theme still works fine so I think it's struggling to find the files for some reason.

I'm using Luma and on v 11.2.0, can anyone help?

You still get banned for playing sun/moon online?

Have you downloaded over 300 titles? I heard there's a glitch where your icons turn invisible.

Only if you use the leaked version

I'd use the Freeshop version instead of Lurantis to be safe but no, it was only people going online before the release that got hit.

I have no friends so nobody asked. I'll do it for free if anyone IRL (fat chance) wants me since I'm so nice along with giving them an old Acekard 2i and Gateway Blue which is really a fully functional R4 clone.

No idea sorry, I just read it from some guy that read it from some other guy probably. Might find a better answer with Google.

Nah, just one screens worth with icons at smallest setting, so easily less than 100

But I have, user.

I did, downloading .cias as I type this.
Question: I'm on EU so can I install US .cias that are region free?

I got banned because going online before release date.
I just unbanned myself last week. Been playing online since then with the same cia from Lurantis.

I did a few weeks ago so he could play Sun and Moon early.

And then he got fucking banned

I regret nothing

I haven't hacked my 3DS because I have a limited edition version, and want to keep it pure. Maybe some day, if I can get a throwaway version on the cheap.

Also, getting the back plate off the New 3DS XL is a pain in the ass.

>constant threads about pc gamers being pirates

>its ok when console cucks do it!

Cool. I'll download sun later tonight.


How easy is it to get these games? Is there just a file of sun/moon online right now that I can just download to a sd card or something?

Very easy, scan a qr code easy.
The 3ds is FUCKED

where de codes

Can I hack a 2ds?

Google 3ds title keys and use FBI
Yep, follow the guide for a standard 3ds.

>implying my friends know what 3DS is
fucking normalfags

FBI can't access my camera I guess.

Yes we can