I'm enjoying the fuck out of this game, it's much better than HR

I'm enjoying the fuck out of this game, it's much better than HR.
It's especially fun breaking into places and exploring for secrets and little details which was my favorite activity in all of the DX games.

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Same, but shame for no asian hub

Not many games with beautiful european architecture, pleny which have a generic asian level.
Decent tradeoff for me.

>Asian hub with as much detail as Prague
I really fucking hope next game takes this chance

Golem City market kinda gave a hint of that, the area they use for benchmark

Hope it won't be china again. Best thing they can do is make a hub in southeast asia imo.

This game is worse than HR in every aspect other than graphics, fuck off shill.
And it is still a broken bugged mess without properly functioning controls on PC. I don't even remember last time I played a game that crushed so often.

Is there going to be something more than System Rift?

you clearly haven't played the game, go grab a torrent, it's been cracked

Something in winter.

one more story dlc this winter and that's it

The architecture is inspired by European buildings, but it actually looks nothing like Prague. I understand that it's a game and it real life areas don't suit gameplay very well, but man, it spoils the setting a bit for me.

>Better art design
>Better sidequests
>Better level design

Controls are fine, the optimization is fixed as well.
Stop pulling shit out of your ass user.

Only times it crashed for me was the Koller mission in his shop, it literally crashed in every room at very specific times. After that I had zero crashes. Mouse acceleration can be fixed somwhat in regestry, otherwise the controls are fine.

I never bought Season Pass and once I do this is all I get? Holy shit, desperate measures was pure shit, rift was decent but short so the last one i better gonna be good.

Stop shilling your shit game. It's 5 hours long and has shitty melee mechanics . literally babies first stealth game

OP, please post more screenshots of various environments, preferably apartments, from the game.

I have no intention of ever buying or pirating the game, but I absolutely love shit like this.

It feels like a mix of Prague with Budapest, I've spend some time in both cities.

yeah, desperate measures was shit, especially the writing

Just pirate it man, screenshots can't even fully represent these environments.


Nah, it would require for me to free up too much space, and I have it all filled to the brim with stuff that can't be found anymore online. I need to burn some stuff on DVDs or upload them to something that lets me upload hundreds of GB as a backup.

I finished it 2 days ago. There is nothing but vents and dialogues between vents.

Inventory fully copied from 5 years old game.
All gun models are copied from 5 years old game.
Shooting mechanics and gunfights are so boring, so unresponsive and "wooden", that you will never want to shoot in this game.
Still encourages non-letal over letal by providing more exp.
Stealth in this game is nothing but gimmick, blind and deaf enemies who won't notice you in front of them and ignoring you taking down anyone 1 meter from them.

HR was kind of same tier game, but it was ok, because of the huge gap between previous deus ex release. People wanted to jump into this universe and experience it, forgiving the flaws, small or big. Now, 5 years later, they are throwing a shitty aids cashgrab reskin with maximum jewery and barely functioning port which can't be handled by best rigs on the market. So short, bland and so downscaled, no wonder this game flopped harder than anything this year.

This game is a joke, so are you.


Shame about how takedown and 3rd person cover centric it is

HDDs are quite cheap these days.

>make wrong points
>get called out
>make other points disregarding initial post
try again

I personally hate the lack of full body awareness.

Not where I live. We pay for PC hardware 30-50% more than the West because of our corrupt government and its taxes on import and everything, but earn a shitload less than the average 1st world western country.

A decent quality 2TB HDD is roughly 100 euros.

I've got everything turned up to max, except MSAA of course.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but the game just doesn't look good to my eye. I think its the sharpening-- but if i disable it, the game looks like a blurry mess. What do?

Can you get enough praxis for all the augs? I remember managing that in HR at the end.

Also, how common is cash, should I go for the tranq rifle at the beginning to sell later?

If you explore you're gonna have more praxis, money and neuropoz than you can actually spend. You don't even need to be OCD about the exploring to end up rich.

>read arguments
>respond with nothing
>read more arguments
>respond with nothing again
>pretend your opinion matters
Keep consuming garbage, steamspy is all I need to prove my point.

>I personally hate the lack of full body awareness.
Yeah this really sucks, wish you could see your torso and legs when you look down and cast a shadow.
You already can see your arms when sprinting, it's weird why they didn't go all the way this time.

>Not where I live

Yes you get more than enough if you explore, I'm just on my second visit on prague and already put points into dump augs.

It short but stylish in many ways. Very atmospheric.




>that quest where you have to protect your AI waifu from hipster agents

Why does the SSAO look so shit in this game
None of the interior shots look right.

If you think such "gameplay" is acceptable in 2016, please kill yourselves.


This game is garbage.

Looks allright when you switch it to "ON",
Very high looks too dark.
Also I'm using reshade to boost colors a bit and sharpen the image, the ingame sharpen it way too extreme.


What does it mean?

>exploring secrets

Well, i did not know at all that you can attach silencer on a shotgun.

It instantly became my second favorite weapon.

Also, i want them to release a gameplay patch. Revolver EMP ammo, Lancer can use normal 7.62 ammo, Devastator can use normal shotgun ammo, more shotgun AP ammo, smg not to be useless with silencer, bring back those homing mods for assault rifle/smg, armor piercing system for pistol, explosive rounds for revolver, heavy rifle, lazer rifle, plasma rifle, crossbow, a good old pre-order sniper rifle, rocket launcher, minigun, etc etc etc.

Also, they need to fix TESLA system.

Protip: dont drop items, as they will disappear after missions. Leave them where they should be, except in missions.

I'm hording all the unique weapons and extra ammo in my appartment's storage lockers.

Is that Adam's new apartment?


things that bother my autism

Dont do that. You can get 200 7.52 AP ammo, a fully upgraded Lancer, 200 .357 AP ammo and unique/normal revolver, 3 Grenade Launchers (they store 6 of each ammo types at the same time - its awesome), a fully decked out Assault Rifle and unique one with 400 5.56 AP and EMP ammo. Same with shotguns and pistol.

This shit triggered my autism so hard in the game... i wished soo much that they give players an even better storage system, like your max upgraded inventory, except 3 of them, and ability to hold same weapons. Would make much more sence than the boxes.

Also, they need to fix ammo upgrade numbers.

I mean, for AR - 48 rounds total in two upgrades? From 50 total in3 in HR?

Fuck man, they need gameplay patch soo bad.

It looks like Prague and generally like Central europian cities. Of course the areas are all completely made up, but it definitely looks like Prague.
I should know I live there.

Well, i mean, dont pick all the stuff thats there. Player dropped items disapper forever after missions, same with ones dropped by enemies. You can get all of the unique weapons after second mission. Stock up on ammo tho, you want them nice 200 stacks.

>it's much better than HR.



>he hasn't beaten I never asked for this
What r u, casul?

I also think it's better than HR, like, significantly. I found HR fucking boring.
Then again I haven't finished it and I heard it ends abruptly as sequel-bait which sounds lame as fuck.
Eh the architecture is similar enough it's just that Prague's buildings are mostly darker stone than what you see in the game. Then again that might be my brain just remembering them as darker since i'm not sure i was outside much during the day when i lived there.
Thailand would be fucking cool.

>all those augmented girls (male)

Do not want.

I was pretty pissed that we didn't get to visit Rabi'ah after all those teases during the game. I guess it'll probably be featured in the next one.

How would you visit it if it doesn't exist?
They are basically doing a Kikestarter scam with it.

>it's much better than HR

Isn't it supposed to be under construction during the events of the game?

Posts like yours remind me of pre-leak HR shitposts, try playing it, pirate if you must.

So what? Both HR and MD sucked. They both promised they would be Deus Ex games, but instead I got a really desperate and shitty attempt by Final Fantasy to be Metal Gear Solid.

>not wanting neon ladyboy penises spinning in your face
get out
Real talk though the merge of grimy, humid tropical Asia with cyberpunk works really well, like in this shit: vimeo.com/51138699

I beat it, my pham, it's awful

Nope, they are at the "fishing for donator retards" phase.

I want to rekt their shit already. You promised, Sqeenix.

It is on par with or slightly better than HR.

My only gripes are weapons/ammo thingies, and the fact that all your dropped shit disappears after missions, thus leaving player with limited safe storage.

did they fix the combat

i keep askin this shit and nobody has an answer

is it still headshot everyone with the pistol: the game

I found storage an issue until i stopped doing stupid shit like collecting alcohol and keeping weapons that i'll never use in my stealthy, mostly non-lethal playthrough.
Speaking of does it still count as non-lethal if an enemy accidentally kills his friend? Had that happen in the Neon lab.
No and yes.
Pistols don't have AP ammo anymore as far as I can tell, the laser sight doesn't make them 100% accurate so you can shoot people from blindfire either, the majority of enemies have helmets now as well.
But the stun gun is now so good it makes everything trivial.

so "Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition" is on sale, is this the version I should play?
is there a remake on the way I should wait for?
is there a source mod I should play instead?

or maybe some mods that I should install for first playthrough?

No, grab it and start playing. If a remake is coming, it's not gonna be here for years.
You might want to download Kentie's launcher tho.

GMDX is a good mod but just play it normally first time and use GMDX for replays.

So what are your thoughts on the theory that the current Adam isn't the real one?. Was youtube.com/watch?v=UiIKzckWeyI just an easter egg? There are various things in the game that hint that.

Goddammit Janus, you fucking moron.

ok, thanks.

Shit, I must've missed this place. Looks nice.

I want to believe it's original Jensen we're playing as, just that he's gotten tampered by luuminati. But that vault find is plain suspicious, I hope it's a red herring of sorts.

Janus is going to get recked. Mostly thanks to Jensen.

I did not bother storing anything appart from weapons and ammo. Still not enough space.

I loved it for the same reasons I did HR, the atmosphere and feel of it, I actually want to explore, and go around looking, which is rare these days.
Hope we don't have to wait too long for the next.

So,what does Volkard have to gain by being a member of the Illuminati along with being the leader of a hactivist group?

Not enough games in modern urban settings that aren't just lazy copy paste sandboxes.

Will you be able to import saves into the next game?

As in, choices carrying over from MD to whatever is next.

>cpy torrent up
>no piss filter
Why arent you playing this, faggots?

How bad does this game run on a meme 970 at 1080?

human revolution was a dumb game tryin to pass itself off as a smart game and the sequel sounds like more of the same

But I am.

They are, partly, but still need investors to finish the project

wish this was a real statue.
It looks so fucking cool.

if the game used a more advanced voxel based ao it would run like crap, the screen based ao solution in this game looks great, but its not perfect ofc

that's not european architecture. that's what american thinks what european architecture is.

All that blackmail money went into the design instead into some proper security measures.