In a single image show everything wrong with japanese games

In a single image show everything wrong with japanese games





op said everything wrong not everything right

everything there is wrong



It's funny because the third one has even worse moments


giggled way to hard





Phew, drank by big beer

star ocean was never good

The "hamburger" episode is literally the only funny one.
Prove me wrong.

Think of this as a culmination of the cancer that is killing JRPGs.


Nankang Massacre.
Unit 731.

They fucking deny them.

The first one was.

I agree OP, tsundere are shit

All I see is 2 japanese dudes cooking traditional japanese kebab.

I don't need super mega sexualization in my fucking retail games.

>fuck yeah you are the best character ever
>i'm not gonna be in the sequel

I could never tell if these games were actually good or if people just like them because fanservice.

It *is* traditional, which is the root of the problem.



The best character ever not being in the sequel

Both, but more toward the latter.


Chinese are literal subhumans and deserve another massacre on a greater scale.

Makes sense to be honest.


Pretty much just the cute girls, the dialogue, and the fanservice side. The games are mediocre at best Haven't played VII so no comment on that one.

>being this racist
>not hating actual aliens
How's the Klan treatin' ya?

I don't think a single image can truly encapsulate everything wrong with weebshit.

The permavirgin pandering, the lack of gameplay, the shitty writing and dialogue, so cliche to the point of being 100% the same as every predecessor, the awful business practices and rehashing, etc.

Weebshit is just truly a blight on gaming.


>implying the west doesn't have this shit and more

Liek clockwerk.

Some western games do have some of these issues, you're 100% correct. However, the difference is that most people don't defend those issues when they're included. On top of that, even fewer western titles feature all of those issues simultaneously like a lot of weeb games do.

not even Sup Forums is that dumb, holy shit