>tfw minor, irrelevant nation
>tfw never get custom content in strategy games
Tfw minor, irrelevant nation
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw argie
>not a single game is based, set or has a character from here
Not sure if good or bad either way, Brasil got laughed at in Max Payne 3
But most video game characters are white.
at least we get amazing content like Clover in PD2
ireland !!
She even came with the standard issue British military rifle as her gun in the game!
isnt project reality getting "argie butthurt" update?
But you are covered in most games paddy? Just under the Union flag :)
but you have donkey kong?
and the 2001 planet of the apes game
EU4 starts off with a bunch of Irish kingdoms. It can be a fun challenge to unify them and not get bullied too much.
BRs and chileans make video games already, no excuse.
Sos un negro envidioso.
>its a "fenian talks about underrepresentation" episode
who cares, you already got featured in alot of games but no one notices
who cares
protect your dying language
>magnetic-hypnotic gaze
Didn't Mosely like the Irish?
>it's an orangeman misses the entire point entirely
It's not a lack of representation. It's the lack of neat content despite potential.
In paradox autism games, for example, the position of Ireland gives it a lot of strategic potential and you can do some crazy things, especially in Vicky 2 or CK2, but Ireland gets no actual custom content.
There have been Irish characters (even Northern Irrish, such as based Frank in FC2) but they're reduced to essentially just a generic badass with an Irish accent. Which is fine depending on the game.
I'm more talking in strategy games. Ireland has an interesting history, just sucks to see it not represented outside our bong phase.
>someone let the protestants upstairs again
Aren't you getting something in the next HOI4 DLC?
At least they get the borders and names of your provinces right.
>Strategy games
there's your problem, no one cares about literally who countries in strategy
>you have to be a prod to hate fenians
How about a racing game?
Sort of a grand tour of Agentina, drive around your country's beautiful countryside in some top class cars and then get chased out of the country by a mob of raving nationalist scumbags who hate you and everything you do because the Falklands are British.
Last time Ireland had a crop this bad the potato famine happened
I get where he's coming from. Paradox's new DLC that mentioned is all about the less relevant countries in World War 2, in the commonwealth.
While Ireland on a global scale was a bit of a literally who for both World Wars, they had a lot of shit happen between 1900 and 1945 for example which leaves potential for some neat gameplay.
I'm pretty sure I've seen some mods about the eternal bogshitter on the workshop for Hearts of Iron, mostly for custom focus trees allowing them to go left or right or join the allies.
Other user got a bit autistic, but is arguably the worst anti-bogshit argument ever.
The only thing lower than an irishman is a protestant unionist irish man.
>have to be a prod to hate fenians
Nah but you're basically one with that mindset. It's easy to tell you lot apart.
>tfw there's literally not a single vidya with a major Irish character who isn't a terrorist, thief, mercenary, or ghost
Like you aren't already in control of all nations, O'Sullivan.
>tfw live in belfast
>tfw unionists trying to get video games pulled from shelves for pro-IRA propaganda
It was hilarious with Far Cry 2 and it's hilarious with Mafia 3.
>Last time Ireland had a crop this bad the potato famine happened
>you basicallly are one
unionist yes, pord, no
>prods complaining about mafia 3 fleg
Nioh's coming out soon, the main guy in that is Irish
ik that feel
Are there any games with big Scottish representation? Modern Warfare featured us pretty heavily which was cool, rip Soap
>Last time Ireland had a crop this bad the potato famine happened
Holy fucking shit
>tfw Irish
>tfw want a United Irlenad
>tfw it would bakrupt us
>tfw no right wing leaning irish party
>tfw no irish party that would unite ireland without cucking orangemen who are, like it or not, part of ulsters history and heritage
>tfw all republican parties will always just try be the opposite of England
>tfw unionists will never stop getting triggered and revising the troubles|
>tfw republicans will never stop getting triggered saying "no orangemen is the only way"
>tfw ulster will always be shit
Nigger the UN doesn't even recognise you as a country anymore. North north England is as good as it'll get.
Crusader Kings 2 and EU4 have Scotland, though.
wasn't there a Falkland's war mod for Counter-Strike done by some butthurt argies?
>Every Irish accent in games and movies is an American putting on an awful begorrah accent
>Hear that chick from Dark Souls 2 with an actual decent Irish accent
>Get boner
It wasn't perfect, but it was the closest I've heard.
>tfw your country wasn't independent in any interesting time period
>Brasil got laughed at in Max Payne 3
Have we ever not been laughed at?
>my nation is always the most fucked
Do you guys really hate big (thicc) asses? Or is that just a meme?
ireland is part of britain in many games
just play as them
lol what? you serious
>being a cuckolic
Don't you have little boys to molest?
>literally nobody gives a fuck about canada in ww1
it's a shame, we did some neat stuff.
and then nothing else ever again
but dude we got french Canadians in Call of duty 2!
>tfw your country wasn't independent in any interesting time period
You're getting a fun focus tree in HOI4.
Will bump with the rest of the cool ones.
>always one of the baf guys
I have Rheinhardt I at least
Typical ignorant berger
>Line-drawing simulator
oh boy i can't wait
better then nothing i guess
lel forgot pic.
Here's what leafs can do in the next DLC.
the truth hurts huh?
And the one badass from Far Cry 3 who is actually merely pretending to be German
>Nigger the UN doesn't even recognise you as a country anymore
It doesn't recognise "England" either you daft bastard, It recognises the United Kingdom. We're all in this together still faggo whether you like it or not
Play Victoria 2
>no right wing irish party
>irish being the opposite of england
thats the biggest problem with republicans, too socialist an left. i blame gerry desu
>little catholic boys
>being molestable
hey are the worst people ever, blarin the shitest tunes ever
ANY games set in NI/belfast???? i know of a mod but thats about it
Not all paradox games are autism simulators.
HOI4 is very easy to get into and has a bunch of interesting shit.
It can be fun just making your country great again.
Pic related is straya.
>tfw u have to slap a canadian roundel on a spitfire in warthunder to feel some immersion
y-you too
yeah made skins for both sides armies and made a map of port Stanley
>the last death during ww1 was a canadian
>still no games about winter war
>no "give quebec independence" option
Fuck off Johan
Germany is ezmode
i wonder if they skewed the gameplay
>handguns for brits
>assault rifles for argies
knowing argies from living in South america i can say i dont doubt it
Based Brian will NEVER EVER be the Celtic leader in a Civilization game
This makes me feel sad
Goy4 is the worst modern Paradox game and that's really saying something
>not outright bitch slapping their asses like its the 7 year war
South Africa's custom focus tree.
To non HOI players, these are essentially government policies.
You go down a tree, shit happens.
Nigger if you don't wanna buy just pirate it all. Even if you have the game, pretty sure pirated DLC still works.
It's not bad, just very casual. Not worth it for fans of the series though, aye.
>brian boru
>not Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill
Get fucked, Munstercunt.
In all fairness, 'Muppet' is a great insult
laugh everytime
>When your biggest rivals die and you'll win 474859 in a row
It's gonna get boring isn't it?
I do not care much for the irish.
>It's not bad
It really is, the only good thing are the production lines
>tfw you live in a country that gets all the attention
I'd rather live somewhere that no one notices. There would be less people coming here too.
It's a meme.
but he gets his shit rekt so hard, he was known to be a spy all along
>Dublin Police Dept.
Pajeet gets some content, too.
I remember trying to mod one for ireland, and it was fun, but with Ireland if you don't go fascist or communist you're entirely limited to helping relevant nations.
Nah, I don't think it's bad. Just very, very easy. The AI is getting better and while on multiple fronts they can't handle their shit very well, it's still improving.
I think once there's a lot of DLC to pirate it'll be a great little WW2 game.
You could always be Bulgaria and Serbia, both were important Medieval powers in Southeastern Europe, but are never featured in strategy games. Same goes for Poland, which was one of the most powerful countries in the known world for nearly a century and a half, during the Commonwealth era.
IRA simulator when?
the fucking venezuelans get more mentions than we do.
even going as far as call the great colombia venezuela in some games and they have been on the shitter for 20+ years, fuck them.
>Catastrophic failure
Why does this sound so funny
>scotland doenst get to have a team in the prem
>newcastle is basically in scotland anyway
>swansea gets to join in too
I dont get why anybody cares about the SPL, MK Dons could probably pap every team in that league
>tfw no Jerry Civ leader
irish presbyterians are american creationist-tier
I usually conquer America and give Quebec independence in Victoria 2, because I'm really only concerned with the maritimes and Alberta, and having a land connection to Alaska.
I feel like the game should have a way to forcibly relocate pops so I can send all my undesirables to Quebec.
Property of the UK
Frank in Far Cry 2 was in the IRA, and he is arguably one of if not the most popular character in the game.
>actual belfast accent
Best husbando.
>spend political mana to appoint ministers
>spend political mana to fire ministers
>spend political mana to justify war goals
>spend political mana to influence other countries
>spend political mana to annex Slovakia and Yugoslavia
>spend miliary mana to add more tanks to your divisions
>spend navy mana to build sturdier or faster ships
It's the same shit that kills EU4
>When you need to support a foreign team because the actual teams in your country are pure dogshite
Ireland is pathetic
Fuck off, you guys are boring and autistic.
When fenians REEE it's over murders, bombs or historical revisionism.
When you guys REEE it's over flags, video games and banter on the internet.
I wanted to like that game but the completely fucking awful BROWN AND MORE BROWN fauna and the stupid Malaria mechanic ruined it for me an hour in.
At least the Celts in civ IV spoke Irish
how do people in ireland view irish-americans? was thinking of visiting soon.
Far Cry 3 has a Scottish guy too, they're really good at representing the UK. He's even got a knock off Rangers top as a costume
>read his bio
>Unionists literally pardoned him for his crimes and paid him to leave Ireland because he was being such a bastard to them
>Only in South Africa to retire
how can one not real man be this based
>tfw the best paradox game is the one they let someone else build upon
Also Johan & co. are conmen;
>Implying any Irish support Celtic and not English teams.
Gr8 b8