So...wonder how this one will do next week

So...wonder how this one will do next week.

Blunder of the century

It'll be lauded by critics and self-identified "game critics" on YouTube, but in reality I expect it'll be a really dull game and Ico's worst release.

That's kinda what I expect too, but I want it to be really good.

Don't know or care. After the recent Japanese trailer I'm actually really excited to finally get my hands on the game. My anticipation wavered over the years, but the last few releases have convinced me I'll enjoy it.

It'll be a good game with some cool moments just like Ico and SOTC

But Sup Forums will spurge out and make 100 blunder of the century threads in order to create the next Tortantic.

Happens every time .

Ico and SotC are honestly very overrated in my opinion, they have superb visuals and a unique gameplay style of their own which stands out, but many genuinely regard them as masterpieces in gaming and I don't think they come anywhere close to that level.

Cool blog faggot.

I can respect that, though I genuinely think SOTC is THAT good. It's one of the few 'muh art' games that I really love, though nostalgia could be a factor.

Agree on ICO, don't agree on SOTC.

If that's not a masterpiece there are no masterpieces in the game industry.

Agreed. Ico and SotC are both pretty shit. I don't care how unique your gameplay is if the gameplay is trash.

sorry for sharing my opinion on vidya in the vidya board

I respectfully disagree, I didn't play the game at the time of release though so maybe it had more impact to play at the time, especially considering how far ahead it actually is from most other PS2 games in terms of art direction/graphics, and spectacle. I just don't really see what others see in that game, people make it out to be a flawless effort of game design and gameplay, but in reality I felt it was actually quite boring to play and lacked significantly in gameplay mechanics to the point of feeling very repetitive to play (despite the colossus [colossi?] being so drastically different in the design [and they were pretty awesome designs]). I feel the kinds of people that really liked Ico and/or SotC are the kinds that favour style and spectacle over substance.

Any specifics on why team ICO split off from Sony mid project?

I want to believe this won't happen because honestly, does anyone actually have that high of expectations for this game? Or alternatively, has a game this long in development hell ever been amazing?

Will be loved by critics and decently received amongst the general public
Sup Forums will hate it and every thread will be filled with shitposting about any bug or graphical glitch, with people spamming 9 YEARS, and calling it a movie

I had to preorder it just because I didn't want you faggots to spoil it.

It'll bomb and a bunch of pretentious morons will pretend it is worth playing

It's gonna have Titanfall 2's story about friendship and self sacrifice, but it'll be shit because it's not a fast-paced extremely well-crafted acrobatic shooter, and instead it's just a plodding PS2-era puzzle-platformer-thing.

It's also not as atmospherically and graphically on point as ICO and SotC were.

It'll realistically be a 7 or 8 out of 10.

Likely this.

I can see people finding the travel between colossi tedious for sure, but I never found them repetitive, the first few maybe but after them each feels like a unique puzzle in how you need to take them down. I also enjoy the 'fill in the blanks' nature of the world. But to each their own.

It will be shit just lke Duke Nukem was.

This game was meant to be released 10 years ago not know.

Critics would bitch about the controls and camera just like ICO and SoTC. I expect 8s and 9s across the board.
Ueda just wanted his own study pretty much which I imagine took some time to set up. Sorry to burst your bubble if you thought because Sony was muh evil.

>this game was meant to be release 10 years ago
but that's wrong you idiot.

This will be the Boyhood of gaming.

I hope it's good. Actually, I hope there's some sort of greater continuity between ICO, SOTC, and this. I know it's eluded to, to some degree, that ICO and SOTC are related, but it would be cool if this one legit tied them all together in some way or another.

>but I never found them repetitive, the first few maybe
uh, user?

Its a Sony exclusive, so it will only be shitposted to death here.

Will play on my own, form my own opinions, and pray for a glimmer of real discussion.

Pls be good

you probably think Tohou or The Binding of Isaac or some really obscurantist shit like Dwarf Fortress are "masterpieces"

>I feel the kinds of people that really liked Ico and/or SotC are the kinds that favour style and spectacle over substance.
How did you arrive to that conclusion?

Not him, but what's wrong with Binding? I don't really have any problems with it.

It's really sad/funny how this only has a short time until it finally releases, but there has been no advertisement for it and the timing has been destroyed because of XV getting delayed (for ultimately no reason) to recently.
Most people had already given up on it, and the other half don't want to own a ps4 yet, so it's finally releasing at a lose:lose time.

>heavily depending on AI

You think reviewers have patience to play it properly instead give it 7/10 within 10 minutes of their total gameplay?

You're looking at it only from a technical perspective.

You have to look at it in terms of the game itself. what is it trying to achieve? It is a world full of these giant living beings that you dont really understand. There is a god or diety or some sort of spectral figure ominously telling you to kill them. The world is desolate other than a few small critters and birds. It is huge in scale, not only the colossi but the geography and atmosphere, and the architecture and mystery. the music is wonderful and the emotional and action build up are well paced. The concept of "Bosses only" is not very original but not one that has been deeply explored in video games.

I agree that it has its flaws. Controls could be better, and I think it might be missing some mechanics, other than the stamina increase it could have used more stats to level and more weapons. The world does feel empty but I like that there isnt a fucking marker every other two minutes to hunt sixteen bull assholes and race AI.

>alluded to

Wasn't ICO pretty much confirmed as being a sequel Shadow? What with the child being born with horns and all. And now the guardian was shown to sprout horns as the game progresses in the recent trailers.

it does away with a lot of tropes that action adventure rpgs had at the time. Grinding, respawning enemies, useless treasure hunts, hand holding, item management, and hamfisted narration. Right now there are more games that try to break the mold but at the time it was fresh.

Yes and no
Ueda said it was his take of the game being a prequel to ICO but he also wanted to leave that motion of interpretation for the player. He did confirm the games are connected but that's it.

I like BoI but I wouldn't rate it anywhere close to a masterpiece, just a decent timekiller game


Fair enough.

Well a reviewer from Canada already got done with it. It took him 12 hours to finish it

That's longer than my first SotC playthrough (8 hours), so that's fine.