does this really bother you?

That bitch gets utterly BTFOd by the empire, though. Shit thread.

>women toiling on the fields
>men sailing on the seas
sounds good to me

It's a real shame that we can't make Obsidian threads without baiting anymore.

It's a sign that the games are bad

>everybody who has different standards for the quality of fantasy writing is just baiting

It was similar to the overabundance of god-likes in PoE. Just distracting

Dropped that game almost immediately. Obsidian is fully nu male these days


>virgins getting triggered by female characters

Hi Sup Forums.

can you just kill her


holy fuck i wish one of you faggots would say this shit to my face

im a fucking virgin yeah ok

you should fucking die faggot


game is a fucking disgrace

also hate it that they show the sprite in dialogs, not some sweet portrait


I would be equally annoyed about a male character pushing such shit

It's not like you can kill her.................. wait.


Pandering has always bothered me.

Its one of those things where overcompensation was injected in a failed attempt to make something seem more legitimate, but instead manages to make it seem even less legitimate.


You don't know what this word means.

Exactly comrade. Sup Forums needs to fuck off. This is our board now

Hello Tumblr

Hi, Sup Forums. You stick out like a sore thumb.

err this is Sup Forums lol

>worrying over his neighbours thousand
This is why woman should never be allowed to lead because they underestimate someone solely by numbers.

fuck you're right. I meant um.. graphic model? Portraits just belong in these isometric RPGs.

If this game had come out ten years ago instead then no one would think anything in it is "pandering." It's impossible for anyone to write about women being assertive about being women, even in fantasy, without a certain contingent screaming that they're pandering now. It's really stupid.

>women have to do all the boring bullshit
>men get to sail the high seas
i don't see the problem

More women like Heather please.

>actual strong female protag
team silent did it right

Women OWN land, no one said anything about working it


>wasting money on SJW tier games

You deserve it faggot, next time search up for SJW companies and games and put them on your blacklist. God damn neo-Sup Forums is shitty.

There's a difference between a naturally strong female character and a shoe horned forced meme concept.

But that's censorship user

it's literally what SJWs do

Maybe if those devs didn't always say "Men dumb, women smart" every time it might not get called pandering.

Want your female characters to look strong and competent? Don't just say it's because all the men around her are dumb.

Tunon, Graven Ashe and Bleden Mark aren't any dumber than any female character from Tyranny you can think of.

No, not objectively. The difference is whether you decided to get triggered or not. And more and more things are triggering you people these days.

Why are women so obsessed with being STRONK, it's obnoxious, they're like the manlets of gender

Jesus christ you have lists? You're more triggered than SJWs

>Maybe if those devs didn't always say "Men dumb, women smart" every time
This does not happen in Tyranny. Not even close.

That's boycotting and it's fair, no one is keeping SJW fuckers from making games and selling them to their braindead audiences. Just don't be a piece of shit and stop paying for leftist propaganda in your games.

>But that's censorship user

what did he mean by this

>If this game had come out ten years ago instead then no one would think anything in it is "pandering."
stupid nu-feminist shit in video games wasn't a thing ten years ago

and there's nothing wrong with a strong woman, nobody ever had a problem with samus. the problem is shit like in op. ofc that's diminished a bit by the fact that you can just kill her. idk if you can successfully argue against her or not, but if you can, that diminishes it completely.

It's hopefully bait, but even if it is, plenty of people actually think this way. It's not even SJW behavior really. It's essentially McCarthyism.

The OP's example is of this. The men are described as nervous shits who can't control their murder boner while the women are paragons of democracy and peace.

>Meet allied female X that you outrank
>She proceeds to shittalk you until you put her in her place (or throw her off a tower)
>Repeat n times
>Meet male enemy Y
>He proceeds to treat you with respect

In the photo she calls women the "braver sex".

Actually, Eb is sexist and a moron and the game doesn't shy away from that fact. She's also the main antagonist of the first act and one throat slice away from being gone.

They're described that way in the subjective opinion of one character in the game. That is not equivalent to the whole game making a statement about men and women. Did you pay attention when studying literature in your high school English class? If so they should have taught you that because a character says something in a story it doesn't mean that character is a mouthpiece of the author. This is basic logic.

Also give her flaws. There's nothing wrong with her losing to someone who's male.

The problem with Tranny isn't strong women. It's bad writing. Bad writing makes everything bad.

I can't play a video game without believing the only reason a woman or minority are present in the game is because of a forced meme.

Sun and Moon did a good job, different people and didn't have to make a huge deal about it.

Then it comes off as if they put more effort into a dumb meme over making a quality game.

I can agree with that. But you have to admit that there is a ton of this in video games nowadays. Its true the pendulum might be swinging a bit far in the other direction, but that is only because it has been swinging too far in the pandering direction aswell.

How does she get bitched out? Not OP, genuinely curious.

Shar-Teel Dosan also said that men were the weaker sex, but of course, it's ok when it the game isn't released nowadays.
It's almost like characters can be wrong.

I really dont understand how people dont get more triggered with the "we are an elite army" Disfavored.

Why do you tell me the whole game that they are the best of the best and a tiny force if you put the same amount of corpses as the Chorus IN EVERY SINGLE PLACE.

>tfw queenslayer
>tfw purging stupid rebels who keep throwing their people into wars that will bring them nothing but misery

>stupid nu-feminist shit

Nigga have you ever read Forgotten Realms? Do you know who the Drow are?
Shit, amazons are the oldest fantasy setting we still have, and its not about manly men doing manly things.

The only nu thing here is you. Fuck off any time.

You are unable to see from another perspective, which is fine. Just go with the "hahahhahaaha le triggered fag!" response, and I'll call you a dumb nigger and move on.

t. Thomas Hobbes

20 years ago CRPGs played the "man-hating strong woman" for laughs.

How far we've fallen.

I agree with you but only on western materials. If I see a tranny or something in a Japanese made game/show, I literally don't think anything of it, and I actually usually wind up praising the author for including more real-life types in the medium.

When I see it happen in a western medium, I get suspicious about whether the character is genuine or trying to be a token character.

If the western game/show makers don't like that, then they need to tell SJWs to shut the fuck up and not give into their demands.

>Sun and Moon
Because why would it ever come up in Pokemon? The game is about catching fantasy animals in a generic anime setting. Tyranny is about political issues and war. Opinions on sexual relations are going to be a lot more relevant to one of those settings than the other.

Nah, I don't really agree to be honest. There is definitely some stuff that's thrown in just because of the political views of the developers but I really think the GG crowd exaggerates it tremendously. Nadine is a perfect example. I still have absolutely no idea what you guys are so mad about. It's basically the video game equivalent of a blockbuster action adventure movie, there are badass female characters who can beat up men in those movies all the time, to go along with all the other unrealistic and stupid physical things that everyone does in them. If you don't complain that a male action hero can get punched and kicked fifty times, jump off a burning building and then beat the shit out of fifty guys, you have no business complaining that Nadine can beat up two men in a video game.

What do drow have to do with anything? Play the game, niggus


Kys, it's only pandering if it's something you don't like lmao, fucking sexist pig. You wonder why you are alone

Are you implying the Drow lore was played "for laughs"?
Are you saying the amazon legends were "for laughs"?

You are delusional, lad. Lysistrata is women wanting power played for laughs. The amazons and the drow are not.
Read The Black Company, for example. Another classic fantasy setting, with strong women everywhere.

That isn't censorship you dumb fucking low IQ niggerroid. It is called not buying shit products and not supporting shit companies.

Nope, I just have a high IQ. I don't buy any games made by bioware, ubisoft, EA, actiblizzard and capcom. There are some individual games on the list too that are SJW shit. Bandai Namco is also on the list with exclusion of Souls series, thank god Miyazaki moved away from this cancerous publisher.

Its funny i find Nadine to be the epitome of over compensation.
If you look at any other last boss villain in uncharted games they were all "madmen" or something akin to it so when you fought them it felt like you had to stop them or something.

Nadine on the other hand doesn't even seem to be that bad of a person. I hate how she can take down two full grown adults who weigh 50% more than her each and they both do mountain climbing type activities on the daily.

Inexcusable pandering.

Remember when Cidney was first revealed in FFXV, and everyone was saying she was sexist because she's supposed to be a mechanic but is dressed like a porn star? People rightly pointed out that if that was a problem, even more attention should be given to the four male main characters who run around the desert fighting monsters in boy band leather.

Well, the Nadine issue is the same thing. The main character of that game series can climb sheer cliff faces by making impossible jumps up to ledges, take bullets like they're paintballs, beat up and murder hundreds of guys all by himself, and perform any number of other completely impossible feats all through the series. He's basically Spider-Man except he's not supposed to have any super powers. Any complaint you could possibly make about Nadine should apply ten times as much to the main character, but nobody says a word about that. In this case, the liberals are right: a double standard is being applied. Just like the double standard they apply in cases like Cidney.

Honestly, i'm more bothered at seeing women as elite soldiers like the disfavored are supposed to be than seeing them as rulers.
Women rulers can be easily justified by cultural and historic significance. How do you justify putting soldiers with over 50% less upper body strength in your phalanx?

nice b8

>Shar-Teel Dosan also said that men were the weaker sex, but of course, it's ok when it the game isn't released nowadays.

What show is this from?
It looks quite interesting.

>How do you justify putting soldiers with over 50% less upper body strength in your phalanx?
The same way you justify having wizards. It's fantasy.

>Nope, I just have a high IQ

>Are you implying the Drow lore was played "for laughs"?

Classic FR Drow were low-key femdom/interracial fetish material, tbqh.

>can beat the shit out of her
>when she begs for mercy and swears allegiance to you you can just stab her and throw her from the top of a tower
>she's also an annoying cunt in general and the worst companion from a country that was founded by "The Five Wives and the Seven Husbands", aka literal cucks

You don't need to be a bodybuilder to swing a sword.
Its a weapon that any weakling can use to cut other weaklings with.

Yes, but Whisper gets /d/'d as fuck by the Lady in the Black Company. Shit was pretty nice.

They were played as sexy, not as laughable. They were very much serious, its just that everything was sexualized. Or you didn't notice the loin cloth wearing Conan on half the covers?

Sun and moon has lots of stuff about sexual relations because japs believe sun represents men and moon represents women.

Many female pokemons and female trainers have pheromones and other female biology as their power and they're stated to control males.

>the GG crowd
Guilty Gear crowd? Good Game crowd? Wut?

>it's only pandering if it's something you don't like

To be honest, it's pandering either way, but entertainment intended to make money is supposed to pander to its audience, not to ideology.

three kingdoms


>everyone can use sword
this guy is a fucking idiot

no, weak with sword will be kill by strong with sword
you can say weak with crossbow can kill anyone but not weak fuck with sword that he doesn't know/can't use

RoTK 2010 version. the entire series was uploaded to youtube with english subs. it's a long 90 some odd episode drama, but it's pretty damn good. it's what GoT would be if it didn't suck major ass.

Except this isn't supposed to be an army of weaklings.

Women would make perfect sense in the scarlet chorus though since their whole idea is that everyone gets a chance to prove themselves.

fuck off whore

No fuck you. You don't get to decide if a person has a personality or not just because you only notice the sexy points. Fucking control yourself you degenerate.

I could play a porn game and still appreciate the personality of the characters.

Fucking kill yourself.

This is true. Even on the left only the most insanely irrational people would claim there aren't obvious reasons why ancient armies were always men.

Good thing this game is fantasy so you can have female warriors for fun and it doesn't matter.


>I could play a porn game and still appreciate the personality of the characters.

Get a load of this guy. I bet he reads Playboy for the articles, too.

The opposite. A crossbow requires strength to reload. A teenager can swing a sword, they weight like 2 kilos, all you have to do is place it on flesh and draw, or hit people over the head as if its an iron rod. No strength required. Any healthy human between 14 and 60 years can kill with a sword. Thats why they saw use.


>tfw you ended up playing Meet 'n Fuck Kingdom for the story