Literally god tier game, you can apologize whenever Sup Forums

Literally god tier game, you can apologize whenever Sup Forums.

maybe if you're an Sup Forums resident

I'm surprised at how... relaxing the game is. I've just been dicking around in chapter 1 but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I think the leaks have benefitted me in that I have no interest in seeing the story unravel, being that I already know where it all leads. As such, there's no pressure; just enjoying the world, discovering secrets, digging up new recipes, gaining AP and making my team steadily stronger and more cohesive, etc.

Definitely rough in some parts, but I think this is a solid framework for the future of the series. Hopefully they can perfect it with XVI. But I'm having a good time. I love the road trip theme.

>hurr weeb shit

Pretty much agreed, at the very least it deserves its name as a Final Fantasy game and earns its right to stand amongst the other games in the series.

Now we can all just have fun, play a great game and watch Sup Forums desperately cling to its contrarianism.

Daily reminder that Conan O'Brian is an admitted cuck, liberal Hillary voter and hasn't been funny in years.

>Sup Forums likes Final Fantasy
Don't insult Sup Forums like that. It has nothing in common with Eva or K-On.

Everyone in Hollywood is a Hillery supporter. Because Hollywood is so toxic that saying anything against liberals means you get fired. As multiple people like Dr Oz and Judge Judy found out.

Can you change their outfits or is everyone stuck with black shit


Doctor Oz is a legitimate quack if we're talking about him from a medical perspective.

I've never heard anything about him politically.

Judge Judy is my nigga though. She can get it.

Is there any homo outfit

>Doctor Oz is a quack
>but Judge Judy is legit

As a cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Oz is highly rated.

Why do they wear black clothing while running around in the sun? Do they just not sweat?
Also why is there a drive thru in a game with a dragon?

Dr Oz didn't make a political comment. He just had an episode where he speculated that Hillary Clinton might have something more severe than Pnemonia during that time she fainted. Something like Parkinson or MS. And for daring to make a medical based hypothesis that didn't put Hillary in a positive light, all his sponsors dropped him and the company airing his show cancelled his show.

Honestly, I've been digging the game so far. The story is incomprehensible and weeby as fuck, but the entertaining (if not particularly deep) combat, exploration, and relationship/dialogue between the party members makes it a really enjoyable, good game.

I don't think anyone will try to claim it's perfect, but trying to pretend it's some blunder of the century is just newfriends trying to force another TORtanic

There's an stablished cast of characters, this is not a game to self insert

Variations on black seems to be all that's there. I really like the game so far but I'll be disappointed if there are no hidden, goofier costumes available through side quests and the like. I was secretly hoping for bandit/pirate themed costumes for the gang.

After reading you assholes talk shit for months and watching what appeared to be nothing but retarded and boring looking gameplay videos, I can proudly say that I cant imagine a way they could have possibly made a better modern day Final Fantasy. Mediocre main story aside, of course.

I really couldnt be happier, perfect mix of modern day game and subtle nods to the golden days.

If you're an 80s baby and old school FF fan and still wondering if you should really buy it, just go buy it now. It wont hurt you like 13 did.

try playing gothic1 if you want "relaxing" feels bombs being dropped on you

god, this game does not look good

I have no need to apologize. I knew this game would be fun.


Nigga please. They have no idea what tortanic was.

This is you fucks creating some kind of boogeyman and is a huge meme now whenever someone shit talks a game to feel somehow superior to the people you post with. Personification of to intelligent wojaks.

You don't feel like Sup Forums doesn't like to collectively pretend games suck in order to foster some kind of false sense of superiority over the "normies"?

Bloodborne was a fucking immaculate game that got shitposted to no end.

Chapter 13 is the absolute fucking worst.

It literally drags the whole thing down to merely somewhat decent.

>Still releasing PS2 games
Get out shill.

murrica please

Every game gets shitposted and there are posts supporting it and posts shitting on it. These are called opinions.

And the shitposting was on both sides. With all the never ever shit.

>Chapter 13

When will this meme end? It's not even hard, just slightly tedious. Finished it in under an hour without having to look up a walkthrough.

He ain't wrogn thoe

Who claimed it was hard? From what I've been reading everyone says that chapter is trash, including pro FFXV homos that like the game because it's 'comfy'.

The negative shit was serious though. Even though the idiots had never played the game, they had negative shit to say.

The positive was a good chunk ironic nonsense shit posting. Rarely was anything supportive of XV not irony or cuck fags trying hard for lelz.

The game is well above average and even might be 8/10 levels of great, as almost everyone seems to agree outside of anonymous morons.

don't worry pcucks, it's coming to Denuvo Q3 2018

>Who claimed it was hard?
Streamers and Leddit
It really shouldn't take you over 3 hours to complete that chapter.
>From what I've been reading everyone says that chapter is trash
Oh, no it's trash just not anywhere near as difficult to complete or long as people are saying it is.

Wow, amazing that some people when looking at a game can be turned off by various things they hear or see about it.

There are also the other side of the coin that sees 5 second trailer and start cumming their pants.

I'm not saying FFXV is bad either though, but to stick your fingers in your ears and dismissing every negative comment as some kind of uninformed user is just as bad.

The open world part of the game is comfy as fuck. Monster designs are excellent, I even like the humanoid summons.

It's just a damn shame that the actual FF behind it all, the latter half of the game, is a compelte and utter piece of shit. 90% of it is missing, lost in development hell, and it's riddled with misguided attempts at stealth and even survival horror gameplay no one asked for.

If you play this game, you're better off just staing in the open world and never ever moving beyond the lighthouse.

>but I think this is a solid framework for the FUTURE of the series
>but I think this is a solid framework for the FUTURE of the series
>but I think this is a solid framework for the FUTURE of the series
>but I think this is a solid framework for the FUTURE of the series

FF is the only game series I know, that it's fans literally don't care how shit the PRESENT game is because they know 50 sequels are planned, that are also shit, but it's ok because they'll be even more sequals.

It was going to be on PS3, fag.

atleast learn what the fuck you're shitposting about.

FF Fans just spent 10 years saying "Well FFXII, XIII and XIV were shit, but XV will be good!"

If you take Sup Forums's negativity seriously you really need to rethink life.

Most of it is shit posting and boycotting a game they don't like/can't torrent/can't afford.

Usually when Sup Forums shits on a game the general populous likes it. funny isn't it?

>Doesn't understand how FFXV is basically a complete reinvigoration of the entire FF formula

My god you fags are so bad at arguing your weak meme opinions its pathetically hilarious.

Why would you insult your own product you seem adamant on defending?
it is final fantasy, Final fantasy has been hot garbage since 10-2.

You're quoting my post. I think it should be apparent to anyone who read it that I'm happy with the current game, and the line you've copied indicative that it could lead to greater things for the future.

The score will creep into the 90s range before its all said and done and there is NOTHING Sup Forums can do to stop it.

Don't worry, I won't even bother pirating the game. Enjoy your rushed hot piece of garbage.

>12 was the only recent final fantasy that I actually enjoyed.
It isn't even recent anymore.

I should also note that my favorite Final Fantasy was XII, so seeing XV return to the immersive, open world that made XII so endearing is nice for me. I have no qualms with the franchise. I play the ones I enjoy and ignore the ones that I don't find appealing. XV is, thus far, worth the money I spent on it.


user, the game isn't some bastion of excellence but you can stop pretending its bad.

>boycotting a game they don't like

well no shit they aren't going to buy it if they don't like it. You may get upset they try to encourage others not to, but that's again, the opposite side of the coin where people are posting about it for months on end before anything comes out saying it's a must buy and a certain GOTY. Take FFXV kun for a prime example of that shit.


They don't need to know tortanic specifically to buy into the culture.

Its GOTY 2016 and you fags better cry long and hard about it.

>I enjoy a shit game in the promise of another shit game in 10 years

Maybe you are the one that doesn't understand

neck yourself, you know you want to.

Jesus. Are an esteemed doctor's words not to be regarded when it comes to her specifically?

This is a group of people who mocked Trump for claiming the election system is rigged and he should vow to accept the results no matter what. Then, now that they have lost, they're pushing for a recount.

Its a boy band though

All of them

Looks like shit

It did take 10years 2 make and its selling like shit

What does a boy band have to do with Sup Forums? They like girls who play huge instruments and smack each other in the ass. Not boys who sing and drive cars.

>offline mmo
>Bad story in story-driven game.
>God Tier
Nice bait.

>offline mmo


>mmolike sidequests go there, kill monster, bring shit, complete quest.

Every rpg ever made has them.

This game desperately needs a hard mode.

Other then that, I'm having a blast.


There's something so aesthetically disgusting about speech bubbles on 3DCG.


I got banned from Sup Forums permanently by asking if Sup Forums could explain evangelion to me. First post I ever made on that board.
Reason for ban: quality of posts

>story is literally "And then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this and then they did this" and makes no fucking sense at all

you posted one of their oldest bait memes, of course they would ban you. Shame you didnt know though.


You can describe most basic stories (aka every videogame) with that.

Unlike FFXV, most basic stories actually have some kind of arc. FFXV's story seems like it was written by an 11 year old.

You get banned on Sup Forums for doing anything that resembles asking a question. Even asking for the name of a character gets you banned. They have a huge phobia about people asking for recommendations that they ban anything that looks like one. Or even could lead to one.

what about puggermun

He's a comic you fucking moron. His entire thing with the game reviews is that he doesn't know shit about games. Why would anyone have ever ascribed any fucking weight to his opinion? I mean, if a retarded kid offers you criticism are you going to take it to heart?


I like speech bubbles...
In fact i like 'em that much that i'm gonna spam this FFXV shill thread with speech bubbles! And you can't stop me!

Why do they do that anyway?

Because you should lurk more, user. At least Sup Forums is keeping to the ancient ways.

Because in the early days of Sup Forums (2005-2007), almost every thread was people talking about a show that wasn't currently airing. And half the posts would be 'what is this show?' It became a huge meme to mock people who did this. And once the joke wore thin, people started to complain about it. The meme became a rule.

If Sup Forums kept to its ancient ways, every thread would be about Rozen Maiden or Naruto. And posting any girl who wasn't a loli would be a bannable offense.

>taking up my valuable time with trash game like this

Why would you keep an old tradition alive if there's no purpose behind it?

You're a special kind of weirdo.
I think the reason they disturb me so much is they remind me of awful 3DCG incest porn.


>I got banned from Sup Forums permanently by asking if Sup Forums could explain evangelion to me
No shit? If that isn't a shitpost then you're just a fucking tool.


How is that a shitpost?

>durr pls explain why my shitpost is not shitpost
that's why it's a shitpost
why not watch the fucking show and figure it out yourself?
why the fuck post about something that was airing nearly two decades ago?

That doesn't even make any sense.

>no characterization of any of the characters just rushes to gameplay
>"Stand by Me" car pushing drops at a really out of place part of the game (THE VERY BEGINNING) where it felt like a part of the game where the player reflected on how far they've gone on their journey
>King's death sequence cutscene plays like a recap though it's the first time seeing it
>feel nothing because I didn't really know shit about him as with every character

How a man I supposed to apply for the Road Trip thing held by Amazon? The website says they should've sent me a code but I only got the Gold Chocobo


>durr please explain your post for me
jesus christ do you ever stop?
fucking hell where are the mods, people who aggressively shitpost like you should be banished to reddit

Why are you still using pictures from Episode Duscae, user? Do you not want people to see how hard the downgrade actually is?