Are there any good podcasts about games?
Are there any good podcasts about games?
>ywn put it in her giant jew nose
It's too bad she's a Jew. She's really cute.
self bump
True but sometimes the dark side of the fence is worth it
super best friends podcasts are alright
Best friendcast
Bonfire lit comfy cast, best friend cast
sometimes, but they also shit themselves quite often, especially when it comes to guests.
I feel as though they didnt bother to understand the hardware they bought and just thought "oh this is good lets plug it in and hope for the best"
Someone post that tweet about her thinking about going to a BBC party.
Don't break my heart like that
n-nani?! I request the tweet!
The triforce podcast
No its not about zelda
Who here /small dick/
If you had literally 5 years to go before transforming into this, you'd probably gobble down all the black cock you could find too.
Kinda Funny is okay. I listen to their Gamescast and Playstation podcast each week.
Doesn't take long to realise that there's only one good guy on there (Colin) but it's worth listening to for his input.
Giant Bombcast is okay but way too fucking long.
yeah its called "how i protected my virginity", you should google that :^)
Can recommend the Giant Beastcast wholeheartedly. It's like the Bombcast, minus the shit opinions and unlikable people.
Game Design Zen is pretty comfy to listen to if you are into making games. Sirlin On Game Design is a better resource but less comfy.
that's a small jew nose if anything
With enough force anything is possible
I don't care what Sup Forumsirgins think of co-optional its amazing.
8-4 play and the EZA podcast are the only ones I regularly listen to
give then a listen and decide for yourself
I listen to co-optional and podquisition.
post more brie
co-op is nice because it's a nice crunch of news and events with different opinions and guests. I can't imagine what will happen when TB dies, he brings in a point of view that I don't always agree with but is good for conversation and discussion.