>gl hf
I get the have fun part, but why the fuck would I wish my enemy luck?!
>gl hf
I get the have fun part, but why the fuck would I wish my enemy luck?!
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Only cucks would.
why would you wish them fun?
your job is to make the enemy team have a fucking miserable experience.
Because they'll need it, obviously.
Can't even tell if you're serious.
Good luck avoiding my crescendo of death and destruction, scrub ;)
its a good sport
100% serious
If they're having fun you're doing something wrong.
I dunno, I never do. I've never understood that.
I prefer to throw an insult or wish them bad luck or something like that.
I just finished a round of CS where I opened the game by saying "gg ez" after warmup. The game ended 16-3 to our victory.
Mental warfare = actual warfare, at least in some games. It can fuck people really badly if they simply know(or just assume) that their opponents are confident.
Only 90's kids: glhfddka
Only useless people have fun losing.
I don't mind these people - as long as they're not in my team.
In my team, I put effort into making the game as fun as possible for myself and my allies.
>/all haha gg ez noobs
I literally always did this when I got a kill in LoL
I have more fun losing a close match where I played well than winning a match where I got carried.
You are literally a cuck then. If I'm losing a game I will make it miserable for my team
Nike here.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
i have a friend just like you and i can't play any competitive games with him anymore
>im better than him at game - he has 100 excuses
>hes better than me at game - dude wtf stop achoring the team my, my back hurts, were gonna lose because you're terrible
he's my bro but goddam is he annoying.
If you're getting carried, instead of letting that just happen, take the opportunity to try new, risky things or try to learn from those better than yourself. The people who carry are doing something right, try to take advantage of that.
Once upon a time games existed where simply playing and competing against one another brought joyous fun to both parties.
Then ASSFAGGOTS came along.
You don't sound like a very fun person to play with!
They're only excuses if they're excuses to why you lost.
There's nothing wrong with actually winning. Skill doesn't matter, only victory.
>I throw a match the SECOND I don't like it
Stay in silver.
>assfaggots was the birth of angry tryhards in team games
i'd have to give the award to counter strike but assfaggots definitely made it worse.
Lucky opponent takes more skill to beat.
platinum actually newfriend.
Actually the guy who takes the most precaution to ensure the victory of your team is the most fun guy to have in your team - assuming you're there to actually play.
There is no platinum in CS so I know you're lying.
Stay in your kiddy deathmatch game, you fucking idiot.
>implying I'd ever touch LeL
what the fuck are you on about?
>Skill doesn't matter, only victory.
how do you think you achieve victory?
>I act like a child when I don't get my way
>cannot understand why that is inappropriate for adults to do, needs to fall back on others just being "cucks"
This is textbook autism, user. See a psychologist.
There is, you just gotta git gud
Victory above literally everything. If I play with some faggot retards who are making us lose the match I will literally AFK or stand in spawn an make them beg for god.
I will also refuse to surrender games and instead draw it out for everyone and try to amuse myself by making some cucks cry.
whatever both games are shit
If there is a way to achieve victory that doesn't require skill, why wouldn't you choose it over one that does?
>this constitutes as griefing
>you can get banned for two confirmed instances nowadays
>pleb who sucks always loses detected
If I ever get you on my team in anything, I will fucking find you and kill your whole family. Don't ever fucking reply to me again you useless piece of fat shit.
Why do you think only one team is in a cheerful mood at the end of literally any major sporting event?
Because the outcome is all that matters, and nobody enjoys losing.
These are the people who are going to kill fighting games
By playing correctly.
You often see smart players do this even on their first time around.
It also makes sense to put effort into the game even in a losing match in CS:GO because the outcome affects your ELO. There's a big difference between lost game and a lost game.
W-woah user, you're so assertive...
My panties are soaked just THINKING about you throwing a tantrum because you lost a videogame~
because i'm not a shitter. you sound like someone who played all their games with cheats when they were young and bragged about how they beat them to their friends. i hated you fucks then and i still do.
I like how you tried getting all sassy when you didn't like what he said but couldn't really think up anything wrong with it.
>mfw people get mad if I don't respond
I don't want to have to fucking type this every game stop trying to push your ideals on to me fuck is this china jesus
Sportsmanship is dying I see
If I'm playing videogames I'm going to try, but that doesn't mean I act like a baby when I lose. Face it, you have the mentality of a child because you never grew out of it. You have autism, and I'm not just using that as an insult.
I hate playing with people like this. They're the ones who drain all the fun out of games.
>By playing correctly.
apparently playing games "correctly" isn't a skill. what would you call it?
Correct way to play is not necessarily the difficult way to play.
Only idiots like to engage in fair firefights.
If you know a spot to camp where the enemy has jack shit chance of hitting you and you can easily kill them, you should use that spot. If not, you're a liability.
>esport faggotry
There's a reason why even the best players accept the final outcome is based on good fortune for the most part.
Games used to be more fun when literally 90% of gameplay wasn't grinding a stale meta in an esport environment.
What's wrong with it is that it's pathetic.
How can you be so incapable of dealing with losing that you need to spit the dummy because your team didn't win
Ironically, the ones who most often brag about their "skill" and all the flashy shit they can do are always the ones to get taken down the fastest by the actually good players abusing the most basic shit and playing "boring", cheesy playstyles.
>if i play with retards who are losing i'll make the team lose
i have never even played assfaggots but i can tell that's what you're talking about.
Depend what kind of game, really. You can have fun "loosing" not for the loss itself but for the learning you got from it.
Applies mostly to 1v1 solo game with minimal RNG, where you really are 100% responsible for the outcome. Loosing when you're not responsible for the loss, that is really fucking annoying.
>hurr durr why would I have sportsmanship, that's lame
And this is why you'll never be on an actual sports team, user.
You fags that take games too serious are the least fun people to play with
>What's wrong with it is that it's pathetic.
Go ahead and get mad if it pleases you.
I'm here enjoying my victory.
>How can you be so incapable of dealing with losing
I don't need to though.
It's about teaching losers to stop sucking and start winning. If you can't handle that then stop playing multiplayer, no one wants such a pussy on their team.
But you don't get a victory, you're literally talking about how you throw your toys like a tantruming child when your team isn't good enough for you
>all these people defending losing because they can't win
Go ahead and tell yourself the second best thing is just as good.
Not taking things seriously is just a defense mechanism to cope with repeated failure.
Have you tried not being bad?
Lmao professional sports people will do anything to win if they can get away with it
How is that true when I'm the one pushing the idea that you should always try your hardest for the team no matter how desperate or cheap your tactics get?
The fact is,
>you don't get a victory
you're wrong here most of the time.
Dunno, I can see where people are coming from who say it's silly, but for me saying gl hf and gg after a game is more of a mental thing I do for myself. Not sure why but when you say gl hf it's easier to see your opponent as an actual person you're playing against it gives it a more friendly vibe which helps me to stay focused instead of thinking "fuck that faggot". Similar for saying gg if you lose. Sure you can just ragequit out or call him a nigger and blame it on bullshit or you can admit to yourself that he probably wanted that win just as much as you did and he played better /made the better decisions.
Maybe I'm just a sperg though.
>the people who brag about skill get taken down by more skillfull players because they play correctly
i don't understand this retarded, semantic argument you guys are making over how playing a game correctly isn't a skill.
A gesture of good will/they'll need luck bc he's so gut.
They get paid money for it.
If a game has a single strategy that can be abused that puts you into a massively advantageous position with little opportunity for counterplay, it's a bad game and you shouldn't play it.
Exactly, user. That's why they're bitching about the randoms they play with, they don't have any friends to queue with.
If you can't handle losing then you have no place in any sort of competition in the first place
>got OW the other weekend so I'm pretty bad
>playing 3v3
>bantering with opponent
>winning 2-0 just need another round
>mess up and the banterm8 kills me
>team mate goes fucking ballistic
>literally says something about how THIS ISN'T A PLACE TO MAKE FRIENDS
>keeps raging at me for the rest of the game while the opponent shits on him in chat
>play even worse because I'm laughing
>end up losing 3-2
I don't know what about OW attracts so many angry retards but I love it
This. Anyone looking to get actually better should as well.
Building mental blocks because certain tactic is "scummy" is just a retarded way to inhibit yourself.
Are you saying you only try your hardest if you get paid for it?
That's a pretty poor mentality for gaming.
>Maybe I'm just a sperg though.
>for something that keeps you cool and reminds you that you're playing against people in a friendly game
user, you need to spend less time on Sup Forums.
>lose 50 games in a row
>a-at least muh honor is intact that will surely teach them online meanies the true victory of one self!
>Are you saying you only try your hardest if you get paid for it?
Not even then!
> gl hf
Good Luck Having Fun
But if you pick a game like that then you might as well play it like that if you're going to. That's the point.
Even good games usually have something like this, even if it's far easier to counter. In CS:GO, Overpass, if there's a player at water and someone enters through connector, chances are they're gonna get killed.
This sort of attitude is why the underarm bowl, or ear biting, or any other low point in sports has ever happened
I never lose you faggot
>If I act like a child and refuse to play with them, they'll totally learn to play the way I want instead of just blowing me off as a sperg!
You should learn about appropriate stakes.
If you're playing for serious money, then not giving a shit about the game itself and exploiting every flaw and loophole to win is reasonable.
Doing so in a random match on the internet for no tangible reward just makes you look like a sperg.
>losing 50 games in a row
lmao git gud
I said actual sports teams, not American sports teams. Outside of America, top-level soccer, and the chinese almost all high-level sports look down heavily on somebody who doesn't have sportsmanship.
Because they have worked for a very long time towards being good at what they do so that they can get paid well. Poor performance means no bonuses in the short-term, and possibly termination of employment in the long-term.
Weren't there pretty elaborate stats that have proven that people who insult other people in games are less likely to win?
If I can't win a game because I have losers like you on the team, I'll play another little game called "trigger them". I'm pretty good at it it seems
>if there's a player at water and someone enters through connector, chances are they're gonna get killed.
That's not really comparable. That's not being scummy or cheesy, that's just being strategic.
Something scummy would be using a specific weapon and sitting down in one spot being able to grind the entire game down to a halt as no one can approach the objective. And at that point you can't even blame the player anymore, you've just got a poorly made game on your hands.
>This sort of attitude is why the underarm bowl happened
>something that literally hasn't happened in 30 years
Even people playing professionally have better standards than these faggots playing videogames on the internet
who the hell makes all these edits? I've seen them pop up occationally for a year or two now but I've never known the source or name of it.
Sounds like you loose often in team based games and have come to the incorrect conclusion that it has nothing to do with yourself.
Imagine being so fat you treat games as sports.
>not giving a shit about the game itself
Why would you do that though? You're supposed to do this while you
>exploiting every flaw and loophole to win
if you ever can.
>just makes you look like a sperg.
Keep insulting the winner but nothing stops you from doing the same thing.
Notice how most online games evolve into a state where using glitches where some are present is the norm.
>I'm not good enough to win
>I know, I'll blame it on my team so I don't have to mentally count it as a loss
>w-who cares if I'm actually shit, I'm using a ranked system that will put me at 50% eventually a-anyway...
No good game actually allows for genuinely "scummy" tactics, and if they do, they usually get patched or banned very quickly.
You have to be brain damaged if you enjoy playing some game where you get absolutely destroyed every game. Winning is everything.
Sounds like you don't actually enjoy video games user
>that's just being strategic.
same can be said of any exploitation of weakness.
>And at that point you can't even blame the player anymore
Can you ever? It was always put in the game by the dev after all. If something that broken is in the game it's up to the dev to fix it.
>wishing them to have fun
no. suffer.