Giving away the worst assassin's creed game

>giving away the worst assassin's creed game

Thanks Ubisoft.

>Need to download Uplay

Nah fuck off Ubisoft you pieces of shit.

>willfully installing that cancerous DRM they have

>on uplay
I'd prefer to pirate it

they are giving away all the ubi30 games again this month.

I already had most of them including AC3


Gee, fucking thanks

Not be even 2 or Brotherhood, but fucking 3

It's like those assholes know that it's their worst game

>he doesn't play sieg

Was that supposed to be an insult

I heard 3 has good combat

Wish it was Black Flag

>free on PC
>still need Uplay
and nothing of value was lost

>"playing" siege

I think they were saying, you didn't play rainbow six siege, but you aren't missing much.


>I paid 40 bucks of my hard earned high school money on this


far cry blood dragon is also free right now on ubi 30, in case you want to play an actually good game

rouge and black flag have the same system while being better games.though in AC3 you can choose to keep swords or axes with you.

why not 2? dammit

to be fair though, cities in 3 suck, but nature is well done
hunting is entertaining for 30-40 minutes

I can already pirate it though?

Because 2 is actually good and people would pay for it.
But they unironically owe me compensation money for that AC3 ending of the current time story.
>All that buildup for Desmond touching something and dying
Literally what the fuck.

>maybe we should give away a free game like our competitors do to try and score some good will
>good idea, which one shall we give away?
>how about one of our asscreed games?
>hmm.. Which one?
>The shit one


The November giveaway game is/was Blood Dragon. I thought it would be a nice game to try but it was a terrible experience
>need to download uplay
>whatever I'll just uninstall it after
>get in the game
>sensitivity is high as fuck where 6cm is 720 degree spin
>turn sensitivity as low as it can go but it hardly helps
>exit the game and find the user profile to set the sensitivity to something reasonable (I'm used to full mousepad being a 270 degree spin)
>have to open and close the game like 6 times to finally find a sensitivity I like
>then I realize there's mouse acceleration so I turn it off
>this puts my sensitivity to the max
>exit the game to set sensitivity and then relaunch
>everything seems to be fine so I start to play
>mouse movements seem oddly inconsistent
>realize there's fucking NEGATIVE mouse acceleration after I turned mouse acceleration off
>uninstalled that garbage

>Bought every AC game on Steam ecept for 3, Unity and Syndicate during this summer
>3 goes free
What luck.

Based Ubisoft.

Blood dragon is shit anyway. Just a reskined FC3 with bad reddit tier humor. I really don't get why Sup Forums dick rides it so much.

>Install Uplay once
>It uninstalls itself later

Its just that bad.

It came out just as 80s aesthetics started to boom.

no user, you are the reddit.

>reddit tier humor.
I don't get it.

It's funny for about 15 minutes. If you're a teenager maybe half an hour. Far Cry's gameplay model is complete shit however, so even if it didn't run out of jokes before the tutorial is over it would not be good.

I got past the first chapter or two and it deleted my save.

I don't care what you niggers think, AC was a good game and the Homestead was comfy as fuck

AC 3 that is

>I'm too mature for this videogame
-Anonymous on Sup Forums, a board about children's toys.

Even just looking at the gameplay, it's shit.

Good for you.

Nothing is free. They'd want me to install their shitty client, spy on my pc and sell my info for money.

It's only truly free if you pirate but that game is so shit it's not worth the bandwidth.

>played finished and like Asscreed 2
>till the retarded ''We wuz space gods'' part
>tried playing Asscreed 1
>got bored after less than one hour

Should i even bother with the rest?

A better game than Assasin's Creed 3

>p-please go see our movie
>w-w-w-w-w-w-w--w-w-w-w-w-w-w-we will give you a g-g-g--g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-game!

Nice porky pig impression ubisoft, but no

Try out Black flag if you like being a pirate, i guess.

Right there with ya

>The Assassins Creed multiplayer will be populated for a while

Honestly the old multiplayer was the best part of the series it's fucking amazing, shame they've done away with it now

Is this worth downloading for the multiplayer? I already pirated and finished all of the games in the series but never played multiplayer.

Is Asscreed 3 MP the same as MP in the later Asscreed 2 games?



BF is fantastic.
Shame about the Uplay shit.
Pirate it.
