Anyone else glad they're tearing this shitty game a new asshole?

Anyone else glad they're tearing this shitty game a new asshole?

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It's KH1 right? If so yeah the first game was shit, compared to KH2. Which in turn were both shit compared to their Final mix versions.

>youtube kids invading this website with their eceleb trash

Please please just fucking die


lol they said 2 was even worse

Well good to know they have shit taste.

I like KH more than KH2.

the fat albert jokes never get old

Good to know you also have shit taste user.

It was an amazing game if you actually played it as a kid. I wasn't a fan of anime shit or Disney but it had a great feel to the game. Like the gay guy said.

>eceleb shit
form your own opinion dumbass

>they're tearing this shitty game a new asshole?
Are they? they're already bored with it and are doing skits.

Fuck off with your eceleb garbage.

Who's doing what now?

Don't even know what this is, but the awful thumbnail makes this look like their target audience are people with autism and children aged 8-13.

did you know that more you whine in here, the longer the thread stays alive?

literally who

You're a faggot lol

Nothing will beat Crash.

>what is sage

this game is stiffer than a wedding dick


you must be new here

Fuck off underage.


you must be new here underage

Sora, we're in Undertale!

Who put all the crates for Crash to smash?

Here's your (you).

and yet the thread remains

>watching e-celebs play video games
>watching e-celebs who scream like 12 year olds play video games


The site is not a secret and the average age of anons is probably in line with those that grew up and accepted social media diarrhea as the norm.

Face it, we're the minority now user.

>watching ecelebs for opinions

There's your problem, idiot.


it's kind of cool how much the game makes you eat shit to the better characters.

lol when they shout and make funneh noises im like haha subbed

TeamFourStar already tore it apart in their playthrough. Anybody who says KH1 is better than KH2 is an idiot.

It's not 2 or BBS so who cares

having never touched the game as a kid and watching this I could see why it did so well. It looks gorgeous even now, not just on a graphical level but the animation and aesthetics.

>dude let's players LMAO! Fuck'em!
>makes his own
Fuck Oney. Fuck Mick. Fuck Corey. Fuck all those autistic fucks.
[/spoiler]Except Stamper and Zach. They're cool.[/spoiler]

That's the reason I'm not watching it, I'd rather not listen to people shit on a game I really enjoy since there's better things to spend time on like actually playing video games

>implying youtube faggotry is not for underaged faggots

>from animations to let's plays

Kinda sad. Going the Egoraptor route I guess.

>non Sup Forums approved youtuber makes ape noises
ugh fucking autists and kids and normies who likes this shit I only watch patrician entertainment
>Sup Forums approved youtuber makes ape noises
loooool so good I better make another thread about how good they are loool subbed no you idiot it's a PARODY of youtubers it's IRONIC but btw can I be real for a moment I respect these guys so much


Even reddit isn't shittier as this place, god sake...

I hate anyone who acts like they're above others who are doing the exact same thing. He's an arrogant cunt who has sunken to the lowest level: Let's Plays. And yet he still tries so desperately to convince himself and others that he's above the others who do the same.

If you were really better than the others you'd still be animated, fuckwit. He was never even all that good an animator either so fuck knows where the ego came from.


they are right about animating not being sustainable on youtube though

they way it pays just doesn't mesh with animation, the way to be profitable is through videos which can be pumped out daily like letsplays and vlogs

He still animates, just not on youtube. Nobody animates on youtube anymore because its algorithms favor longer videos and that is not worth the effort for animators.

What is the retarded Undertale video they reference in every single episode?

That's exactly how l feel.
They always talk mad shit about let's players yet look where they are.
>l-lt's only okay when l do it!
Fuck them.

God yes, the entire KH series is a fucking dumpster fire.
Oney is probably the only good let's player.

This and other videos from this wonderful channel.

He's an arrogant hypocrite that was never that humorous to begin with. The funniest thing he's done is stoop to doing LPs after shitting on them.

I have no strong opinion one way or the other

Mick needs to fuck off permanently, that faggot ruined sleepycast and somehow the entire sleepycabin website

Go away Oney

Jesus Christ.

Kill me.

>check the website

wait what
whats happened

why is it micks fault

haven't listened to sleepycast for absolutely ages but it was bretty gud at the start

But wasn't it? The combat was way simpler and it introduced all that "press triangle to win" stuff.

>haha duuude!
>l used to be really fat
>I'm Chinese by the way!
>[speaking Chinese intensifies]
Every fucking episode.

Why is there constantly a thread on Sup Forums for this shit channel? I guess all the gamegrumps posters found a new imaginary friend who makes funni noises xD
And I just beginning to enjoy there not being a GG thread on Sup Forums at all times


when did he ever talk shit about lets players?
he's been doing that lets play channel for like 2 years, at the same time as sleepycast

>except Zach
>Zach "I interrupt everyone else and speak over them" Hadel
>Zach "look at my ironic opinions on political shit" Hadel
>Zach "I'm only known for my epic screams" Hadel
That guy's insufferable to hear,
Stamper's ok.

KH games aren't very good. They succeeded on brand alone

E-celebs aren't video games.

Fuck off, underage.



he isnt really shitting on it

Fuck right off, he's objectively the best member

Zach/Cory is the dynamic duo if you want laughs

Could it be Bowser, from other video game?

He said he didn't want to do lets plays as a full time thing and only does them for fun and to have content to put out while he works on other stuff.

I think it's only Stamper that full on hates let's players.

Oney is probably the only good letsplayer. Everyone else is really annoying.
Emphasis on good by the way.


No exaggeration when I say the only big KH fans I knew were either gay or fat female weebs.

He accidentally deleted the whole thing somehow and there was no backup, now we're stuck with that shitty quote and a few links

But l like them and l'm a dude who has a girlfriend.
l am kind of fat, though.

Fags and fat bitches once again keeping crap alive.

What's your favorite KH level?

I don't think anyone can disagree with this.

If a youtuber is just shouting or making le funneh noises instead of actually being funny, it's shit
If a youtuber is just shouting or making le funneh noises instead of actually being funny IRONICALLY ;;;;;;;^))))) it's still shit

Tell me, Sup Forums

How DID Melodramic Final Fantasy x Disney become a hit?

It is absolutely impossible to explain the plot or story of KH aloud and not be overcome with all-encompassing shame and embarrassment.

God dammit Mick.

he is also annoying

If you get some real friends, you won't have to watch people play video games and make silly noises all day to entertain mouth breathers like yourself.

I keep hearing shit along these lines
>let's plays are shit, but oney is good, he's the only good one!

Why? Someone please explain how you came to this conclusion when it's the same shrieking and autism you'd find on any other LP channel, if not even worse?

Probably the Olympus Coliseum.
l can always count on that world for cool FF characters and great fights.

who the fuck is tearing my favourite game a new asshole?

>If you get some real friends
Which I never will.

what is that?

didnt the same thing happen to arin?

Not play Devil's Advocado but Oney clairifed in one of the Sleepycast episodes that he's only okay with Let's Plays if they can find a way to be entertaining or interesting. And since he and ding dong and Julien do a good job of actually being entertaining it's ok to some degree.

However, fuck Cory though. He always has a very "Yeah but" mentality about a lot of the shit he likes and dislikes it comes off as really hypocritical and obnoxious.

That shit is bad but what's worse is
>Come on guys hurry up we have more patreon questions to get through

Fucking hell just let them go on about bullshit, that's what made the early episodes so good, not these questions by plebbit fags



What's the deal with Fat Albert?

So he found a way to be entertaining by watching game grumps and thought "oh let's just do that"

>refugee fans of sleepycast
>daily uploads
>relatively good amount of effort put into editing
>not pc
>chris' concentrated autism balanced out by ding dong/julian

First one sort of made sense.

Three kids are friends, mystery magic darkness swallows them and they get separated and it's just a boy's quest to find his chums again.
Finds a magic sword on the way and does a bunch of average fantasy quest bullshit, fights and redeems his rival and then goes and slaps the big bad asshole guy that was pulling the strings the whole time.

The story is pretty bare and bland in KH1 but it was understandable.

But holy shit did it ever get fucking convoluted and viscous with every single game that followed.

so is julian actually gay or what
