Games leaves you wanting more

>games leaves you wanting more
Why don't they do this anymore?

>you will never be a qt girl that's addicted to cock

They tricked you into the purchase, why should they care afterwards? You'll get hyped up anyway and buy the sequel thinking it'll be better.

>addicted to cock
>not addicted to delicious Subway Spicy Italian's with a few banana peppers

I bet your pantsu don't even have a cute animal on them

give me the sauce

Just in case anyone gets any ideas.

>ywn suck a virgin dick
why live

The fuck's a banana pepper?

If it isn't obvious by the art style, you don't deserve to know.

come on I'm new to this stuff ;_;
at least point me how do I learn

Nigga they're the yellow curly pepers that taste sweet.

but user i already sucked my own dick

tangy little chilis that have little to no heat, but a couple of them included sparingly can be godlike

you're going to have to beg that user harder if you want some delicious sauce

Maybe offer them a Subway $5 giftcard?

maeshima ryou

Explain further

I have, I made him not a virgin anymore.

KYS Pedo.

If it ain't jalapeno, I am not listening.

i only touched mine with the tip of my tounge and tasted precum, it's not enough tbqh

>tfw you will never be this girl because your boyfriend is too nice to not get you subway

>Game makes obvious sequel bait
>Don't want it
>Game wraps up the story in a nice neat bow
>Want more of it

this is my fantasy
it sucks i'm not a qt femmy fag

almost broke my back on a bunk bed by sucking the head of my cock
100% worth it

But they do.

Because closure is way more important.

I'm a qt femmy fag, I can make the reverse of your fantasy a reality if you want.

Serious answer not about lolicon or subway:

I think they try to but video game quality in the AAA arena has degraded to the point where they can't end a game successfully.

There's also the thing where videos are more story-based and leaving a story unfinished feel shitty.


Lowest tier subs

I have actually tried this but could not get off by it
it's just way to uncomfortable to do
like, the pleasure of getting my dick sucked is way less than the effort to do it myself

>Play a squad based shooter
>throughout the game you bond with your teammates as you complete some wetworks
>at the end of the game one of your squad gets captured
>about to save him but ordered to retreat
>game ends on a cliffhanger with you about to start your next mission

Fuck cliffhangers, especially if they don't deliver a sequel.

s-sure but you probably live like a light year away

And where would you happen to live user?

How did you guys manage to suck your own dick without snapping your spine?

>about to save him
>MC does not sacrifice their own life to save their team mate's
0/10 writing


eastern europe

it was extremely painful

No effort to match the original font. 0/10

My dick is xbox huge.

Yep, you're outta luck.

I still hold on to false hope that one day that gigantic faggot toby will release hard mode. Yes, I know it's never going to happen.

I used to do it when I was 16
it's pretty easy if you stretch regularly, but it made me want to suck other guys dicks. it's a slippery slope, be careful user

helps if you're not a big guy

Please user, no more. I had almost forgotten.


name two (2) games that do this
>tfw you coudn't save Sev


Does anyone ever actually crave a subway sandwich?

Oh look, another 404 thread.

unfortunately i am, for you

im craving subway right now desu

Years of yoga

I do, it's quite good.

I'm too mad to want anymore


plz be

Their meatball marinara sub is cheap and filling as fuck

I am, wanna get more particular?

Is that New York?

Sounds kinda like Rainbow Six Vegas


I might visit New York this Christmas.

I have a Subway that's down the road from me. Fuck, I'm lusting for a good sub right about now...

I want to suck a Sup Forums user's cock!


Go grab one of their unbeatabley priced daily sub specials!

let's do it senpai

As am I user. Might go for a tuna footlong, or a reuben footlong.

He'll pussy out last minute don't bother

Who do I have to kill to get a big thick cock in my ass

i can gi-
oh well

Yourself, gayboi.

A person, Tyrone will take care of you in the prison.

W-Wanna go hang out at D-Dave and Busters?

Why is everyone so gay here
I bet even the spiders that post on Sup Forums are gay


What now?
I've sucked two (2) dude's dicks that I met from Sup Forums.
It's overpriced and the food isn't very good, I'd be happy to cook you something instead, or we could go elsewhere to eat and then just go to a regular arcade.

it's not gay if I wear a skirt!
but he might hurt me, I'm fragile


I bet the faggots on Sup Forums are gay too.

Oh fuck off you gatekeeping faggot. There is literally no reason to act like such a fucing aspie.

>a person

It's in Brooklyn to be specific.

I never implied that you ass witch

please be from V I R G I N I A

that's not what he said you dumbass, he said to kill a person, anyone, and in jail Tyrone's gonna make that ass his

I just do it to piss people like you off.

big cock here, where you at slut?

The head vampire

>actually having a Dave and Busters in your state
hate you desu

>What now?
you succ my pOnOs if you're within a 2hr drive in bamaland

Gross you probably have aids

Hello newfriend. You need to earn your fap.

>games leaves you wanting more
that's what Legend of Dark Witch did to me

why ya niggas gotta start sucking dicks every time you get together, why cant we talk about video games for once


I'm literally at work shitposting off of Broadway right down by the bull.

Can I pick you up and buy you some drinks when I get off?

And then you can get me off?