Eza podcast

Where is it?

fuck off and join their patreon if you want it so bad

On the internet

I send nudes to whoever posts the link.

They gave a 9.5 to FFXV
How in the fuck

They give 4 stars to basically everything.
Like you listen to the review, well this game has this problem,etc,etc. Final score: 4 stars.

summoning ben

wont be up for few more hours

No podcast yet, but tabletop just got posted.
>ben doesn't allow kyle to become a dragon

Cant believe there are people that find that entertaining.

Can I just start watching or do I need to start from the first episode?

Brad is going to win the betting special, and there's nothing Michael "Outdated" Huber can do about it.

Why does their schedule say thursday for patrons and they always upload it tuesday or wednesday?

It's basically one continuous game of DnD so start from the beginning if you want to know what's going on.

Shit's going down in the last few episodes, so maybe you can start when Huber got his new character? Or just start at episode 1.

It sucks that Kyle wasn't there for the episode, but I love that he's trying to be a jerk with his own bet.

Kyle's bet is perfect. Watch everyone who goes to the meet and greet bring whole bags of marbles.

patrons almost always get it wednesday night. maybe they recorded it late or its just a placeholder time.

goes public on friday

schedule always says thursday 1 am on their website.

>Sun/Moon is one of the longest games in the series and both Kyle and Jones gets easily distracted with exploring previously tread areas.
This is going to be either the best or worst thing ever.

Come on Ben don't dissappoint us.

>Based Brad tells Ian he is trash during the betting special

i dont think i can watch it, because of the awkwardness, its also missing kyle...

Yeah it was super weird since the review sounded like it would be 3 and a half stars max.

Ben probably got way too hyped once again and couldn't think straight. Dude is way too gone in the fanboy zone imho.