What are some game things you do IRL
What are some game things you do IRL
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look and move around in first person
Play games
hear in dolby surround
eat and sleep
hopefully die
Change graphical settings at will.
see in 24 fps
I pretend the people around me are on Dischord and I use my mouth to communicate in an invisible mic instead of typing to them on their phone.
i'm shin megami tenseing with dante from the devil may cry series
no_clip to work
I eat mushrooms.
>tfw glowing objects with button prompts in games have become so commonplace they're being turned into memes
Where did gaming go wrong, Sup Forums?
you talk to people around you through your phone?
get huge difficulty spikes
Sup Forums?
I spent a whole weekend playing Hitman a while back and for like a week afterward anytime I was in a crowded public place I was hyper-aware of where all the exits were and the best place to hide if I theoretically had to make a quick escape.
Is it autism?
playing video games
They been common for over 20 years
I was born with no audio input
the letters are right next to each other please forgive me
yep, and it's genuine
its really not that different
Yeah... I slaughter my enemies, and I sheath my blade, sometimes I look up to the right for a mini map, slap myself on the forehead and chuckle, then head home with a smirk, eyes closed and arms behind my head. Heh, life is pretty great...
drive wildly on the roads while trying to run into as many pedestrians as possible.
Get upset when I see bugs
After playing skyrim, I try screaming my annoying neighbor's dog into the stratosphere. And I actually say "FUS RO DAH"
That was so cringey it gave me goosebumps
>not disabling object highlighting
>playing on console
filthy casuals
I try charging 500 ki and using Final Kamehameha.
are you actually deaf or just having a laff
Is your neighbor annoying? Or his dog?
Are you literally me?
I try to angle my camera to see up skirts haha
you sound like someone who gets triggered at the sight of someone playing a western game. it's a shitty le gamer joke and that's the thing that bothers you? please just follow through with your picture.
When someone speaks, I awkwardly pause for about 10 seconds to consider whether I should be a pushover, a sarcastic pushover or a hardass pushover. I also end every conversation with," I should go" or similar phrases
whenever i finish cooking i go "Mmm, looks tasty!"
I pick up random objects and unless they pertain to the activity im doing i whisper to myself "hmm... seems irrelevant"
BOTH. The dog barks at everything and bit my cat half to death. My neighbor does nothing about it, either.
Kill them all
That image is at least 6 years old
While you post on Sup Forums, I mastered the blade.
*teleports behind you*
It's nothing personal kid...
Accessible Internet and mainstream gaming were a mistake.
I don't blame him. He's probably posting on some Finnish car-building forum about how his neighbor thinks he's the Bad Dragonborn and screams at his dog.
I'm stuck in third person, it sucks having to walk up against a wall just to get a good look at myself
say break break break when I need to say something important at work
us gamers rite XDD le cake is le a le lie XDD
while you mastered the blade, I bought a gun and then spent the rest of the time masturbating
My coworkers probably think I'm autistic.
>Button prompts and outlines are the default for games
Just no, top everyday.
When I walk through crowds, I put my hands on peoples shoulders, like Altier from Assassins Creed.
you sound like an absolute madman
yeah im pretty intense
Calm down
le calm le down XDD
The reason for this is quite simple. Visibility.
Back in the days, games had really simple environments, so if you saw something besides chairs, tables and boxes, you knew you could interact with it.
But now that technology progressed and games need more detailed environment to mimic reality and to be graphically accepted by people, items you can interact with become much less visible, they become "lost in details".
Thus you've got this. Even in MGS there were floating items in the air to mark visibility, but in MGS4 they float no more. They're on the ground now, so they introduced Solid Eye which highlighted pickable items.
Double takes on security cameras. The small black ball ones.
I killed the concept of God years ago thanks to my intelligence.
Nonvidya related but PC related. I sometimes find myself wanting to "ctrl+f" when reading books and then remember I have to specifically find where I wanted to be in the book.
What a time to be alive lads
pure autism the pic
Get annoyed at frame rate drops I occasionally perceive in my peripheral vision while simultaneously being aware they aren't actually happening.
OK, I don't actually DO it but I want to blow up any walls that have cracks in them.
> play Bloodbourne all day yesterday
> go for a walk in the evening
> walk past someone, feel like i'm going to instinctively "target" them
I respawn
not him but I'm a mute if that clunts
>listening to music
>get up
>walk out of the house
>pause in the doorway before I get outside for a minute
>change music
>continue about my business
Repeat for every transition between environments.
Why not both?
>>>pause in the doorway before I get outside for a minute
>>change music
>>continue about my business
Weird, I do this too.
jesus fucking christ
thats incredible in both good and bad ways
I frequently skip boring dialogue and make
"uh-huh, mmm, yeah, mm yeah, mmm uh-huh, yeah" noises as I do so to increase my immersion.
I also always pick the neutral dialogue choice
i thought I was the only one!
IMO, it's maximum autism and a surprisingly good time-waster. I'm surprised there haven't been threads about which music is best for which environments. Or maybe that's a topic for Sup Forums, I dunno.
When I was in highschool I was playing a shit ton of Wow. BC had just come out and my toaster PC couldn't handle them graphics.
I was walking home from school and looked down at my shadow and thought to myself
>I thought I turned those off
then realized I was a retard
drive a car IRL.
I imagine this would be great at a dark quiet depressing bar
His head better clip through the gate.
I treat life like a RPG and I excel at it. I'm a polymath with almost inhuman memorization and the ability to keep a running total of fairly complex mathematical equations in my head. I assign a score to everyone I meet, whether it's a new coworker or a random person at the grocery store. I rate them in the following categories: appearance, friendliness, apparent intelligence, smell, cleanliness, mental illness (if applicable), fashion sense, wealth, social status, linguistic skills, and sexuality. If I notice a person appears to be negative towards me I'll "remember" that, and I will attempt to "kill them with kindness". If that doesn't work then I consider them an enemy, though RPGs have taught me that sometimes lifelong enemies can still become the greatest allies. I use these ratings to social engineer myself into their hearts, to maintain lasting relationships, to benefit myself if I need to use someone to further my goals, and to help others. Sometimes I can give a person advice with regards to a social situation as long as I know the other parties involved - I understand their social dynamic and I can give the other person a boost to reconcile or achieve whatever it is they're after. I treat every word with gravitas, knowing that there are no quicksaves. I'm able to quickly parse a conversation and weigh all possible responses, choosing the best response in terms of my goal with that individual. I've used this skill to have sex numerous times, to get several promotions at work, to get a better deal on my current automobile, and I believe that I'm reaching the pinnacle of humanity. I may not have min/maxed myself to be a bodybuilder, but I know how to get the bodybuilders on my side and to get them to do my bidding while allowing them to think they have free will in the matter.
i make the "huut!" noises like Link does when doing things like climb on/over something, sit down, get out of bed etc.
>spent at least 2000 hours in Hammer from the age of 14 til around age 20, almost completed at least 5 large projects, each better-optimized and designed better than the last
>wishing I could just hit Ctrl+z to undo