Have we improved at all since then?

Have we improved at all since then?


>Cheats are paid DLC now

lol no


Name 5 games
4 music albums
3 movies
2 books
1 toy

>this would be considered "harmless cosmetic DLC" in todays age

It is now when you see all the jewery nowadays

I don't understand, how is this a problem?

Someone worked to create that armor and it was done after the game had already been shipped and sold.
It's additional, optional content that requires work to create.

What about it makes you angry?


I miss when games were released as full products. Everyone who bought it got the same thing.

Why did it have to become like buying a fucking sandwich. Developers should give a shit and have passion in a project, but now it's all just generic shit

It got worse

>Have we improved
when the fuck do we ever improve on morality

How could we?

do you have an actual answer?

I'm legitimately curious

>early access
>pre-order dlc
>season pass
>paid mods
its gotten even worse

I pose a question: If the base game provides a complete experience and the downloadable content is completely optional, then who gives a flying fuck if it's there?

>Needing this obvious shit spelled out for you in 2016

You're legitimately retarded

no one
but both you and i know that is rarely the case

No, Sup Forums was shit and is still shit.

Someone post the csgo gloves pic

>It's bad because... because it's bad, even though I can't say why, you should already know because it's so obvious that I literally can't even.

Still waiting on that answer.

user, stop being a faggot and answer his question

It really isn't.
There might be a personal gripe about not getting the "full game" or about how ridiculous the item is, but realistically it's hardly an issue.

I'll pretend you aren't a total retard. For starters there is no evidence this was created after the game went gold, only their word which is literally the worst thing to take as evidence. This also paved the way for companies to carve out pieces of the game to sell to you on top of the game in order to increase their profit. Without the horse armor or had it failed, we would not have the modern day jew style dlc. We would have complete games upon release or companies still adding in content for free to add incentive to keep playing their game(s). Done.

There is no evidence that the horse armor pack was there before the game was finished, either.
The choice was between paid horse armor, and no horse armor.
The fact that there's even a choice is an improvement over no choice.

Other companies have started doing it because it's more profitable (obviously).
Can you really blame them?
If the system works and other companies start adopting it you don't want to go bankrupt because you are the only company not doing this.
Of course there are companies that don't do this and haven't gone bankrupts, I'm generalizing.

Whenever a company has done the shit you're describing (shipping games without features to be sold later) it was received badly by the customers and it damaged their image.

How would you suggest to fix the current "jew style DLC"? Ban all DLCs? What's a DLC and what's an expansion? Who makes the distinction?

In the end it's the customers who decide what games to buy and the big companies decide to make games based on their profitability and sell them accordingly.
When people stop buying into DLC because they think it's wrong or whatever the companies will stop making them.

There are always going to be developers with passion that care more about their games than their sales but those are the exceptions.

>Without the horse armor or had it failed, we would not have the modern day jew style dlc
Why did it not fail? Was Bethesda or someone else holding their customers at gun point telling them to buy the DLC so it would "ruin the market" for years to come?

What does black people wearing bouillon have to do with this?

>mfw I pictured a bunch of niggers wearing chicken cubes on their neck

People are just dumb and are easily manipulated into making stupid purchases and you're a fag for playing dumb and pretending this did not happen.

Their choice with their own money.

>The choice was between paid horse armor, and no horse armor.
There's shitloads of free horse armor mods that are way better than their dlc nigger

>preordering digital goods for no real incentives has become common and almost standard procedure for some people despite you getting the game exactly the same time as everyone else
>you're literally paying more for nothing

Good, so don't spend money on it. You are losing nothing.

No, it's gotten worse desu senpai

>implying choices can't be good or bad, to the benefit of the person making the choice or to his detriment
You've completely run out of arguments. It's a shame since you tried so hard.

I never said people can't do bad choices. It's their money. They're free to throw it down the toilet if they want. Are you going to stop them?

It's been getting progressively worst. Look at the last three Total War games for example.

Wait what
What game?

No but I will try to educate them so hopefully they will be able to make better choices in the future. What I'm curious to know is why this bothers you. Aren't I just making a choice in what I say to people? Why should I not try to influence others like me to do things that could potentially lead to a better state of affairs for us?


I'm not seeing any solutions from you here.

As I asked here How would you suggest to fix the state of DLCs?

I agree that many DLCs suck, when the game developer releases an incomplete game and then sells the remaining later.
Take Paradox for example. Their most recent games Stellaris and Hearts of Iron IV suck. But they will undoubtedly get better later. The improvements will come as DLCs with a price tag.
That is also true for their older games, Crusader Kings II and Europa Universalis IV have over a dozen DLCs each, all cost money, some make the base game look "unplayable" without them by now, but the reason Paradox continues to release huge updates for year old games is because they make money off the improvements.
Many criticize the system but a lot of people also buy the DLCs and have more fun than if they were not available.

There are good arguments and examples for both sides of the coin.
The reality right now is that many companies sell DLC and in some cases it screws over the "customer".
The game companies owe you nothing.
Complaining will not get you anything.

Since I'm mostly piratefag, my biggest issues that I wait until they release everything, which is pretty much non issue.
But Paradox always breaks the game or mods so I have to fix that shit myself, again, and again...

Dead Space had DLC weapons that broke the game.

There have been many games that let you pay real money for ingame advantages. Tales of vesperia let you buy levels and gold. Dragon's dogma let you buy rift crystals on console but it was removed for pc, possibly due to how easy it is to cheat on pc. I heard something about recent dead space and deus ex games letting you buy ingame resources but don't know the details.

It's gotten worse. Horse armor is really tame compared to the shit we get today. And people just aren't outraged anymore, which is probably the worst part.

A big thing is that publishers got smarter about how to get past our radar. Horse armor was $2.5, which felt like a rip-off, but it did include several armors. Now they just charge $0.99 for a weapon skin in an FPS or a paintjob in a racing game, which is just as much, if not more, of a rip-off, and people are fine with it because it feels like scraps. Or they play around with pre-order bonuses, which are really hard to complain about since they're technically free, but probably make them more money from extra sales due to creating an urgency to buy in order to get the limited offer.

If the Sup Forums of 2006 saw us today, they'd be horrified by all the shit we've ended up putting up with.

Microtransactions are deliberately designed to fuck with consumer psychology to squeeze as much money out of costumers as possible while providing as little value as possible in return. It fuck their costumers and takes all the passion out of the developers' work, all for the sake of providing a little more profit for detached shareholders. So yes, we can blame them. Fuck them, they don't deserve any sympathy for being part of a corporate monopoly that encourages this bullshit.

Claiming that reputation is a corrective force is complete bullshit, due to the aforementioned monopoly structure. Look at EA or Activision, they don't give a single fuck about the mountain of criticism thrown their way for all the bullshit they pull on us. They still hold valuable IPs that no one can take away from them. They're still juggernauts too inflated by endless acquisition to have to worry about any serious competition. There's still hundreds of thousands of customers out there to push more overpriced shit on, because their marketing campaigns talk a lot louder than the people who might tell them that they could be getting more value for their money.