How bad is it?

How bad is it?

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about as bad as 13

It's alright. 6/10.

Solid 7/10

>Story is sparse, characters are HEAVILY underutilized and shit happens offscreen way too much
>Combat is pretty good, lot of weapon types
>magic is ass a result though, however there is alot of combinations to mix and make spells
>dungeons are actually good
>open world itself has little short cuts, leading to 5+ minute drives for a place you can see straight ahead
>side quests mostly fetch/hunting stuff
>linear part of the main story is just bad
>great OST
>visually its pretty good for a console game, but the water is ridiculously shit or just passable

It's a flawed masterpiece. I think it at least laid the groundwork for a similar future title that could blow every other game out of the water.

Not at all, it is pretty alright actually.

I'm enjoying it.

It's a 10/10.

Only contrarians think otherwise.

>>Combat is pretty good
opinion discarded. the combat fucking sucks.

Duke Nukem Forever/10

Denial is more than a river in Egypt motherfuckers.
Come back in 2 years time.
That's how it took the weebs to admit that FF13 was a stinking shitpile.

How do I do chocobo fucking races in this game?

Duke Nukem Forever is a much better game. It's actually possible to have fun with that one.

ets discuss the later chapters of FF XV.

What the fuck were they thinking making that shit, especially chapter 13 where you basically play Silent Hill. Whoever made that shit deserves to be fired on his ass and forever banned from the industry, I mean what the fuck.

And then the annoying fuckboy Prompto out of nowhere announces that he has been an imperial all along, but was too scared to tell them. What in the allfuck was the point of that? He mentions it out of nowhere, hasnt been hinted at all, then they are all like "whatever nigga, we all equal, globalism strong!" AND THEY LEAVE IT AT THAT, NOTHING MORE IS SAID. Also all the tention between Noct and Gaydious suddenly is resloved here aswell, they dont talk it out or nothing, its just "yeah, were BFFs again! YAY!"

Did King Nocturnal Edgeowl and Luna die at the end or not? I mean that whole wedding scene thingy, was it all in their minds in whatever afterlife they experienced or what?

Basically the game was good until they got on the motherfucking boat, and then it turned wierd as fuck. Kinda like Berserk.


Also, Duke Nukem Forever has the fucking Duke in it.

Imagine if Duke was in this,

What would happen?

Equip the summon and hold the button.

Hold L2

How do I equip it? It's not in any gear menu that I can see. I've been holding it, pushing it, tapping it, mashing it, everything, nothing's doing jack shit.

Pretty fun desu

When the game tells you to press L2, press it.

Keep holding L2
I recall it took a while

Start a new game, I'm sorry user. This is a game breaking bug that some people are reporting, and the only option is load an older save or just start over/.

I did, i'm sitting here staring at this fucking generator and it says "push L2 to summon" and i'm just waiting, and waiting, holding it down, and nothing's happening.

37 minutes long enough?

Fuck that, i'm just gonna return the game at this rate. Tried a new controller, tried reloading and doing all this shit AGAIN, it's just not working.

Don't blame you. The game is hot ass anyways.

Its got the most irrelevant females after the 16-bit games, so there's that.

How bad is it?

Well, the characters spew memes like "guess he doesn't skip leg day" and "like a boss!" when you're fighting mobs, and the game constantly tries to advertise to you, pic related. One of the best cheap foods you can make early on, so it's eating ramen like a weeb faggot or being crippled because 90% of your stats through chapter 11 or so are from food.


How big of a difference does a regular ps4 vs a pro make?

Luna is a non-character with more screen time and relevance to a 2 hour movie than a supposedly 100 hour game. Is there even another female character besides Cindy?

>16-bit FF games
>having irrelevant females
u wot

A big difference.

I've seen some streams and it looks alright. Wish there was a girl companion you can ogle though.

Fuck. So should I sell my PS4 off eBay or does Gamestop have a trade-in offer or something?

they had one a month ago when the system came out, see if it's still going.

and it's gonna get even better in a week or two when the updated pro patch drops with a framerate uncap and better optimization.

>the resurgence of Cidney porn now that the game is finally out is finally starting
All I wanted desu

>lot of weapon types
There's like six, dicounting the royal weapons.
It's less than half the variety that Type-0 had. There isn't even an unarmed/fist weapons option, which is almost fucking unheard of in FF.

Luna has like 1 long scene, but then is put in random ass places early on in the story. Genwhatever has like, a total of 5-10 minutes and no personality or anything.

Highwind is actually the best female, the temporary screentime was great as a party member. Cidney is okay, she has a chain quest that is fine but obviously she is just a mechanic girl don't expect much

Its not on pc so id say 0/10, wont give them my money.


Thats photoshopped, no way that would go trough.

If I liked the combat in the demo that came with type 0, will I like the rest of this game?

The only FFs I've technically played are type 0 and xiv

I honestly enjoy it a lot.

The party is great, the game is fun, the gameplay is pretty neato and there's plenty of detail to most things.

You can shit on it as much as you want but it's pretty good.


So how long until we get XV-2?

Just started it, just got to the pier thing. I'm having fun so far. When is it supposed to get bad

The second half are very clearly leftovers from versus. Probably because they couldn't finish the proper FF15 in time.

moogles DLC confirmed

>not Iris

everyone says this at first, the game starts ok but immediately and consistently starts to drop in quality until it absolutely shits the bed

Can we all admit that Ignis is literally the perfect wife

>will cook delicious food for you
>will drive you around as much as you like
>will protect you from monsters
>will suck your dick from time to time
>does not have a stinky smelly vagina
>has a British accent
Literally the perfect wife

u mad

If it was something they said once or twice it'd be fine but it's gonna be super dated and cringey in a year, because they say it after nearly EVERY FUCKING BATTLE, same with pomp whistling the victory theme, which was awesome the first time, but again, it gets old, because they always say the same shit after, it's already cringey now but that's beside the point.

advertisements have no place in games, it's been tacky forever. It was tacky in crazy taxi, it was super fucking awful seeing the ff13 characters "wearing" real suits (lel), this is just another poor choice.

user, plz
now i am sad

I really wish the game went fucking somewhere. The first three or four chapters feels like you're stuck in one giant uninteresting map that doesn't have any real variety in it. When you finally get to visit other areas, it goes full linear and you can't even explore those places.

I'd give it a solid 8/10.

I thought it was going to be like Game of Thrones meets Kingdom Hearts meets Backstreet Boys.

It has more in line with 80s movies like Stand By Me and Jurassic Park, and has a very Fallout 3/New Vegas/4 vibe to it in the world design and quest system.

Combat is still a little strange for me. I've had great combat encounters and no bad ones, so the combat has at least been good so far.

I'm only on chapter 2, I hear it goes to shit near the halfway point.

What the fuck did you even accomplish by the end of the game? Doesn't the empire still control most of the world? Sure you dealt a blow to their military forces, but that's like taking all of Americas nukes away. They might not have nukes anymore but they still have a big fucking army.

I'd say worse tbqh. At least 13 had a more varied cast. This one is just four homos in black leather.

We all have guilty pleasures

>men protags make it gay
R u inscecure? Overall the characters arent as bad as 13.

13 had a pretty decent combat system, but mostly terrible characters, setting, story, linear hallways for 90% of the game, limited RPG mechanics
15 has a bad combat system, okayish characters, a passable setting/plot that goes full retard at the end, and fell hard for the open world meme but forgot to put anything interesting in it
I'd say they're about equal.

You've accomplished the bridge for the sequel

camp with aranea

poor mans xenoblade

Is this for fucking real? I know the Coleman ads are in the game but shit

>decent combat system
>literally press x for the first 7 hours

I like it and I'm having fun with it.

You should hear Glad's lines about that certain quest. He goes on about the perfection of taste and quality ingredients and it reads like a literal fucking ad for the soup.

If anything it would have to be a prequel, so XV(-1)

If you legitimately believe that memes and advertising in a fantasy video game = pure piece of garbage 0/10 insane blunder then you're just as fucked as the rest of Sup Forums

There's no paizuri porn though.

We might get an expansion but square almost never makes direct sequels to FF games.

The game is good

I watched a playthrough of about 1/3 of the game, including that dude's playthrough of the entire end game from the train onward. It looks pretty shit but goddamn I'd be lying if I said that Shiva summon animation wasn't GOAT. That little piece of the FF crystal theme at the end really makes it.

Better than XV's 'hold o for the entire game'

It's good. Nothing more, just good.
It's loads better than XIII, the open world works and you can tell they've taken notes from WRPG's. The story isn't that amazing though but the setting is 10/10, I love the idea of a modern day like Final Fantasy. The characters aren't all that great but they're better than the copy and past characters of XIII.
It's nowhere near quality like VI or VII but it's something to get Final Fantasy out of the shitter.
OST is also fantastic but a lot of Final Fantasy games have fantastic OST's so that's not surprising.

I give it an 8.5 so far

>implying the ending matters
XIII had a perfect ending and somehow they managed to segue it into two sequels. They could probably make a sequel with Cor as the main chracter. Or that fuccboi that pick up Noctis in the truck when he came back.

Our boy DSP is crashing thanks to the bugged loading mechanics.

>not nice looking water


The opening of the fucking game has Stand By Me as its theme

no it has other issues, those are just the most glaring that peoplpe won't pretend aren't actual issues, like enemies not being staggered from anything but fucking greatswords or elemental weaknesses, boss fights almost all being derivative of the same type of mech with the exception of the ramuh boss and you can just outright skip that one, other boss fights being gigantic QTEs, sidequests being a joke and absolutely unnecessary and at some points detrimental to the experience, since if you do the handful of hunting quests at hammerhead in chapter one, you will be on pace, assuming you NEVER touch another one, to be outleveling every storyline mob 4-5 levels, making it a total joke assuming you gear and eat properly.

That said, the aranea 1 fight was absolutely top tier. You can warp to her in the air for proper combo and timing requirements to deal MASSIVE damage, you can even parry her attacks without an indicator, and if you choose to stay on the ground she's a tough opponent. Great fight.

The rest, not so much. The big enormous monsters are the most fun to fight, but also the easiest because they have so many joints and parts to break that leave them stunned and vulnerable for 30 seconds a piece.

Game is really fun eat shit Sup Forums


kek saw that too. First he gets utterly demolished by the behemoth then it crashes and deletes 30 mins of gameplay.

Can't wait for the TTYDP

>the company that spent 10 years on this game is going to be the same company putting out FFVII Remake
How does this make you feel

exceptions to the norm.

>Our boy DSP

Who the fuck is 'our'?

Quite alright, I don't like the idea of VII getting remade but this game was alright for something that lacked direction.

It's a solid 6.5/10
It is really bad.

Not him, but I agree the cast feels incredibly gay to me. But I've never understood why guys who like to self-insert as men are less gay than the ones who like to play females because they're attractive. Well, except the ones that actually want to be girls, obviously those ones are gay.

>balouve mines
>spend 20 or so minutes slaughtering level 7 enemies and picking up a shit tonne of loot
>get insta killed by some samurai boss at the end that is level 53 and lose all loot
can someone tell me what the fuck happened

Sup Forums

You don't self insert as a female character. You just look at their asses. If you're actually role playing that you're a female character then it's pretty gay.

I am honestly hating the battle system it's just not fun to play. Fuck what a waste of money damn it.

Well if this game manages to sell a lot then maybe there can be a remake somewhere down the line.

It really shines in later story chapters when you're in industrial areas with tons of shit to warp to and hang on, but yeah, overall it's just kinda bland. I had the most fun with guns and regular ol swords.

the dual sword relic is cool too I guess.

so 6.5 is good enough score for you? I mean like its ridiculous how many problems this game has and people keep treating it like GOTY

its gonna be great. I'm loving the game so far and keep imagining running around with Tifa and Barrett like I am with these guys and I'm getting excited.

You know you can return it, right?

>entire of Sup Forums saying it's shit
>obviously even reviews hiding it's shit
>god what a waste of money, and you've STILL given square exactly what they wanted

what in the fuck is going on, can people just not hold there wallets back?

I'm having plenty of fun with 15 so I'm okay with it.

Stop being retarded. The whole "square don't make sequels" shit died out years ago.