Name a game with cute characters

Name a game with cute characters.
HARD MODE: No Anime.







binding of isaac


Mostly the good spin offs though.

I don't really get the appeal of that animal crossing character. I get isabelle, I get sable, I REALLY get Fauna and Whitney, but francine just doesn't look that appealing to me.

Guppy is the cutest thing in this game, hands down.

Animal Crossing

That's nice dearie.
I'm the only one posting her. I am actually the only one that posts threads.

Pokemon has plenty of cute things, humans included.

I post in /vp/ all the time

Pokemon and stuff

Yeah I've seen you posting those rabbits around before.


Cute is my biggest fetish.

Sadly, it works in both good and extremely bad ways.

im not a danger i promise i just

Careful there user that's a dangerous road to follow.

my fetish is cute and girly

It's the only way to get known.

If you don't think fidget is the cutest shit then you can get the fuck outta my face.

With pleasure

You're the one in MY thread.
Fuck outta here.

pikmin easily


>no tits or dick

I can't be doin' with this kinda cute.

>implying that no tits isn't cute af

fuck off

Wait, you have a fetish for yourself?

Cute girls(male) are the best

with a belly and ass like that who the fuck even needs tits? They would ruin that beautiful curvature.

I just can't do it.
Flat only works on boys for me, there's gotta at least be a little otherwise.
I don't know why I can sexualize the hell outta one chest like that but not the other.

I'll go easymodo.

Eh it worked I know about you now at least.

T-thank you user! I wish I was, cute girly outfits are stupid expensive

>no anime
>chibi anime furry shit

KYS yourself.

how do you feel about chest fluff as opposed to chest puppies?

Do you imagine there's something under it or does it just work for/not work for you?

You almost got me there

Can you give me an example? I'm not totally sure what you're referring to.

But user, you can be cute & girly without clothes

just be my wife and I'll buy you cute dresses and shit

MORE FRANCINE I see you got over 100



>COD Ghosts
>Rule of Rose
>Haumtin Grounds
>Fallout series
Dogs are cute

The only one of those to have cute characters is Okami. Coincidentally, it's also the only good game (other than Fall Out 1 - 2 and New Vegas)

So what's Francine hanging on?

But I like girls. tempting offer though.


Here you go.

Ma-non are the cutest little fuckers ever. I still prefer the Prone though.

>That one Ma-non stuck in the middle of the road, too afraid to cross over to either side because of the cars

I can be a girl for you user

delete this

sorry i took so long

heres an example

That art is ironic because splatoon was going to feature rabbits instead of squids in early concept

The more you know

Just search brionne on e621. Search for animated things

I think it's cute.

I haven't been this heartbroken in years, user, you've ruined me

I would have liked it a lot more.

7th Dragon III

Only if you get a magical transformation
You could always become a girl then I'd happily take you.

Don't post cute art like that you'll tempt me to make a folder of it.

Ok, I wont.

what the fuck am i seeing here

It's kinda gross, but I'll take any excuse to post my rabbit.

Autism. It's merely a mild form of it.

Pure love.

Not that you'd know what love is.

Hey, any excuse is a good excuse if you're posting good stuff.


i mean you're right but why do you feel the need to hurt me

zubats are cute

Well this thread was a shit show.

B-but I want more cute bunnies

No one said World of Final Fantasy yet?

Tama is very the-disappointed in you.

now now user, don't be such an enormous fagola!

If you don't think Furret the cutest then get the fuck out of my face.

i can only get the fuck out of so many peoples faces before i have no faces left to turn to

have mercy

for me its just the unique color of blue

... you mean aqua?

It's a nice shade of blue honestly.

Join the blue cult today.

Yes, join the blue cult. Happyness awaits!

>says blue
>clearly wearing purple

Why did they lie?

Official colour rankings.

>S tier

>A tier

>B tier

>C tier

>D tier

>orange above green
>pink above anything
>yellow low tier

get some fuckin taste lad

>pink that low
it's A tier at least it's a complementary color to blue.

silent hill 3

come and fight me you fucking dumbass ill end you

pink is just a weaker version of purple

its not bad, but it's nothing special

Did you get a computer?


Official color* rankings fixed edition:

>S tier

>A Tier

>B tier

>C tier

>D tier

Shantae a cute.

>not sure if I wanna fuck something cute or be something cute


1v1 me in minesweeper faggot ill fucking KILL you

I wanted to post art of this thing the entire thread but I have nothing safe

I've posted so much lewd already but goddamn I want to fuck this thing so fucking bad.

I didn't think it would get better after regular eevee/umbreon but fuck me that thing is hot as hell and cute

Why not both? I hear self cest and twinning art is hard to find.

why not be something cute

and then get fucked?

I could love you user. I mean, assuming you're actually a small dog robot girl

>S tier
thanks doc

Thanks, doc.

but i couldn't love you back that's the problem, all I'd feel is empty lust

Fucking stop

I wanna frick a Glaceon