Is the FF15 combat better than that in the Witcher 3?
I remember a lot of people complained about W3's combat but it was fine imo. I can't handle those Uncharted style button mashing prompts though, and this is kind of a deal breaker with this game.
Is the FF15 combat better than that in the Witcher 3?
I remember a lot of people complained about W3's combat but it was fine imo. I can't handle those Uncharted style button mashing prompts though, and this is kind of a deal breaker with this game.
What the fuck?
Why would you put reese in a fucking burger?
witcher combat was dogshit
>make blatant off-topic thread
>but with actual, unique, totally videogames-related comment attached
This shitposting is getting way too advanced for me.
Oh my god, it's fucking Canadian.
>he doesn't put peanut butter in his burger
Canadian, actually.
You should try blue rare steak in a chocolate bar.
The fuck is that shit, is that some sorta jackonthego shit?
The QTE prompt bullshit kills it
You got candy on my burger
You got burger on my candy
Isn't it Reese's?
Why is Canada such a fucking dystopia?
Worse than FF15's?
Serious question, random picture.
$15 for a fucking burger
Witcher 3 combat was literally QTE without the prompts though
>something happens on screen
>press a button in response
Just because the prompts don't appear doesn't mean it isn't QTE. Witcher is absolute dog shit and its hilarious Sup Forums likes it.
Witcher combat wasn't bad just retardedly braindead
FFXV is actual combat
Yes, but that's notsaying much. It's good but not incredible.
If you want to be that reductive about it even Sup Forums's precious soulsborne combat is just QTEs
Yup. Those games are a bit better, but still pretty shit so far as interactive gameplay. Its a game design thing.
>something happens on screen
>press a button in response
isn't that literally any game?
>just got rid of our peanut butter burger at work
thanks for reminding me, that shit was surprisingly amazing and I miss it
>Putting candy in meat
>Putting gravy on french fries
Canadian "cuisine" everybody.
>quick time events
so much trolling these days its not funny
Witcher 3 combat isn't fine, it's tolerable because it's a very story driven game and the narrative is actually entertaining.
FFXV combat is shit but the story and side quests are even worse. There isn't one thing the game is good at, in some ways it's a jap attempt at making their own Witcher 3 but they forgot to add a decent plot to it.
My problem is when the fucking button flashes up on the screen
>he's never had poutine/elvis fries
missin out dude
The difference is you don't have to think. In witcher you have an action that always has a correct response. Which is dissimilar to a good game like DOTA where there is no "right" answer.
>playing doom
>enemy shows up
>have to click m1 button to kill them
fucking QTE
Dragon's Lair without the flashing lights was literally the best example of this, and no game has come close to perfecting it.
>playing tetris
>block starts falling from the screen, have to press multiple keys to get it into position
Fatgiving wasn't enough, now you have to post fast food now?
You guys are oversimplifying my point, but whatever.
This. Moba a shit but the point is relevant.
For me it's most clearly illustrated when your character moves without the input the player, in a random direction with "cool" animation. Good games do not do this.
you actually have to move and manually shoot
witcher just does a 'le mary sue are you watching this ladies? good thing I have my le witcher sense!' cutscene with the press of just a button
nothing in his ebin combo had any of your input
Post the futa edit.
Its from a Canadian food chain.
Not that I would expect someone to do research before throwing insults at the U.S. of A.
How about you actually try reading instead of oversimplifying his point?
TES games are actually very good at not being QTE like the Witcher. Spacing is also very relevant, since you can't block all attacks.
I honestly can't tell who is shitposting anymore
All that maple syrup probably killed their taste buds.
atleast its better than this
>press start to play
Fucking QTEs.
>Putting gravy on french fries
It's good.
Neck yourself, yuropoor.
>Canadian """"""cuisine""""""
>this is "acceptable" combat according to witchercucks
They're just as bad as the skyrimfags.
What is the Sup Forums approved burger joint?
Burger Priest.
if you go to any chain store for your burgers, you are an absolute plebeian
gives you freedom of movement, freedom of attack control, freedom from consolitis. It's so much fucking better
but burgerking is the superiorest of burger places
no it's a bug/cheating
>not Wendys
get THE FUCK out of here
It is the king of burgers after all.
I dont have a wendys by me
>There are people in this very thread who unironically eat garbage fast food
I don't even have to be mad because you all will just eat to an early grave.
2 nukes weren't enough
>not being a resident of flavor town
You need to leave
I am amazed at how unfunny this is now. I remember laughin like an idiot when I saw this however many years ago, but now, its just.. so trite. There's nothing actually funny to this other than 'FUNNY FACE' and 'NOSTALGIA COMMERCIAL REFERENCE'
It's the americanization that made them love blacks.
not fat, just bulking bro.
The main issue I hate with Witcher 3 is the lack of control over Geralt's movement, targeting, and attacking.
The softlock system is unnecessary especially for PC and do more harm than good.
Geralt's movement is automatically reduced to shuffling walk in combat mode, while you can't jump anymore and have to sprint to actually move at a decent speed (which takes up vigor resource).
You are pretty much never in control of your movement throughout the game, especially how much delay the animations add up.
And I can't believe how long it took for them to actually implement manual weapon sheathing and unsheathing.
In addition you have barely any control over what types attacks that Geralt will perform, its all auto based on distance, direction, etc. Which means the time it takes for Geralt to attack is inconsistent especially when he decides to overswing with all the fancy spinning. Meaning you can't use any form of anticipation strikes to either clip the enemy or to timing your attacks in a way to hit the enemy at the final point of your attack so you have far more time to transition to your next move.
Haven't played FFXV yet, but am I right in assuming you barely have any control over your movement and attack or is that alleviated with animation canceling?
Its was an exploit on the AI, and was patched.
It isn't no. It SHOULD be but it feels so bad and it's so easy that it just isn't. Not to mention enemies have way too much HP and rarely telegraph what they're about to do.
Signs also have more depth and are better than magic in FFXV.
It's waaaaaaaay worse in FFXV. It's hard to imagine having less control than Geralt but you actually do. You can interpret how soft locks works in TW3 but in FFXV it's just fucked, the camera is worse, and enemies hit you without telling you they're about to.
>animation canceling?
>>I am amazed at how unfunny this is now. I remember laughin like an idiot when I saw this however many years ago, but now, its just.. so trite. There's nothing actu
>you will never get your childhood sense of humour back
>without telling you they're about to
But they do, and on top of that you shouldn't be hammering away like a mindless fucking retard. The combat is great. You have more control with your character than Geralt, you can attack in most directions, move warp, airstep. The camera is spot on most of the time.
They don't. The game plays like absolute shit and it was by design.
I would accept Five Guys as "Sup Forums approved" but it is plebeian as well.
wew lad, we sure had some fun those years ago
>JAPANESE foodporn
Poutine is for Jews. The correct way to eat FREEDOM fries is with a pinch of salt and pepper.
Burger King has the most wildly inconsistent locations of all the fast food franchises. The closest one to me will literally get you sick no matter what you eat, (unless you're mexican, then you get fresh made shit no matter what) but another BK 15 minutes away is clean as fuck and doesn't make you throw up 4 hours later.
The Jon Cena one is pretty good.
Well that was revolting.