I just killed this rat and it dropped a phone and a few coins. Is that common?

I just killed this rat and it dropped a phone and a few coins. Is that common?

Is this a J-

Wait for it to spawn again.
It's a good farm spot

You got lucky. I usually get an apple and a ball of wool off rats.

Lucky motherfucker.
I normally get only teeth and the tail

How much XP did you get? What lvl are you? Did the rat hurt you much? What do you eat to heal?

you can sell those phones to gamestop and make mad money if you dont mind grinding

Fishing level?

please don't bully the rat

let him respawn in peace


Lucky bastard. All I got was a mouse tail.

I once found a sword when I caught one

83, u?



why do rats have big chunky butts?

Wait, phones are common drop from RATS?



This is the most Reddit thread in Sup Forums

Thats it's balls user

You got a mouse tail from a rat?

This is the most faggot post in Sup Forums.

I guess that was where the phone came out from.

Fuck off neo-Sup Forums. Being contrarian won't help you fit in you stupid faggot.

It's alright user, the next scheduled twitter screencap, finish a sentence without a proper wo- and APOLOGIZE threads should be starting in a minute or two.


So like do you have to be a turbo slob to get rats instead of mice or is it solely based on location?

Don't forget the "This is your girl for tonight" obligatory cropped porn dump or "This is an (X)" threads.

Jesus christ I hate this cancer. In the meantime, I see quality threads dying in 10 replies

what the fuck is the ideal Sup Forums thread then

Programming limitations

One where everybody has thorough, max character limit posts about the deep intricacies of the interactive video entertainment medium.

rats are actually preferable to mice nowadays

mice carry leprosy and are small enough to get into more nooks and crannies

This is twice as better than the e-celeb trash threads we get

And D.va threads. What did they mean by this? A>B>C=D>E

Overwatch thread #327
Anna feet edition

>autism posts

I miss my rats

the shitposting xv thread

I think you mean B>A>C>D>literal dogshit>a cancerous tumor>E

Overwatch threads and their popularity is a proof that Sup Forums is fucking casual

phone is incredibly rare. i hear rats can sometimes proc 'pilfer' if they are near other corpses

You might want to leave OP. Somethings killing phone store salesmen around you.

Or maybe it was just a mouse. Did you kill it inside or outside?

It's always been a circlejerk you faggot.

Ordinary and sensible threads that get derailed into hilarity

>he doesn't have leatherwork skills
you missed a nice early game pair of pants, noob.

I'm not the guy you were originally responding to. I just use sticky traps inside cuz I'm a little bitch

>mfw im min/max masterrace

>a rat

What happened to them? old age?

It is in New York

The kind of threads where everyone is shitposting, being contrarian and just shitting on game all at once, making that one ocassional guy angry, because I haven't developed out of my edgy angsty teenager phase, or maybe because I secretly am.

fuck off back to le >>>/reddit/ or >>>/tumblr newfaggg

Does the grind ever stob bros?

reddit is Sup Forums except everyone is a tripfag


That's deep bro

What the fuck with that picture

>go farm for gold in Detroit
>always end up with less money than what i started with

I spend most of the time crafting but every fuckin once and a while there are these shitty region wide low level mob swarms

There are those mobs that constantly steal from you. They're called "niggers".

>that intelligence

You need to be a sperg to think you're above average intelligent.

>yfw you were the instance

a sniper is he-

>that aspie intelligence
Ehhh, sometimes. If you're too occupied making charts like this instead of doing something useful, it's definitely not though.


>tfw have 600 strength
>rats don't even exist within my presence

>Kill a mob
>They dropped a card
>Detroit Citizen - Chance to steal an item upon attacking by 35%

I'm pretty sure rats only die of old age or cancer. But I guess you can say that about almost anything.

That isn't a rat. Its a Jew you antisemitic bastard!

Usually a combination of the two. Female rats are especially susceptible to mammary chain tumors, but usually only later in their lives such that even if you did pay for surgery (which usually only prolongs it since it's a particularly aggressive cancer) they're less likely to be able to bounce back from it.

Rat ownership is suffering