Cringey "how do you do fellow kids" aside, how is Watch Dogs 2?

Cringey "how do you do fellow kids" aside, how is Watch Dogs 2?

It's actually getting pretty positive reviews across the board

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I heard it became a muted Saints Row 3 and that might be the case. I'd be interested in it if it wasn't for that Uplay shit tacked on install.

The gameplay looks fun, like what 1 should have been.

I think the writing should be worth one hell of a fucking laugh though, a drinking game would probably kill you.

From all the gameplay I've seen it looks pretty fun, I actually really like all that corny ASCII hacker art on the game so I might pick it up if it's ever on sale.

I want reddit to leave

I think you mean shills. WD2 is the last game that should be getting positive replies on Sup Forums.

>The Sup Forums mindset should be the way I want it to be!

Jesus Christ man

It has terrible stealth which is what most of the main missions is built around.

Omnipresent AI who if they see you for a split second every single one is alerted and on your ass.

This would be fine if there was actual alright stealth mechanics. I stopped playing after the fifth from the last mission glitched out and I couldn't continue the mission in any way after completing the objective. The next mission just wouldn't trigger at all.

I'd give it a 4/10 and I slightly enjoyed the first one.

>Sup Forums mindset
cool memes

You LITERALLY have 2-3 seconds before the detection meter fills up, git gud

The problem is there is no finesse with the stealth mechanics. Compared to say, MGS5 they are rigid as hell.

You could be ghosting an entire building in Watchdogs 2, knock someone out with the instant melee and for some unknown reason now everyone is alerted.

You want to get an enemy's attention to lure them somewhere or get them out of your line of sight? You know how it's generally simple in most stealth games like a button that makes your character whistle or knock on the wall like Snake does in MGS?

In this, it's an upgrade you get for your shitty R/C toy car that says retarded insults in a British voice. So just get out your toy car, drive it near whoever you want to lure and press the taunt button 40 times and MAYBE that will finally get their attention.

Have they patched the vag out yet

>liking videogames on a videogame board



Yup. Penis is still there tho. Yay, equality.

that's retarded. they already had dicks and tits in GTAV. fucking puritan faggots niggering everything up.

I never patched the Redbox version of my game, so if I ever rent it, I'll still see teh vagina.


>meaning jack shit
You know reviewers get paid off, right? By the way, stop shilling your piece of crap buggy game, kthxbye.

fucking josh always cracks me up whenever i see his design

especially when he's on edge during that 'meeting lenni' vid

I enjoy it, its the type of game where you turn off your brain and maybe you'll like it.


>OP asks if a game is alright, because he heard it's getting ok reviews
>UGH shills

Its garbage, no doubt, but AAA garbage is playable to a point where you can make fun out of it. Watch Dogs was so fucking broken it was hilarious that they actually delayed it so much and thats what they came up with, but playing it and breaking it was fun,and you also had the whole hunting degenerates aspect someone turned into a webm.

I honestly think the crew is incredibly charming, especially Wrench surprisingly

The game reminds me a lot of Saints Row 2 where the worldbuilding is just a degree too silly to take it serious without going full Loony Tunes

if you think this is fine just go take a toaster bath

Everyone is staying inside because of police brutality.

Huh? Pic?

Apparently I'll be getting a code soon for a free copy since I bought an SSD from newegg. What are the odds of Ubi support letting me trade the code for another game?

I've been told that just revamping the tone to be more goofy and making gameplay less shooty improved it vastly over the last one.

I'm still not going to play it cause I don't like Ubi open world games, but good on them for improving I suppose.

99% of Ubisoft games hit $20 sooner or later. I'm going to grab this game then.

It's an improved version of 1.
However, the story is irredeemably shit.

It's pretty decent. Honestly, WD1 is far superior.

Kill yourself.

In customization, sure. Everything else is pretty awful.

Maybe? I've never really interacted with Ubi support though. I'm waiting on my code as well, despite my GPU having already arrived

Name 3 things that were worse than WD1.


>Online Hacking
>disgustingly overpriced DLC ($7 for an outfit, a paintjob, and a skin for your rc jumper and drone - there are like 5 seperate ones, too)

AIDS, Ebola, Anthony Burch

I was talking mainly in terms of gameplay, but sure.

Is it bad that I don't get what "the big deal" is with that?

I mean yeah, Lenni is annoying and ugly and you're supposed to hate her guts, that's why she's an antagonist, is it the over-exaggeration of the hacking trope what's making people mad?

I'm mad that you can't kill xir. Aiden would've at least threatened xir with a gun to the face.

The "how do you kids" in Watch Dogs 2 is satire and alot of people don't realise it and write it off a "cringy"

they're all in canada because they promised they would move if trump stumped hillary.

It's alright. I'm glad they gave it for free to those with newer graphics cards and I have to say, I might have bought it myself since it's such a good PC port.

The gameplay is partly fun and partly still dull as fuck. The 'hacking' shit is fun in the sense that it lets you toy around with the world. You can call cops or rival gangs on whoever you want, you can make cars and construction equipment move around on their own, the RC car and drone are fun to use to explore the world and take screenshots, the clothing customisation is pretty varied so you don't have to dress like prick the entire game. The characters are also quite likable once you get past their millenial fashion sense and really tryhard 'leetz hackerz' shit trying to bring down the establishment schtick.

The gunplay is as dull as ever with nothing about it to make it interesting or fun. The driving is absolute shit as are the physics too. The driving is definitely better than the first game's and is weightier, but it doesn't have the physicality to it that GTA games have had since fucking GTASA even. Something about the vehicles, bikes especially, that just convinces you that it doesn't actually have any traction with the ground at all, they're just floating above it or something instead. At the very least, you don't always end up with screeching tyres when you wanna accelerate like in WD1.

So far the plot doesn't seem to have any personal attachments to it or anything which I find really refreshing. Aiden Pearce's story was utter fucking shit in comparison.

The graphics are pretty fucking good too, at least on the PC. Console versions look absolutely last gen in comparison, honestly.

I'll dump some screenshots I took.

>Aiden Pearce's story was utter fucking shit in comparison
>preferring hipster dindu and his squad of token characters
>W-WE HACKAZ (I shit you not, he actually says this.)
>taking down not-Trump and a (white) hipster business owner

I really do, honestly. Aiden's story was nonsensical almost entirely. Despite the hipster and very millenial tone of WE HACKAZ, I much prefer it over the whole 'nothing personel' of WD1. Aiden was cringey as fuck the way he got on.

It's gonna be funny when this game about hacking gets cracked on the pc

I really hope they add ansel support soon.
