Slow zombies or running zombies, which do you prefer in zombies games?
Slow zombies or running zombies, which do you prefer in zombies games?
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Slow. Also, this manga was shit.
IDGAF. All I want to know is do those two fuck in this manga?
slow zombies.
I like to be in tight corridors with them so I can plan my route. Running zombies just make it easy to pool them into one big area and waste them all.
The whole point of zombies is that they're slow and weak but there are so many that they overwhelm you. If you want monsters that are individually threatening you might as well use werewolves or some shit.
That said, fast ones are better for games.
I know it's a Junji Ito manga but which one? I've read a bunch of his and even pre-ordered the new Tomie edition coming out after years of suffering because DH couldn't be arsed to make a decent number of copies for Museum of Terror but I don't recognize this one.
And I recently learned that Ito was going to write for that Kojima/Romero game before it got canned by Capcom.
Personally, I think that a mixture of both would be frightening.
The vast majority of slow shufflers with that one "crafty" quick one. Like the zombification didn't fully take and there's a little bit of humanity.
Now that's creepy.
I meant Konami, obviously.
running zombies are fucking stupid
Slow more durable zombies for Survival type game
Fast and wimpy for arcade games
Like in Dead Island?
Teleporting zombies are the best
What about teleporting skeletons?
>crawling on the ceiling
Slow zombies, because inevitably humans will make mistakes and fall to their own demises. If it were fast zombies the only tension would be "to be faster than them".
If the setting is mostly slow zombies then having the weird fast or different one could make it spooky as fuck, but it has to have an actual reason for it being a thing.
Think about it like the Walking Dead series. Yeah okay, they're slow and all so not actually scary until they pile up by the truckload or you somehow don't notice them. Now put some weird fuck that's fast or smart enough to operate things. You're not safe anymore and the rules of the game just increased or changed on you.
But zombies is a bit over done now and doesn't allow much creative room, really.
The ones that open doors.
Sorry for late reply. It's called "She Is a Slow Walker".
slow and undead.
fast """""""infected"""""" are the worst
Both. Give me some variety.
Slow clumsy fucks who can take such a beating that they'll still try to move if all they are is the top half of a head. Their threat being massive numbers and damage sponges blocking your path.
Quick wiry fucks that are jumping around at you, but they're so lithe and sinewy that minor damage can disable them. Only have one or a few of them present at any one time to throw you off.
Zombie Master Mod had the right ideas. down to the master, but normally a decent number of slow zombies to make sure people aren't careless or need to plan their routes, then jumpers/floaters/runners mixed in with a couple of heavies to draw the players into the perfect traps.
You can do both if you do them right. Usually when you make them fast they're nothing but fodder, like L4D.
How about zombies that can sill use weapons and firearms? Not as effecient as a living human obviously.
Then they're not a zombie
If we count REmake then Nemesis isn't the only one that can open doors
I honestly think L4D did it the best. Slow moving zombos that are so numerous that it becomes hard to think. And then when a heavy sound goes off they go bannanas and then there's the special zombies that do varying things and then of course the tank.
It's like the best of all the worlds really.
Also RE I guess but sometimes zombies just feels like a flimsy excuse to make crazy off the wall shit. Some of that stuff is more alien than zombie
In Dying Light there are turned survivors who held hammer or machette rarely. But they don't know how to use it so they just keep swinging the hands and the tools fall down.
>L4D did zombies best
>"zombies" that just run up and beat the shit out of you
infected =/= zombies
Only one with a projectile that sinks half your fucking health.
oh sorry didn't realize Im rolling through pandantic town
Slow zombies in a game where you can only fight one or two at a time with hunger mechanics.
yup that's all the do. The tank doesn't throw shit either.
What the fuck else is a standard zombie supposed to do other than beat the shit of you?
what does Sup Forums think of I Am A Hero?
I fucking love ito
Hes a pretty cool, he doesnt afraid of anything
Sometimes I just want Hiro to stop being a fucking weirdo and get his head in the game.
I have the book 2 feet from where I am now and it's been there since it came out.
Just like HSotD, I have the colour anthologies, the blurays and the posters. Never seen it.
It's extremely common in zombie media that they typically bite humans to spread the virus or whatever it is. Not to chimp out and throw a million haymakers.
Shall I keep posting?
>slow zombies
>they use guns
>they aim and shoot like zombies
>zombie has a gun
>still manages to point it at you and fire in bursts
Yes, motherfucker.
yes for gods sake man as a rule you shouldnt ever stop storytime unless you are dying or something
skeletons are ironically more manlike than zombies.
Yeah, please
Yeah that's true. But special infected make things so much more interesting imo. You can only do so much with slow moving zombies, that's why the walking dead sucks so much (also it's a soap opera but that's for another thread in a different board)
Izombie was an alright game for what it was but the zombies were so boring. Finding your character as a zombie was sweet though.
yes pls
what a fucking idiot
>spooning a zombie
when does he fuck it
man she's hungry... i can relate, i always feel like a pizza is missing from my stomach...
>unsheaths teeth
>Teleports behind you
>nothing personal kiddo
At least use the pages of Kissmanga, have better quality. Still thank you.
>not wanting the hot dead zombie lady
>tfw no zombie gf to spoon with
He eats her flesh and becomes a super fast zombie, shittiest ending EVER
This guy is a fucking retard and I have no sympathy for when he dies.
Shit there is a spinoff?
All Ito works ever
Junji Ito in a nutshell.
Spoilers man.
>What is Uzumaki
The guy knew it the whole time but he couldn't save anyone then gave up.
I don't know, that one where he had to hold his head on otherwise he'd die was alright.
is this from the same guy who made that big ass planet monster which destroys the earth?
>h-he's fast
either, just make a good game
Dead Rising
Turns out the whole comic was set up to make a the walking dead joke.
ahahah, this was a funny one.
The guy who said this one sucks is full of shit.
I respect it
does this guy ever make a comic where the ending is actually okay/good?
Junji Ito endings are something out of this world
Are you a retard?
Also the entire genre of zombie shit always has shit endings.
You'll enjoy STALKER