Playstation VR is a Flop
>Earlier this year, research group SuperData put out a report that estimated that PlayStation VR sales would reach 2.6 million units sold by the end of 2016. Now, the firm has updated that figure substantially downward. The company is expecting PlayStation VR sales to be less than 750,000 for the year, down significantly from the previous forecast.

>It's not just Sony's headset that SuperData is updating its sales expectations for, as its estimates for Google's Daydream is now 261,000 (down from 450,000). Projections for other leading headsets, including HTC Vive (450,000), Oculus Rift (355,000), and Gear VR (2.3 million) have not changed. Overall, SuperData is predicting that the VR market will be the "biggest loser" of holiday 2016 when it comes to gaming, according to

>Sony has not said how many PlayStation VR headsets it's sold, though the company said in October that sales are "on track." PlayStation executive Jim Ryan said in October that PlayStation VR is expected to sell "hundreds of thousands" of units at launch.

>"As a VR fan, I want PSVR to succeed, but it trips up too many times to wholeheartedly recommend at this point," he wrote. "Many of the launch titles will make a large percentage of people sick, and it may lead to the false impression that VR has to make you nauseated. If you have a PS4 and are dying to get PSVR, then I'd recommend the $499.99 bundle which includes the PlayStation Camera, two Move controllers, and PlayStation VR Worlds.

>"If you have a PS4 and are simply curious about VR, I'd hold out until more titles are released. While there are a handful of fun titles, there's nothing that I've played at launch so far to indicate to me that the PSVR is a must-buy right now. For everyone else, I'd recommend saving up for a better reality."

>YFW you fell for the VR meme

Other urls found in this thread:

They really should update their media player, AGAIN.

>can't fall for the VR meme with one eye barely working

>make no games
>expect hardware sales in the multi-millions

Fucking morons. Porn will have to save the day once again.

Uh no it won't...not on the PSVR at least.

Does this surprise anyone?

Then it's broken and fucked forever. GG.

how do you downgrade sales? kek


It already sold 750,000 according to Forbes or business insider or someone

Worked for the ps4

Too expensive to buy the peripherals just to be beta testers.
No games on launch.
Entirely new medium for game makers resulted in shit ass games.
Missed opportunities for reinventing something better like movies.

VR should have focused on interactive adventures instead. Imagine filming a whole movie from the perspective of one character, akin to Hardcore Henry but not necessarily action, then letting people enjoy being part of the film while sitting comfortably in their sofas.

THAT would have been something.
Not gay as fuck archery and other wonky bullshit that made the technology seem ridiculous.

No shit, there are no games for it. I didn't even realize it was actually out yet

It's sales expectations for share owners and business partners.

Hardcore gamers can't accept that it's going to take off through mobile VR first and then costs will come down for PC and console VR over time

VR is fucking stupid for not embracing porn full force. Even Sony. No one except hipsters who don't actually play vidya is impressed with any VR game after the first hour and the novelty wears off, because just like with motion control games, the gameplay has to suck dick to accommodate the shitty controls.

Yeah but we all know how sony reacts in this situation thanks to the vita.



>Everyone jumped into a gimmick
>Nintendo skipped it in favor of something else.

Damn, I'm in a bizzaro world?

Also Nintendo at least try make use of their gimmicks with some decent games, Wii Sports, Metroid prime, Nintendoland, WWHD.

While everyone else just make a shovelware or shove half arsed support. VR can be good, but is niche, expensive and lacks the Wow factor for games. Normies can be impressed for a week or two but unless VR get a killer app shit is going downhill fast.


Well there's 2 solutions:
1. They drop it like a rock just like they did to the Vita
2. They poor billions of dollars into it to make it a success just like they did with the PS3.

I don't think they want another PS3

>They drop it like a rock just like they did to the Wonderbook
>They poor millions of dollars into it to make it a success BUT FAIL just like they did with the Vita.

>still sold better than Vive and Rift combined

If you didn't see this coming a mile away you might not belong on Sup Forums. VR was very obviously a stupid gimmick and if you can't recognise that you're clearly not very video game savvy.

The PS3 actually did well though. 80 million units is nothing to scoff it. Probably wasn't worth 6 billion dollars though

lmao no.

Consider that the world population increased by 2bn between the PS2 and the PS3.

PS3 should have at least doubled PS2's lifetime sales.

Consoles are dead.

>The PS3 actually did well though
thanks to being the cheapest blu-ray player on the market

VR doesn't have shit

>Didn't even reach half of Gear

>tfw lived to see previous VR failure
>warn others this shits gonna fail again, others dont listen
>tfw watching VR shit failed again
history repeating itself is rather neat

>VR is fucking stupid for not embracing porn full force.

never going to happen and it will be VRs biggest failure when people lock back at it in the future.

Nintendo already did the VR gimmick

Pretty sure they don't want it to be their next one again after the Wii U

Yeah, because it costs four times as much.

>VR meme dies faster than 3D tvs

Thank God, feels good to have been part of what killed it too.

Damn, that must have broken the drivers hand.

>Not the edit
You dun goofed

I know the resident console warriors want to spin this as a defeat for Sony, but really.

Virtual reality in general is going all of nowhere fast unless either the technology improves dramatically or the price entry barrier lowers enough so that people on a budget can enjoy it.
Is he right?

Nintendo never jumped into a popular gimmick, they make their own gimmicks which sometimes work and sometimes become disasters. I'm not a big fan of what Nintendo has done after Gamecube but I at least gotta hand it to them for not just copying what's popular in hardware and software design.

I called VR out on being a meme when it was still a coming attraction but Sup Forums didn't listen. They told me it would be amazing and totally different from 3D which is just a gimmick.

Meh. Im still buying a Vive this Christmas. At least that has actual games I want.

because it's just a shitty gimmick

did anything really think PS VR would be good? it was obvious from the start they would make a poor mans attempt and shitty games

>>YFW you fell for the VR meme
i didn't

how many of you have actually tried it?

Resident Evil with VR is fucking godlike

Wait, their VR actually launched?

>Y-you haven't even tried it I bet!

Said the increasingly nervous man for the 1,200th time.

Sony pretty much only gives something huge support if it does PS4 good out of the gates. For anything else they drop it like a rock, and if it picks itself back up they'll let it continue living. Otherwise, they'll just kill it outright.
The PS3 situation was the exception to the rule. Vita is still alive because even though they don't have to dump a bunch of money into advertising and games, it makes money and keeps third party devs happy in Japan for the time being.
Unless if VR picks up expectantly sometime soon, then they'll probably drop it right after they're done with the VR games in the pipeline that they already greenlit. They announced that they'd be taking a loss on every PSVR unit sold so I don't understand why that obviously bad decision is okay in their books but closing down the Wipeout devs and Socom devs is a good decision. Then again it's the same company that completely ignored the Vita in its launch year to instead show 30 minutes of awkward Wonderbook footage so I guess it's par for the course.

the cheapest alternative I have researched is Gear VR/Case VR with your phone and Leap Motion controllers duct tape to your face case.

The catch is that Nintendo always make a killer app for their gimmicks.

VR really dont have a "omg must play", companies always shove a new tech or gimmick without a killer app, thats why Nintendo always benefit of some gimmick.

They at least take some risks and try.

PSVR outsold Occulus and Rift combined
Keep that in mind =)

>Same price as the PS4 itself
>Requires a PS4 to use
>Only games for it are tech demos

>Wh-what the? Why isn't it selling!?

I didn't even buy it lmao

I tried my friends. I think its overpriced but pretending its not fun when you haven't tried it is pathetic.

I would talk mad shit if it was not for the PSVR being hacked to play Vive games.

VR is literally the exact same scam as 3D displays.

Everyone who I know that owns one was like OMG THIS IS AMAZING for a month and then won't use it much anymore because it's too bothersome over just sitting on your ass and using a normal display once the novelty has worn off.

Why would anyone be surprised by this? VR is way too expensive right now. No one in their right mind would spend that kind of cash on something that's still an emerging technology and bound to go through several more iterations until it's ready. On top of that, NO GAMES!!!

if they make a good vr minecraft, it will sell

I work in a retail store and we have literally sold none. In fact we have gained more from returns of pre-orders.

yea it's way to expensive to be anything right now

it fucking hurts honestly
I was counting on VR becoming a thing, without it I can't justify my existence on this plane of reality anymore.

RIGS, EVE Valkyrie, Rush of Blood, and Here They Lie have all been pretty fantastic.

it's just expensive right now, all Samsung needs to do is release motion controllers, your 500+ dollar Samsung phone is already pixalated to do VR.

The cheapest alternative is Leap motion controllers and gear VR that basically just holds your phone to your face.

It's not fucking dead, it can't be dead I bought a fucking pro for this shit

>Consider that the world population increased by 2bn between the PS2 and the PS3.
first world birth rates are on the decline. The majority of the world's pop growth comes from third world shit holes or from the poorest demographics of 1st world societies, both of which are not likely to have the money to waste of luxury devices.

Let's go user, Yui-chan is waiting for us.

>is release motion controllers
Do have another noose with you, cause I'd rather kill myself to then play with Motion Controls.

Surprise surprise, a fad aimed at enthusiasts with too much money and too little common fucking sense sees a dramatic decrease in sales. What are these companies even expecting? These machines cost hundreds of dollars and for what? Gimmicky software banking on the novelty of emergent technology? This shit just isn't worth it to the average person. At this stage, only hardcore tech junkies would give even give half a shit about it, and that audience is hardly sizable in the grand scheme of things. It just seems like they're pushing this tech out before it has true commercial viability.


>Everyone shat on Wiimote because waggle
>VR googles always come with some kind of motion control.

Oh the irony.

Post it

>Sup Forums didn't listen
Sup Forums's had a hate boner for VR ever since the OR went mainstream. Anyone who wasn't a marketer saw that VR would be a flop.

Junkrat PLS


Developers are being complete retarded with VR, for some reason they all have this mindset that you can't just make traditional games for VR headsets or port over existing ones. You just have to make limited, specialized, and retarded "experiences" for VR. Meanwhile somebody ported Doom 3 to the Vive with a mod and its amazingly fun, and I fucking hated Doom 3. Mod something like Crysis, or Dark Messiah of Might & Magic in the same way and you could have something fucking amazing on your hands.

>Consider that the world population increased by 2bn between the PS2 and the PS3.

Why aren't these poor Africans buying consoles?!


The sad thing isn't that PSVR flopped.

It's that there's a lot of peoples who didn't buy the single good PSVR game

VR and all other gimmicks are worthless. The only thing that matters is how strong the console is. The pro and scorpio are the right idea, even if theyre late but its still a good gesture.

Power for more features and longevity > shitty gimmicks that get stale after the first night

Hey, it got more games than the Vive!

They have sold almost half as many PS4s as the Wii sold (nearly 50m units) despite only having like 3 exclusives worth owning. and for another year GTA5 sold more than every other game combined on consoles. The fuck is up with that shit?

I haven't heard anyone talk about GTA5 in fucking ages yet it still sells year upon year, topping sales charts on ALL machines

Well, you can get VR porn videos with your shitty smartphone and a Google Cardboard.

All VR is dead. Why were "gamers" so gullable as to believe it would amount to anything.

if they ported GTA5 to PSVR i bet it would sell out in every store even if it ran like shit and made people puke

cuz its not like anyone ACTUALLY PLAYS games anymore anyway

its only a gimmick if it's being sold on hype instead of purpose. I actually think VR is a useful tool; head tracking and a full 360 vision would be great for most games. One idea I'm excited about is the removal of in game menus and placing them in the peripheral of a VR environment where you access them by looking over; no need pause the game.

The problem is for some reason developers are making segregated VR shit that nobody wants instead of real games, they are just making art instantiations and gimmicky "experiences." The VR mod for Doom 3 was pretty awesome, if the reception that has gotten doesn't encourage developers to finally make/port actual games for VR then it will be dead in the water within a year.

That's because the majority of game developers are "artists" instead of engineers.

>all that growth occurred in 3rd-world hellholes, 1st-world population actually below replacement rates


>both confidently state that 2160x1200 is not good enough for VR
>that the best state for VR is 4K overall and ideal state for VR is 4K PER EYE
>they also agree that 90fps is the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for a VR experience that won't make people sick and that the screendoor effect won't be visible to due immense pixel density

So what does Sony do?

>1080p resolution OVERALL
>that means 960x1080 PER EYE
>and what of the framerate? Minimum of 60fps
>That's 30 frames PER second less than what Oculus & Valve, who have far smarter people and have been working on this problem for FAR LONGER, have considered to be a minimum to be a viable product

So not only did Sony jump on the VR bandwagon, they did it in the cheapest fucking way possible in order to be FIRST to launch in the race, while giving zero regard for the people who will buy the product. They invested tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars into something that's going to give their consumers headaches and even make them vomit.

Meanwhile, though the adoption PC side with the Rift & Vive is slow, this has a greater probability of succeeding, because both companies meet the MINIMUM requirements for VR in terms of resolution and framerate targets--with both AMD and Nvidia investing tens of millions of dollars in pushing their GPUs and Software to make the VR process itself smoother, more efficient, and less likely to make the consumer who will be using the device, sick.

PSVR is going to be a disaster, and it's entirely on Sony for cutting corners to rush to the market with a product that is no where close to being ready for mass market use--and won't be ready for mass market deployment for another 3-4 years aka Rift & Vive both going through at least two more product iterations.

It's unbelievable that Sony would apply the same arrogance that screwed them with the PS3, to PSVR. Finally, even if PSVR sells say 50 million units, if everyone using it gets sick and vomits; that's NOT a success.

>they are just making art instantiations and gimmicky "experiences.
That's pretty typical for launch titles for hardware. There's a reason why people denote if something was a launch game or not. They tend to have less turn around since they're making them quicker and usually shallower in order to make it in time to hit the launch window.
I think RE7 is going to be completely VR and playable so games like that are coming.

PSVR is literally sold out everywhere

Are you me?

Frankly I think it's tanking in large part due to the price vs what you get. I mean, it costs more than the base PS4 console and has little to no games yet. If the price comes down or if developers come up with more interesting VR titles that aren't memes, then I might get one.


VR is really cool, but you've gotta be fucking kidding me if you expect me to pay $800 for a setup.

Minimum of reproduced 60fps*

They jumped on the 3D fad, and was foolish enough to think 3D alone would carry the system. The only reason they're not hopping on the VR fad (again) is because it's too cost prohibited

I'm telling you, Developers for some reason have this idea that you can't have a normal game in VR. Why didn't they just port over a bunch of games for the Vive/Rift launches? If a single guy could make a VR mod that turned a pretty bad game like Doom 3 into something worth playing, why didn't a bunch of developers give this a shot? Charge like $5 for a DLC that adds support for old games, its basically free money.

I think it's safe to assume VR asa platform has failed at launch because of multiple reasons:

>need dedicated room/set-up to use
>no killer apps or games for it yet, just minigame stuff
>technology is still too infant for it (launching at 90 HZ 1080p really hurt it)

I have a feeling once they release better form factor VR headsets with better technology and actual purposes of owning them through good games/apps, then it will take off. They really should have waited an extra year or two before pushing VR headsets to the consumer market.

Like that worked for the vita

This appears to be true.

I've been out of games for a long time but the few VR experiences I've had with this current generation is that it is good enough for it to be successful. Those complaining about the low resolution are perhaps wanting graphics that are nigh indistinguishable from real life. I think that the current VR products easily give the user the illusion that he is immersed in a cartoon world.

It's not entirely clear to me how necessary it is for a VR experience to satisfy the sense of touch, taste, and smell to be successful. But right now, the senses of sight and hearing are convincingly real.

I hear you. I feel the same way about this local pizza place. They have this one pie, it's basicallay a plate of nachos on a pizza. You get Doritos on it and everything. Like, you have a plate of delicious nachos, and then when you're finished you still have an entire pizza left. If they ever go out of buisness, I'm killing my self.

Why did sony think this was a good idea?
Eyetoy was the only time they really had a successful add-on shit I was seeing anything and everything for the Move just tumble in price just a few weeks after release
Hell I got two moves/nav controllers, cun attachments, charger and that big ass rifle attachment for less than $50 last year