Ave, True to Caesar.
Ave, True to Caesar
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Primm has a new sheriff. That ought to keep the Powder Gangers away.
What's more patrician explosives or unarmed
>inb4 guns, ew and melee fags
fuck off pea brains.
explosives + two-step goodbye
why not both?
I've personally found Explosives to not only be more fun but also all around more practical.
Problem with Unarmed is if you want any of the good perks that effect it you're going to have to automatically put points on Melee as well otherwise it's not gonna be much fun/ Not to mention you'll also have to take a detour to Hidden Valley to get some usful unarmed weapons while you can get find plenty of dynamite and even a couple of Grenade Launchers around the waste to last you long enough to reach the Boomers.
Energy/plasma, science and int.
3rd build was fun, constantly beam rifling people. Finished Dead Money for the upgraded Holorifle and then beat the Big MT dlc. Was pretty fun until Honest Hearts
this is now a caesar thread. no profligates allowed.
t. aurelius of pheonix
Any suggestions for a veteran classic Fallout player trying NV for the first time? I'm already having more fun than with 3.
What exactly is it about New Vegas that gives it such longevity compared to other RPG's and, in fact, even most other games? It seems no matter how often I replay it I find something new, or find something worthy of discussion even half a decade after its release.
I would recommend playing with the JSaywer mod for a start. Does a lot of patch-fixing and rebalances to the system I enjoy
go legion. fight with strength and honor. drive the filth from the land.
I don't know how much of it you played so maybe you already know this but all companions have their own side-quest that become triggered once key moments happen.
Speaking of which:
>inb4 Lonsome Road
cutting heads off with mantis king! is brilliant but chucking dynamite and plotting out ambushes with time bombs is more satisfying
horde mod + corona perk on plasma grenades is all fun
Swap Boone and Raul.
>putting Veronica above anyone
>Boone that high
He can take the spot if he didn't lock me out of an entire ending.
Cass is better.
>Cass doesn't look you out of an ending
I don't know, the lore, characters and setting all blended well, allowing the exploration and discovery to go really smooth, at least for me.
>an entire ending
You mean Legion? It's not like anyone sides with them unironically.
I can agree with this list.
how does Sup Forums feel about tribals in fallout?
anyone who picked caesar is a fucking edgelord. they have 0 redeeming qualities
you can side with the legion and still do boone's quests, though.
The game has a rep reset for a reason
There is LITERALLY nothing good about tribals.
it's funny cuz it's true, for me it was wildcard>wildcard/alturistic>ncr>legion
then I made my own run where nuke NCR and legion, help elijah with his bloodcloud and help freeside, followers and west side but kill all bandits/podwer gangers
nobody cares, but autism is fun after 200 hours of a game.
rollan for this
If the great writing and depth isn't enough it really is an RPG that let's you specialize in whatever crap you can think of and still function well.
I personally was never able to get to into the original Fallout because the game felt like it strong armed you to focus certain skills but NV you can honest to god manage your SPECIAL and skill points however you like and you can still be effective if you know what you're doing. This allows for a whole bunch of random mix and match playstyles that you could utilize giving the game tons of replayability.
If there's anything my time in the mojave taught me it's that new vegas will be better off if people start getting lashed to crosses
Who are the bigger edgelords? Those who hate the Legion or those who join it?
Ave, True to Cruz
You eyeballin' me?
people who defend it
too bad legion content was rushed because it's not fleshed out enough to bother discussing, and nothing Ulysses said convinced me the Legion isn't a few mistakes away from being a simple horde of raiders
I know some people might lynch me for saying this but New Vegas would legit be a perfect game to remaster, but not like a graphical remaster but a gameplay story one as well where they copy Fallout 4's gunplay and add a couple more hours of content for Legion; maybe expand the map a bit.
Why not just a sequel to New Vegas with these things? Move it a bit to the east around the Four Corners region, then we can have fun times with the Legion and NCR and whatever else they originally wanted in Van Buren.
>Fallout 4's gunplay is good
I agree with the Legion content though.
>Fallout 4's gunplay is bad
not ever for breeding?
or target practice?
A sequel would confirm what happened in NV, which is something I doubt the devs, nor the fans, would want to happen. I'd rather leave the fate of Hoover Dam and the strip to be ambiguous.
I want to comfort Waking Cloud in her time of need.
It's actually a shame that New Vegas is one of the handful of modern cowboy themed games.
How is the genre not a more popular source of games?
I satisfy my western lust with Fistful of Frags.
Any puncher mcfist is a friend of mine
>no southern gothic fallout
Bethesda was the thesis, Obsidian was the antithesis. A conflict was inevitable, but something great came from it; a synthesis
That synthesis is New Vegas
I'm not even joking. It is one of those games that only come once per generation
Target practice the only good use of tribals.
Gotta learn how to lead those plasma shots somehow.
And what better way on a group of fleeing dirt eaters?
That text placement makes me sick
>Obsidian will probably never do another Fallout
Rolling for next run
Fuck off Egg
>She's Embrace
never have to buy ammo/repair ever again, also it's a crit monster
they're doing fallout new orleans right now
There's always that naive hope they do New Orleans.
Shame it was so short.
>Fallout New Orleans.
Are people still spewing this fucking meme?
reminder that John Gonzalez is the true mastermind behind new vegas's writing and the only thing Avellone wrote in the base game was Cass
prove me wrong then dicklicker
If that's the case then Avellone did a damn good job.
>not just using a mod that eliminates the stupid necessity of leveling BOTH unarmed and melee for their perks
I'd consider such a mod a fix more than anything
To be fair Sawyer always said that if he were to make another Fallout it'd be in New Orleans and recently he's been a cocktease about a new game located at a swamp setting.
Project Louisiana was confirmed to be Tyranny by Sawyer and not a Fallout title.
And the patent in Europe turned out to be little more than a hoax, or at the very least, it ran out before it could be passed as authentic.Probably some idiot who thought "I'll reserve the name ;^)"
i-i just want a New Vegas Remastered
Every fucking game is getting one except this one.
>Make the Legion part of the game that was removed
>Make New Vegas untouched by the war like intended
>Make New Vegas just one area like it was originally designed
Sawyer had some good ideas too, but yeah John Gonzalez was the writer to look to.
Arguably the worst choice of faction
Think about it
>They'll enslave you
>They'll kill/crucify tons of innocent people
all because "muh roman fetish" and "muh civilization"
Anyone thinking that this is the most patrician choice are political contrarians and edgelord shit posters. Fact is they they wouldn't want any part of the Legion's dominion if it actually occurred in real life out of natural human fear
The fact of the matter is that all the factions in NV are shit
If they did It wouldn't be anywhere near as good as New Vegas. A lot of the people who worked on it have left Obsidian.
Reminder that New Vegas would have been worse if it didn't have Van Buren to lay out a large amount of concepts and designs that Obsidian was free to play around with.
Reminder that OWB is copies a large amount of ideas from the cut EPA level in Fallout 2.
It is the worst choice but it is one that would actually work. As Caesar himself says it
"Long-term stability at all costs"
Caesar's plan is somewhat akin to the Master's plan in FO1, "If everyone is a member of the Legion then there won't be a need to fight anymore and we can all work together to achieve a shared goal"
It basicly forces you to throw your morals on the trash in order to have a future, something that an Independent Vegas / House Vegas won't give you
>other work
>some Tom Clancy shit
>Horizon Zero Dawn
He's not gonna work on good games ever again, is he?
>Watching a qt NCR Soldier gunning down idiots in sports equipment
>She's using that weird M60+M249 amalgamation
How can Legion fags even compare?
It forces you to throw your morals on the trash in order to have a really shitty future.
No, thanks.
Killing that smug cunt is always so satisfying.
>enter his tent and immediately use VATS on his head
>all his guards running towards me in slow-motion as Caesar's head gets blown off while he barely gets on his feet
feels good man
the only reason it's bad is the shit AI, hitboxes, and bullet spongy enemies.
Well shit, where can i read more about this?
What was The Legion's policy on mutants and ghouls by the way? It seemed the two never interacted.
When I first saw the Legion at Nipton I decided to follow them, they walked to the camp outside of Searchlight and got annihilated by 3 NCR soldiers on patrol with service rifles without doing so much as a scratch to the NCR soldiers. b t f o
Well that's the thing about it, someone who was born in the Legion might think of that as paradise
Someone who is tired of all the fighting, gangs and death might also say "Hey you know what? The Legion is not that bad after all"
You might think it is shit but someone with different ideological beliefs than you might come to the conclusion that the Legion is actually the best choice
That's like living under North Korean regime kind of.
>"Hey you know what? The Legion is not that bad after all"
said no one ever
>What was The Legion's policy on mutants and ghouls by the way? It seemed the two never interacted.
I don't see them as getting rejected. I mean, they are technicly still human and Caesar doesn't seem to be racist either
I'm pretty sure they're kill on sight, Raoul mentions it
I end up laughing because you can use a regular mini nuke inside the tent and avoid all damage simply by taking "cover" in the flaps when you just walk in
after 200 hrs of NV nothing short of a deathclaw or tunneler horde excites me
rollando mota
call me butter, 'cause I'm on a roll
I doubt that, the group encountered at Nipton actually have guns. Two Cowboy Repeaters I think, I think Service Rifles got buffed after all the DLCs though increased RoF and a change in the characteristics of 5.56 cartridges.
Well FO3 classifies both mutants and ghouls as a different race if i remember. You can accuse Eden of being a racist because of that
Hey i'm just saying that Caesar's plan would totally work. What is an independent Vegas going to give you? More conflict
I think that Caesar has the best view for rebuilding. The NCR was turning into a hereditary monarchy and were no better than the Legion at clinging to an old, dead ideology, House is a fucking mad cunt, and no one else had any real plans other than "We'll figure it out." Brutal or not, Caesar was a brilliant leader and was doing a damn good job at bringing the wackjobs out in the mountains and deserts to heel.
You're forgetting where everyone was following the man, not the regime. When Caesar dies, the Legion will fall apart.
I am sure that while the whole "The Legion only works if Caesar is there" meme would not happen if you are there supporting him, and i also doubt such a smart man that has everything planned for the future has not made plans for the day he dies