Thoughts on this game? I'm playing through it now and it's hot garbage compared to Black

Thoughts on this game? I'm playing through it now and it's hot garbage compared to Black

Idk but there's a button dedicated to controlling tiddies in sigma 2, go play that one

I played the shit out of NG and NGBlack

I never bothered finishing NG2 or 3/Razers edge.

I dunno. They just felt shitty.

It's pretty good but I prefer Sigma 2

This, finished that shit on master ninja, still the best character action game imo. Sucks I couldn't get the plat because of online rape missions

People tend to mistake NG2 as a successor to NG and NGB. It is actually a 3D bullet hell game disguised as an action game

In later levels you have be extremely lucky to not get suddenly hit by something offscreen because they decided to make the camera your worst possible enemy.

Played it first and prefer it to Sigma so far

ignoring the fucking disgusting loading times after every death.

That shitty dash from NG2 ruined for me. And NG3 has it too. Fuck that shit

Its bad, just like NG3. Sigma 2 made it a lot easier, but also removed the shitty trial and error. Too bad Razor's Edge didn't fix NG3.

This is a samefagging bait thread right? Because I know Sup Forums was casual but not THIS casual.

OP here

My main problem so far is that instead of making enemies difficult, like the different difficulties in Black, they just throw a fuck ton of them at you. When I'm stuck in a room with ten exploding shurken ninjas it gets to a point where my only option is to spam Ninpo until I can actually get a combo off without exploding. On top of that there are a lot of areas where they throw projectile enemies at you as well and it basically becomes an I-frame game where you just dash around hoping you don't explode and you can't get any combos off. I just started chapter 11 and I ran through the majority of chapter 10 because fighting 20 enemies with long combos and exploding projectiles just isn't fun.

I've played up to very hard in NGB and while it can be frustrating it never feels unfair or impassable to the point where you have to spam Ninpo to win, but NG2 feels like that all the time.

Also the bosses are garbage.

protip: brutality finishing moves give you invincibility frames, use them.

I'm on master ninja difficulty and i'm stuck on Chapter 2 at the part where you get the falcon's talons. I've been using the dragon sword and the most efficient killing techniques but do you have any advice?

I wouln't run past the enemies in Chapter 13 or so, there's parts of the game where the framerate will hit single digits and your console might burst into flames if you don't take out the enemies in the environment.

This. NGB was hard, but it felt like it was just you who needed to get better. NG2 had a problem with filling the screen with as many enemies as possible because it was on better hardware. That combined with the camera which is even closer to Hayabusa so that he takes up 40% of the screen makes for an unfair artificial difficulty.

Now Sigma 2 actually improved on this since they reduced the amount of enemies on the screen. Now you dont have 5 guys with machine guns blasting from a distance while trying to kill 8 other major fiends. The only downside to Sigma is they significantly toned the gore for some reason. To the point where there is almost no blood, whereas the Xbox NG2 was a bloodbath.

The bosses are hit or miss, some are fun, and some are just a roll of the dice whether youll live or not. The story is a mess, but it works alright til about the end where it goes full retard.

NG2 6/10
Sigma2 7/10

Yes I have noticed that the frame rate gets fucked when running past enemies, which sucks because a lot of the times it's more of a slog to fight than it is fun. Right now I'm fighting the three spider guys with all the exploding ninja and I can't even see how you do this without spamming Ninpo first. Everyone is throwing projectiles, spamming grabs and long ass combos that will stop my combos midway through, it's retarded.

OP the reason they (mistakenly) decided to balance it with huge hoardes of enemies is because they knew delimbing, Guillotine Throw, OTs, so on were ridiculously broke when they introduced the first and third to the mix with the second.

The concept of i-frames shouldn't escape you this bad, come on.

NGB was hard, but it felt like it was just you who needed to get better.

well put. I've beat black on master ninja but segments with greater fiends in II left me fucked

Sigma 2 just replaced the gore with purple ooze and flashy explosions. To be honest, because I'm so desensitized to blood, I find the crazy purple goop to be more impacting and noticeable than blood is. Plus, they're fiends. They shouldn't have human blood.

listen to these two, you fucking casuals

Protip, play Sigma 2 fixes almost all the issues you just listed whilst running at a much smoother steady framerate @ full 720p rather than the 540 or whatever NG2 runs at. You also get multiple other characters to play.

Best action game ever made which blackbabies trash because it doesn't hold their hand as much as NGB, like OP already told us.

Only true 3D NGs are NG and NGB, the rest are varying degrees of ok to shit.

Duke it out

I don't want hand holding, I want competent skill based battles. Button mashing is shit and so far that's what NG2 is, you just jump in the fray and mash buttons hoping RNG doesn't fuck you. I understand that they increased enemies after giving you the de limb finisher shit because of how OP it is, but that doesn't make it ok. They could have left out the finisher shit, it's just flashy anime garbage for dummies and I don't give a fuck about pushing a button to look cool. NGB could be flashy as fuck too but it was done by stringing together sick combos and shit instead of just "push y to look cool".

You can look good just as good if not better in NG2 if you work hard enough

>implying I'm gonna take that shitty ass bait

Nobody thinks any NG after NGB is better than NGB, or even on par with it.

You can tell who was a Sonyfag in this thread because they describe the Sigmas as anything but garbage.

NG2 was fucking pro. Exploding shurikens only pop up in a few levels and they're the least of your worries if you're good enough to get to those points on Mentor+.

I'd wager that 90% of the people that say "I beat it on Master, but..." never made it through Mentor.

>Best way to beat MN NG2 is to abuse the fuck out of UT i-frames.

Nah nigger, MN NG2 is literally mechanic abuse and light of sighting enemies to charge UT's.

>Best way to beat X as an argument for why any action game's combat is bad

Not a good case-maker in the slightest.

What's with all those bait threads lately
Fuck you. NG2 is the real NG game.

>exploding shurken so only pop up in a few levels

This is total bullshit, they are all over the fucking place. And if it isn't that then it's missile launchers that shoot 10 missiles everytime or exploding arrows or dragons that shoot fireballs. The rocket guys in NGB were difficult and added to the fray without having to spam 50 missiles every second. It doesn't add anything to the gameplay it just makes shit tedious.

I have enjoyed going through the difficulties on NGB, on very hard now and it's frustrating without being annoying. I've already decided that I won't do that with NG2 because even on warrior mode it's retarded and shitty.

> censored gore

>Game is poorly balanced and designed encouraging mechanic abuse of a very small subsection of the available gameplay systems rather than the entire swath of them
>Not a proper argument

NG2 fags everyone

You do realize everything you just said applies to every majorly hailed action game right?

I'm not saying it isn't poorly balanced but using a vague, general statement that applies to most games from the same genre is a retarded way to continue the discussion, especially if spamming is the new topic when I was talking about styling.

Nope, DMC games don't make any systems redundant or unusable on Dante Must Die neither does Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising or even NGB.

Only thing i remember about two are explosions

god damn motherfucking explosions.
and dogs

Devil Trigger Explosion/Distortion, Royal Guard is retarded broke in 3 whether you know how to time guards or not.

PKP, Kilgore Glitch

Ok this one is just a joke right?

If it was unusable then the very style and no damage runs that exist for NG2 wouldn't be possible

Where do you even draw the line for something being considered "encouraging mechanic abuse"?

rising does a little in my opinion.

Every "Ninja Gaiden Black Perfect Run" video is just spamming lunar staff charges

>It's another "someone from Sup Forums thinks they know everything about an action game when the best of the best results prove them wrong" episode

Always this damn board I swear to god

black is really fucking good
I'm playing it for the first time and its so fucking good
I didn't think it was that good man