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>not killing Pate

who was in the wrong here?

Never trust Patches, regardless of incarnation or name.

They're both murderers, actually. But the game considers it a sin whichever one you kill.

>you can get Pate's gear by summoning him for the last giant
>kill him here and get Creighton's full set
The choice is obvious

>Pate vaguely pushes you to enter dangerous places
>Creighton goes "I'm gonna kill this motherfucker" from the get go
Creighton is the patrician choice and Pate fags can fuck right off

Nah, in SOTFS it's not a sin anymore.


Saved, this is genius.

I like Pate's VA more.


Although fuck him in 3. Sirris and me are pals for life.

Never actually got to see this for myself, because the triggers for Souls sidequests are retardedly specific at best or flat out broken at worst.

if you fall down the side with the whirlpool how the fuck do you get out?

You don't, you have to walk through the tunnel to the cathedral full of spiders and walk to the primal bonfire from there or use feather / bone.

It's fucked, once you go down you won't go back up. Unless there is some illusory wall I missed.

I think one of the rooms has a way out?

I got it on my first run and I always go blind during my first run

If you haven't unlocked the door, your only way out is going to the boss.

Unlock the bottom bonfire and open the door first time once you get to Tseldora, that way you can always return by bonfire warping

If you go to the zone right before the spike pit, you have no option but to finish or bone/feather, tho

Reminder that Pate is a cheeky prick.

Image's as old as DS2 itself bruh

Does anyone else think that Pate and Creighton used to have romantical relationship but something happened and they had to part?

Whole side-quest is tragical story of two homosexuals.

Yeah that's definitely possible, I'm just saying that given how open the souls games are you can easily miss a LOT of sidequests just by playing through the game on your preferred route, unless you're backtracking through every other level to comb for NPC spawns.

>he played Dark Souls II

who was the top?

No it's not only possible to miss side quests but entire fucking game.

How the fuck do people figure out shit like burning down the windmill or getting Artorias ring to fight 4 Kangz?

The game never explains it, how can anyone go to kill Siff first, read the item of ring and then go to New Londo to jump into darkness?

How the fuck were people supposed to know that the doll is key to painting? How did they doll get there when it was not there when we were imprisoned there?

How were people supposed to find a way to Seath in Crystal Cavern?

How were people supposed to know that you need to use Ashen Mist Heart to access memories? How did they know the dead giants can be interracted with?

>How the fuck do people figure out shit like burning down the windmill
I didn't quite figure out the method, but I KNEW it was supposed to be possible the moment I saw what the boss arena was like. Had to google the way to do it though, because while I did throw a bunch of firebombs at it I never thought to approach it with a torch on hand.
>or getting Artorias ring to fight 4 Kangz?
Doesn't the game tells you that you need it?

>he shitposts on a vietnameze animatronic painting website about a game he didnt even played


1. Tons of NPCs and Item descriptions tell you that Artorias was the only Knight to tackle the abyss, so it makes sense to go looking around his grave, and also the cat hints that the key to the abyss is at his grave
2. The item description tells you about a painted world, so you assume to check out the giant painting
3. There's dev messages all around the place, and the snow thats falling in the caves lands on the hidden platforms
4. "The magic of the ancient dragon allows one to delve into the memories of the withered." this one is a bit more non-linear, but it's still plausible considering all of the giants have a examine option

>not killing both since they're both fucking scumbags that keep appearing in every game anyways

>I begin my preparations for the fight by empowering my body and my blades with the souls of my fallen victims
>As entreat the dark gods for power, purple energy envelops my +5 Dark Chaos Blades and my vision is dimmed
>I quickly sprint towards the fools, striking them both with a single stab from my superior blade
>They turn around in surprise and prepare to fight me, as I am clearly the biggest threat
>Good, this might almost be a challenge
>Their blows bounce off of my Havel's armor pieces as I laugh at their impotent rage
>Pate reveals his lack of honor by attempting to flank me for a backstab, but his pitiful attempt at an attack is thwarted by my stylish yet practical Jester's Robes, as well as one of my fifteen Gower's Rings of Protection
>For his insolence, he will be my first victim
>I cut him into four neat pieces with a cross slash, absorbing his puny soul
>As Creighton looks on in disgust and disbelief, I pull out a twisted icon of the dark gods, channeling the power of his fallen rival
>I strike him down with a single Climax, powered by the insignificant soul of Pate
>As I search their bodies for trophies of my great victory, I mutter a quiet prayer for my victims: "Nothing personell kids"

Creighton was a murderer in more of Bandit sense.

Pate was a murderer, liar, thief and traitor.

Pate was a fuckboy. Trapped Creighton in his own trap and didn't even have the balls to finish the deed, while Creighton set the trap in the first place because Pate is a scheisty fuck.

Pate's a scheisty fuck. Creighton's a murderer for sport.

I killed Pate. Easy.

I somehow missed Pate and Creighton fight on my second playthrough. They just weren't there even though I'm pretty sure I spoke to them enough. Didn't miss the other stuff though.

Im going to start ds3 today. Is there anyone i should know about like that murdering cunt from demons souls?
Or has From stopped pulling that shit

Shit like this is great and adds to a second playthrough.

DS3 is contractual obligations: the game
Also don't give the Maiden any dark magic or else Garl Vinland 4.0 will give you the time of your life

Dude the game actually explains all of that shit

Problem is you're just a fucking retard

I dont need permanent deaths for useful npcs

No, souls games are pretty good but they have tons of design problems, I'm seriously sick of hearing people defend this kind of shit.

There's been nothing on the level of Yurt since Demon's souls, the game pretty much tells you if you do a bad thing anyways like giving dark miracles to the miracle vendor.

Actually if you buy any of the dark miracles after giving it to her leads her off to her bad end, just giving it won't trigger it.

Souls has problems but this isn't one of them. They always have hints about this kind of stuff. If you don't want it to happen then don't be an idiot. It's pretty easy to tell who's a murderous psycho. Yurt is surrounded by bloody bodies and makes vague references to murder. The murderer in Bloodborne is literally feasting on a dead body when you find him and quickly makes up a lie, and gives you beast blood pellets hinting as to his true nature. Lautrec tells you he is going to murder the firekeeper if I remember correctly or at least that he covets her flame.

It's your fault.

>tons of design problems

lol souls is literally 2hardcore4u.

it's a fault for a world with such bleak aesthetic to feature harrowing mechanics?

>Is mild mannered
>Came to Drangleic for friendship and exciting adventure
>Tells you about treasure, also warns you about possible traps
>Gives you the friend soap
>Gives tips on how to survive bandits and other such disgusting rogues
>Helps in defeating a boss
>Gives you a copy of his stylish and fashionable armor
>Selflessly risked his life to lock a dangerous serial killer in the vile murderer's own trap

>Is rude
>Came to Drangleic just to kill people
>Refused to listen to Pate's warnings and got raped by hollows
>Blamed Pate for his own foolishness
>Sits around doing nothing all day long
>Refuses to help you even after you bust him out of jail
>Is probably a serial killer
>And traitor too
>Probably stole that axe he has too
>Only gives you his dull and brutish armor after you assist him in a capital crime
>Attacks you in Dark Souls 3

The choice is clear.

>Person is serial killer
>Game doesn't blare flashing SERIAL KILLER sign around him at every opportunity
>Game forces you to actually use CONTEXT CLUES to figure shit out

>This is bad for some reason.

>the one wooden thing thats animated is moving
>fireball it
>falling through an endless abyss
>must've missed something
>killed all the bosses
>remember ring the wolf drops
>read description :"It's wearer, like Artorias himself, can
traverse the Abyss."
>oh that makes sense

>go to anal rodeo
>fuck that's a big bitch of a painting, that would be a cool as shit area, reminds me of Mario 64
>kill O&S
>get fast travel
>go to firelink
>how do I get to that huge ass bird in firelink
>must have something to do with that ledge that links the parish and firelink
>oh look, platforming
>find nest with "curl up like an egg" action
>do it
>well its gotta do something
>oh look this place again
>oh fuck the floor fuck fuck fuck fuck
>ezpz boss
>free slabs plus a weird as fuck doll
>description says an "abomination" was drawn into a cold and lonely painted world.

>look @ all these tree dudes
>wonder what their deal is
>play game
>get to dragons
>speak to dragon
>get ashen mist heart
>be a good JRPG player and read description
>"The magic of the ancient dragon allows one to delve into the memories of the withered."
>those tree dudes are withered as fuck, let's check em out!

You're a literal retard.

Beastman was literally messing with some corpses, but its impossible to say he was literally eating them, plus, you could find/buy those pellets too

I dont remember yurt very well, but even if you think he's a weird guy theres no way you'd arrive at the conclusion he'd kill another NPC, same for lautrec

when they're done in a way that detriments the game's enjoyment, yes

they're both shady fuckers, Pate is probably worse but I killed Creighton anyway

>get bored of DaS3 again
>decide I'll replay 2 since completely done with 1 forever
>tired of it immediately

DS3 2nd DLC announcement when?

if you're just gonna use meme arrows, the console war thread's 3 blocks down

The guy in Bloodborne was eating them, but I could see being tricked. Iosefka is more tricky and something I could actually see getting angry about.

But Yurt has a trail of bodies leading to his hiding space and he makes hints at murder. Here's his dialogue.


People act like the game just randomly kills NPCs.

The second half of DS2 is where all the good stuff is. The beginning is so shit. Still the worst Souls game.

>hiding space

I'm sorry but he is imprisoned in that cage, the bodies don't mean shit

And yet pvp fags with defend tooth and nail that it is the best out of the whole series.

Only the PvP though

No, after you free him. He's on the second floor of the Nexus.

There are two bodies leading up to him. The bodies have Soldier's Souls on them so you can't miss them. It's a little vague but you can figure it out and I did back when Demon's Souls was new.

the best for PVP

that's literally all they are saying

and its fucking true; you can actually play pure mage in PVP in DaS2 without pulling your hair out of your scrotum in fury.

>Expecting this much from DS3

My fucking sides. user nailed it in one sentence.


Mind if I save this image for future use?

You cannot.

I did

Aw why not? Please?

>It's an user backhand compliments DaS2 while simultaneously reassuring his fellow cancer parrots that it's totally still the worst game ever episode

>it's totally still the worst game ever episode
No, it's a pretty good game. I enjoyed it.

Creighton did absolutly nothing wrong. There's some unbased rumours that he is a killer but he never does anything bad to the player.

Are you talking about me here? I like DS2. It's still probably the Souls game I've spent the most time with, Demon's second, Dark third. I think the very beginning is fine, but the middle parts are pure shit. And that's why most people hate it. They can't get past those parts mentally and literally. There's so much filler. So many half baked areas. So many purposefully annoying bosses and enemy designs. Once you open up Drangleic Castle and the Gutter, the game becomes pretty good, at least as good as Dark Souls. The DLC is also pretty decent.

DS3 made him out as a proper bad guy in Sirris' questline.

That's the point, neither does and you never get conclusive evidence on any of them. So are left to make a choice based on your assumptions.

They are both bad, that's the point. One is just malicious, the other is honest. It's up to you to pick one or let the murderers sort it out or kill both of them.

When you open the booby trapped chest in one of the rooms in the area he laughs about how he "forgot" to mention that

>most people

Yes meme parrot, i am talking to you. However i am not gonna be the one to turn another DaS2 related quest into shitpost fest so this conversation ends here.

I've played through DS2 twice and have yet to trigger the fight between them. Actually, I've never seen the conclusion to any NPC side quest

you talk like a fag

They both make comments that are supposed to make you question your decision when you open the chest.

I somehow also have this problem in the Souls games even though I'm not bad in the other aspects. I got Solaire and Siegmeyer though.

Pate's 2nd encounter is a tad hard to find, cause it's in the Earth Peak.
Creighton is also kinda hard to find in Scholar on 2nd encounter.
Not even Gilligan for buying all 3 ladders?

Do i? Maybe my shit's all retarded.

If I went through this area(assuming it's Tseldora's shithouse) already, can I still trigger it by going back and finding their second encounters?

They'll trigger every time you come there after getting all 4 encounters up until one dies.

I definitely encountered both of them once. Thanks for the info.

>not just buying silvercat ring

I never got to this point in the quest, but I would've just let the fight play out and see who comes to the top.
>b-but I must use my gaming wisdom to decide which one to save
They need no 'saving', they chose this themselves. If they're asking for help they're cucks who should rather die.

>Pate tells you about treasure that actually exists.
>Warns you about danger and traps.
>Gives you the co-op soap.
>Helps you fight a boss.

Pate did nothing wrong.

>The Gutter

>The Gutter
>not good
You're probably thinking of Black Gulch. Or you have incredible shit taste.

It's great. Just destroy the statues as you go.

IIRC you have to summon them each before a boss fight to do the quest.

Fuck summoning.

>quests that requires you to summon characters for boss fights
Anyone else really disliked this? At least in III they made Anri's fight against Aldrich a separate instance

Yes. I've only ever Summoned Solaire and Biorr/Ostrava


>annoying platforming on surfaces you can slide off of
Nah, fuck The Gutter, at least Black Gulch is short and easy to run through.

Yeah, i make sure to only summon them to the shittiest fights but it fucking sucks that i have to summon Benhart for Mirror Knight.

You just need to exhaust their conversations.