The last character you played as has to jump across these gaps

The last character you played as has to jump across these gaps.

How fucked are they?

I get in my skell and fly wherever the fuck I want.

Nigga, Cross can jump that on his/her own easily.

true, but who gives a shit when I can just fly all the way to bowser and kick his ass?



>Mario from Super Mario Bros

I think I'm good

>My Dark Souls 3 character
I'm not gonna make it.

t. Rush jet

>Niko Bellic

>Daud with agility lv2
Nigga doesn't even need to blink

He got this.

Kid can swordspin for days.

My legs are EXCELLENT


>proto man
im fucked unless i can use the jet thingy


>My Daughterfu in Princess Maker 2

She... might find some treasure at the bottom.

>villager in new leaf

Completely fucked.

>Garrett from Thief

Leap and climb, then leap. Also, I'll take those coins. BRRRRRINNNGGG


I'll just teleport over there then.

Game? Looks cute

Just do two community projects for bridges.

It'd just take him longer than most.

>Ratchet and Clank

They'll be fine.

odin sphere.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.

The game features five different playable characters, all of whom are skilled at gap-crossing.

>noble man from Warband

Might as well give up.

>Look up gameplay
>You dont actually play as a cute little animal dude


>tfw you don't even remember the last character you played as

You do for 1/5th of the game, actually.

You probably looked up footage of a different character.

Marcus from gears
Can he just grunt and shoot at it instead?

>Only a fifth

> SMW romhack
I fly with a cape

>minish cap
He'll be fine.

>Kittens game

Uh. What's the technology for this gap, I need more compendiums. Please tell me it isn't a religion upgrade I hate unicorns

>lvl 1 agility

>Rebecca from RE0

pretty fucked I'd say, no jump button

Oh man, that looks really pretty in action.

Last character I played was Terraria, right before golem, so I'm just gonna fly right across.

>One of the rainbow six siege characters
They are doomed

Hyrule Warriors last night, and I can't remember which character was the last I played as in it which is kinda worrying

pretty fucked

>D.Va from Overwatch


>the dragonborn
>uses his dash shout twice to get across

>my party from grimrock 2

>Richter Belmont
Yeah he's fine.

HL1 Gordon Freeman

>Acrobatics and athletics are both in my major skills
>Both are 100
>All my gear boosts them to above 500 each

I think i'll clear those bitchass gaps just fine, might just jump all the way to bowser's castle accidentally as well

I'm good.

Depends on how many hopoo feathers/goat horns I have.

>Crane from Dying Light
It could work I think

Gordon Freeman
long jump module


If Pokemon are allowed, it's easy as fuck.
If Pokemon aren't allowed, then I'm screwed.

Easy as shit.

Batrider will probably make it alright, just firefly and get flying movement

Guy can't even jump, RIP.

>Reinhardt from Overwatch

if I can't make it with a charge I'm fucking fucked

>zip zip zip
Ez pz

She's more than capable, especially with high jump or space jump.

Aw fuck me i didn't get flight or the jump book on my last run





completely fucked