Leave 2017 to us

Leave 2017 to us

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What do both these games have in common Sup Forums?

>Weeb garbage being any good

they're shit?

Don't forget about the migu

You're in the wrong place, redditor

I don't have a ps4 but want to play Nioh so bad. Fugg

They both look alright. How's the demo for GR2

where's BotW?

Nothing really.
Other than japanese made and both Sony exclusive.

I still haven't beaten GR, I'm waiting for it to drop sub $20

>weebshit and we want le dark souls audience

>there are people who dont want to play the best open world game

Nioh is coming on PC slowpoke


>ps4 only

the jews win again

>How's the demo for GR2

It's essentially perfect. One thing you to accept is that Japan Studio don't really believe in walking speeds. You're either running or you're not which kinda sucks but apart from that everything about the game is perfect.

fake news



Gravity Rush 2 has a demo?



I'm not sure if it's still avaliable but you need a JPN account to get it. It's worth a check.

Get in line loser.

no u

Kingdom Hearts is garbage

This will be shit

i only look forward to this and i don't even own a PS4


>follow the waypoint and climb the tower to reveal more waypoints
Sounds fun.

You don't think I know you created this thread you cancerous people? Get a real job you fucking shitstains.

>still the same smash x combat
>now with flashier spell effects

they're not really good?

What the fuck is this post?

Is this supposed to look good?

>Tired to make a shitpost thread
>tried to salvage it by posting fake nioh to PC link
>now engaing in full on shitpost mode

Why did you sign up for such a soul crushing shitty job? You're literally getting paid to try and stop people kids buying video games they are literally going to buy in spite of you anyway. How do you people even have such moronic jobs in the first place?

Literally kill yourselves, please. Fucking pathetic shills

>a game that noone knows about because noone bought a vita

>and a game that half of Sup Forums hates because its actually good


>i played the game
>i've seen the future
>let me check in my crystal ball
you sure convinced me

>PS4nignogs think their games will save anything
That's cute.

The first Gravity Rush is on the PS4. You should try it, it's pretty good

You should take your meds dude

I hope Square Enix brings Dragon Quest Heroes 2 to the west.

>PC saving anything
I guess you always have the next Farming Simulator to look forward to

Gravity rush is a wife simulator (not a bad thing imo)

Why is nioh going to be good? I played the demo and didn't think it was anything special. Wore dark souls on its sleeve but felt like it had less depth and worse areas to explore


>less depth
Mathematically not possible

I want to lick Kat's thighs

Did you earn the mark of the conqurer?

Blonde protagonists

can't wait to try more abilities from ninjitsu tree

Do people only like Gravity Rush because they fap to Kat and Raven? Because the actual gameplay is trash.

Played the demo a while ago at this point. I don't actually know what that is. If the game is legit good I'll try it but it just didn't grab me when I demo'd

If Gravity Rush has girls kissing girls I will quit gaming and die a happy man having played the GOTYAY

I'll even buy a PS4pruh for it.

not gonna lie I like her character design a whole lot as well as raven. I tried the game back on vita and wasn't into it but damn these girls are on point

>Not Nier

What's wrong with the gameplay?

>yooka lay lee
>hat in time
2017 is already better than the current year

>Two games
>For a full year

What the fuck happened to gaming?

I got a PS4 a few days ago.
Should I get Kat's game?

I dislike that she's wearing slippers.

Well, there is also NieR and Persona 5

Is Gravity Rush 1 worth playing or should I just wait for the sequel?

Honestly, you really just need to leave 2017 to me.

It's worth playing, you need to experience the original vision behind the series and the art direction they were heading in to fully appreciate 2. It's not 100% neccesary but it'll help you become familiar with it's characters, gameflow, style of world building and the mechanics themselves. It's a very good open world game in my opinion but I wouldn't pay more than $25 for it.

Go away Bubsy

We've already left enough to you, Sonic. It's time to throw in the towel, buddy

The combat can be a little repetitive. But I'd recommend it.

I don't give a fuck about Gravity Rush.
I give a fuck about Nioh.

I think it's worth a try if you plan on playing the sequel. If you're not... still give it a shot.

I'm really hoping for a demo soon. I didn't get to play that Japanese-only demo bullshit.

A demo for the west has been hinted at, it'll come I just don't know when.

The combat is terrible, Nevi are a shit enemy and the game overall lacks challenge. The combat summed up is going into gravity mode and spamming gravity kick. The only variation on this is to use one of your specials (the only one you'll use is the one where you shoot the rocks from above your head because again, it's the most effective method) on a large group of Nevi or one with many weak spots and then go back to doing gravity kicks over and over to pick off the rest. The short game length hides how repetitive and boring the gameplay truly is.

I have other problems with the game too, like how terrible and abrupt the ending was, how they kept back a lot of the interesting parts of the story like Kat's origins and the city above the giant pillar for the sequel to milk more money out of desperate virgins who fap to Kat's giant forehead and Raven's tummy. It's one of the most overrated games I've ever played.

oh and i got the platinum in like 8 hours without a guide lmao

I'm really confused on why Gravity Daze is hailed as a masterpiece, is it because it was the only great game on Vita for such a long time?

The gameplay, while fun, is nothing really exciting.

Less depth? How in the fuck could anyone think that? Did you actually finish it?

>I'm really confused on why Gravity Daze is hailed as a masterpiece
It's not really though. Just because Sup Forums actually likes a game doesn't mean it's regarded as a masterpiece. Hell, even people who really like GR points out that it has some flaws.

I don't regard it as a masterpiece, I just think it's a comfy little open world game and I enjoy how straight forward the hero is.

>I have powers and amnesia! Whatevs, make a home in the sewer and be a super hero.

A masterpiece? not really, It does some unique things
the gameplay itself is pretty average for an action game

I think it was more for the atmosphere, creative world, and style of movement. Gives a solid framework for the sequel to work off of.

It's also on the vita so it's not gonna look amazing.

>Leave 2017's 2nd place and below to us
Fixed that for you, no need to thank me.

We all know Breath of The Wild will take first place in best game of 2017, famalamadingdong.

Are you supposed to look good?

that's gr2 senpai

In some ways it looks good than some modern games because its art direction is so good. Games like this will never age because of that.

This ain't your home anymore, faggot.

>Zelda: Skyrim
It's going to be a bigger blunder than FF XV

Vita people felt cucked when they saw Walking Dead for PC, Journey for PS3 and Kid Icarus for the 3DS.

Although everyone there felt cucked about Kid Icarus: Uprising. A fucking handheld with an angel shota put them all to shame that year. Especially Gravity Rush since it was a handheld. Vita's been dead since.

Leave video games to us.

I still think GR Remastered's style holds up quite well. But I'm glad that the next game is updating the color palette. It looks much more vivid this time around.

>two good Sonic games
Is 2017 dare I say the best year for video games?

Show me a PC exclusive which looks better.
Oh wait you can't because despite being more powerful no one makes PC games which take advantage of the power.

>Gravity Rush managed to get a remaster and a sequel
>Inafune and Shimokawa's bid to the Sony board for a PS4 port of Soul Sacrifice Delta was shot down

So, how'd Toyama managed it?

What are the chances of a new Siren at some point after GR2?

Their latest exclusives look like mobile games, you can't blame them.

>tfw Nintendo won't milk Kid Icarus to death
>tfw shota protags are a dying breed

Whoa there user, Mania is pretty much a sure thing at this point, but we need to wait and see on 2017. They're saying the right things and doing the right thing by taking their time, but it's still a mainline 3D Sonic game by Sonic Team.

I really like the game but it's no masterpiece. When I bought the remastered, I was extremely hesitant about it all. Come to find out that Kat's character was quite enjoyable. The world was comfy despite its wonky camera and repetitive combat.

Pretty hyped for Nioh played both the alpha and beta demos and got both Marks these are the rewards for them apparently.

It comes out February 2017 right?
Regardless 2017 can't come soon enough.

Oh nice.
I wasn't in the mood to play the game for the second mark but I got the first, that one seems cooler luckily.

Yep, originally it was the 7th worldwide, but that's changed a little. Now it's

Feb 7th for the US and Canada
Feb 8th for Europe and Australia/New Zealand
Feb 9th for Japan and SEA

Ni-oh eh?
lol heh

i mean kek
i mean check
out heh
og my

Ni-oh? heh
more liek
check it out
more like, Ni-oh?
more like Ki-no

Wait hold up US and Canada are getting the game before everyone else? What the fuck, I mean I'm excited we get it earlier but why are we getting it before Japan?


>Breath of the Wild will release in 2017

No idea, they've never actually commented on it. It was just announced as being the 7th worldwide at TGS, but when pre-orders went up a month later, the dates had changed ever so slightly.
