RoR thread
Risk of Rain
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ok but are you a host or are you just asking?
wheres dat host family?
Location? Don't wanna join if its gonna be laggy.
West coast
Last night was pretty good for my stats
hold up
wait for me
aww shiet
Am I too late?
fuck did I miss it?
we're in-game
Yes, go to the corner of shame now.
Are you past the first loop yet? Did you meet the cremators yet?
no and no
>No cremators
>They even have a loader
90 minutes match confirmed.
Anyone else feel like hosting?
Meh, maybe tomorrow.
waiting for dat host
that supposed to be miner?
we may never know for sure.
Not positive
ask again later
Perhaps it is.
Perhaps it is not.
We really need a second host.
Everyone is just sitting around waiting for this one faggot
That one host could be you user.
Go on, make us proud son.
I tried hosting once but my everything just can't handle it.
how does one host? i know port forwarding is involved but i dont even know how to do that.
anyone got a link or a step by step
>mfw cremators
I thought these blobs were corpses.
Damn, nigga.
kinda fucked i hated this game cuz it was too hard when i got it on steam sale. i ended up playing it online with people from Sup Forums and ended up playing for 60 hours... holy shit this game is INCREDIBLE!
bla bla bla fun with friends bla bla bla
I didn't really like the game until I unlocked Glass. The hp/damage balance is shit without it.
Open due to hubris
get in here bandits
I'm no bandit....
>It's a Risk of Rain thread.
Haven't played Multi in a LONG ass time. What groups are open?
Should I end this run soon?