Are you ready to witness the death of video games?
The age of vidya kino is upon us
Are you ready to witness the death of video games?
can't wait
But it's just gonna be yet another interactive movie by Kojimbo, not a video game.
Why is AJ Styles in this game?
1.) they're called ludens
2.) death stranding isn't luden because it falls into the same trap as uncharted, David cage games, etc and that is it treats the experience like a playable movie. It is not originally video games, and therefore can not be luden. Like a synthetic diamond; still pretty, but cheap
When the Hollywood phase washes over, we will see ludens again
>tfw they don't want none
>death of video games
jesus could you get anymore melodramatic?
His last game was more game than movie
When will you guys learn?
MGS4 was garbage.
Peace Walker was underwhelming.
MGSV was garbage.
Do you know why MGS 2 & 3 and PT were good?
Because someone else was filtering out all of Kojima's retarded ideas (Fukushima and Del Toro).
And no, five more years in development wouldn't have made MGSV better. It's Kojima's fault that he blew the budget on pointless shit like Joosten, Sutherland and eating expensive dinners every weekend.
Yes. Nobody is more creative in vision than Kojima, he makes the best games by far.
>Let's just pretend Zone of the Enders, Snatcher and Policenaughts don't exist
Also, MGSV is far from garbage. I has solid gameplay let down by a mediocre story.
MGS doesn't have a bad game, best track record out of any series. And no Sup Forumsirgin's bitching and moaning will change that, stay mad.
metal gear solid 5 has literally the best sealth gameplay yet
kill yourself
Lol no, those are bad
Most of those games were made before he became popular.
The fame has gone to his head.
Kojimas record is 5 games rated over 90 on metacritic
Find me someone who does better
Should be easy since hes a hack
>I'll keep coming
what did he mean by this
>He's a hack!
>But he made THOSE games before he was popular
Not a argument
>best stealth gameplay
Along side:
>non-existent level design
>a trainwreck of a story
>a barren open world, devoid of content
>a terrible scoring system which completely discourages stealth
>repetitive mission design
>no boss fights
V is literally ME3-tier.
>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location)
>the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy)
>moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations
>kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times
>has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was)
>the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)"
>before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped
>the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord
>time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment
>when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up
>ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985
>new playstation ad has the old kojima productions logo in the background
Then check out the poster. PT. Reverse Death Stranding. You get SD.
The events of Phantom Pain were a coma nightmare. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills. On top of that the REAL MGS5 will be coming out next year.
>I really fucking hate everything except the gameplay in this video game!
All of those are good points but they could have been addressed with more development time. Gameplay is still very fun and enjoyable.
Reviewers are literally shills. They are paid by publishers to sell people on the games. They dont accurately review them, especially now when its a long standing franchise entry.
>Zelda title
Give it a 90
>MGS title
Give it a 90
>Halo title
Give it a 90
etc, you rarely see scores below 8 for these games, because they arent scores, just something to perk your interests up and make you buy buy buy
Cool Necklace
On the reviewer scale 1-6 is shit, 7 is mediocre, 8 is alright, 9 is good, and 10 is pretty good.
Reviews are shit, make your own opinions on games.
And he never finished it, what does that tell you?
>guiz its lel jew shill boogeyman!
People keep saying video games are art so now we can start moving them in the same direction classic arts have gone: Staring at a blank page and pretending it's full of substance.
Remember that image about someone dropping a glove on the floor in a arts exposition center and everyone starting going around it thinking that it was part of the exposition? That sort of thing, except video games.
1-8 is shit
9-10 is paid reviews
It must be really hard seeing a fun game that got rated highly, that means they went back in time and stole the fun you had away!
Level design, barren open world, repetitive mission design, boss fights, QTE's etc. are all part of gameplay you tosser.
The only thing the game had going for it was fluid and satisfying character control. Responsive controls and visual feedback in animations was satisfying.
But that is only one single part of gameplay, almost everything else was either mediocre or downright terrible compared to all the other games.
Even the character controls and mechanics, while responsive, were a step down in things you could do compared to previous games.
But if good controls are all it takes for you to enjoy a game, then go ahead, keep running around for hours on end in a completely barren desert and jungle with terribly laid out "villages" and continue to do side ops like Destroy Enemy Tank #1124 and Rescue Hostage #2312.
Such enjoyable and engaging gameplay for sure!
>ywn have a friend as good as kojima and reedus
Feels bad man
but what's a friend to a non-believaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>those autistic threads where we analyzed the trailer
Comfy times
You surely are the coolest and most special of the Sup Forums troop for hating something popular. I think the character controls and mechanics were a step up from MGS3 and 4.
This tbqh
The best rated Kojima games are the ones he co-wrote with Fukushima
I can't believe you haven't killed yourself yet
I came close two weeks ago
car almost hit me
Kojima has too much creative control to ever make a good game again.
Jesus Christ it has nothing to do with hating something popular you absolute bellend.
I loved the previous MGS games and so wanted this one to be great. To be the final MGS game to send the series off with a bang.
Instead all we got was a mediocre to shit game in all respects except controls.
What was even the point of the story in this game? It was supposed to put together the last missing piece of Big Boss and why he turned into such a bastard. A game where we could have had the chance to meet all these icon characters from the previous games like Gray Fox and Sniper Wolf, but no instead we got lol u r medic, literally whooooooooooooooooooooo characters and villains.
And like I said, control and movement wise it was better than previous games, more responsive and satisfying.
Mechanics wise it's still a step back in many respects.
lost my shit so hard
That Konami went crazy, they more or less killed their entire gaming division
People actually wanted more cutscenes from him you idiot.
>games are halfway of becoming playable movies
future is upon us