Other urls found in this thread:
>The easiest way to beat most missions is to spend some time preparing in a safe area at the beginning of a mission.
>Give Snake equipment LV2 and give him and Teliko as enough evades/body armor to fill up the slots. Try to stick to only one, maybe two, ammo types between your equip-type weapons.
>With Snake using 4 evades/armors and Tekiko using 7-8 evades/armors and 1-2 equipped weapons you should be able to brute force through most enemies.
>Try to be in a safe place when the deck refills so the 10 cost won't cause problems
>I always give Snake 2 action+ cards in his deck as well.
>Savescum the fuck out of the shop.
This is assuming you just want to get through missions without regard to stealth or kills, of course.
Play a better Metal Gear game.
Venom didn't care about Quiet.
I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.
Aw yeah, thanks man, I appreciate it, this game gets balls to the wall hard sometimes.
get as many of these guys as you can
No problem, glad to see someone actually interested in this game for once.
Remember this, this is important.
Which card pack is he in?
the one that has non MGS cards in it. I think it's called Chronicle
This too, I usually use about 8 of the best cost reduction cards I can in each deck. Even if all you have are Cost - 4s and Cost - 8s you don't want to underestimate cost reduction cards, as it means free turns.
The Chronicles pack
Gotcha, thanks user.
looks like butthead if he was an anime girl
Is Metal Gear Acid the Beavis and Butthead of vidya?
MGA3 When?
>yfw one of the lead devs went on to make Neverdead
I was abducted with this game last year. I wish it could get more love.
>MGA is released
>Wtf is this shit? It doesn't even play like MGS, this game sucks
>MGR is released
>This game is great
>It's okay that it doesn't play like MGS, that's why it's called MGR instead
Never :(
Played the shit out of 2 but I prefer 1's realistic artstyle more .
Same, the changed movement system was a small change but it made a massive improvement
A long time ago I bought 2 by accident and ended up fucking loving it
Best mistake ever
I saw an ad for the first one in a magazine and thought it looked like the coolest thing ever. I was huge on card games back then (Magic, Yugioh, Battle Network) so I bought a PSP mostly for Acid.
Somehow I don't think this would be approved for HRT operations.
This is about a noncanon game, besides why end all mgs discussion as long as it isn't bitching what the problem?
>Scene loads
>Tits jiggle like crazy because the physics were recalculated
MGA2 is probably the closest that the gameplay of a Metal Gear game has come to resembling the plot of a Metal Gear game.
This and Running Man.
there was a time when a company like Konami used franchises like Metal Gear to deviant in bizarre, obscure shit like this.
What happened to the videogames, Sup Forums?
I'm not trying to end all mgs discussion.
Read it again.