Are you crossing the line Sup Forums?
Are you crossing the line Sup Forums?
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gg ez
Is this somehow implying that saying "gg" is trash talk?
I certainly hope not.
>/threading yourself
based newshit
>gg is now considered trash talk
what the fuck
>Calling an anonymous reader literal refuse in a campaign about not being rude.
>Esports edition
Are these people for real.
Watch the banter at any Esports game and tell me that any of the players give a fuck about this gay shit.
Talking shit is a psychological thing, don't like it, mute it.
you fucking niggers suck go train some more
Wasn't gg banned on LOL I think?
Every day.
I trigger fags like you
It is hilarious to see you running back to rebbit to cry
>muh reddit league of legends overwatch safe space
Is this bait? Banter is the best part of """"esports""""
>he /threads himself
/thread your life while you are at it faggot
well done
Thank you, years of effort finally paid off
Well Met.
can ggd = gitgud
stop making this thread you fucking autist
Unabashed autism going on in this thread, huh.
I was banned for typing gg ez
Quads confirm.
I almost never communicate with people in games because I am a shy permavirgin.
gg ez is you dumb shit. Use your eyes next time.
>trash talk
I'm actually happy that this lunacy is happening because I hate the faggots who talk or communicate in any way in a multiplayer game.
savage get
I'm a virgin, but I can type gg ez ez
Maybe you can try new things in life man
Read the fucking picture. It says gg is already trash talk and gg ez is being a piece of trash.
ez gg
You say "gg ez" to the enemy team though, not your teammates.
>There's a difference between friendly trash talk and being a literal piece of trash
it's implying the white textbox contains "friendly trash talk".
Get your eyes checked.
Butthurts will be butthurts, i love when people call me toxic for making suggestions to their gameplay that results in shit K/D/A. Its like bitch i bet you called your teacher toxic for giving you an F when you couldnt grasp the subject matter and refused their offers of tutoring, theres a difference between being a SHITTER and being a WILLFULL SHITTER, this hand hold all opinions are valid heres your participation trophy everyones a winner culture needs to be fucking eradicated. Ive been a shitter before, the burden is on the individuap to not be shit.
Crossing who's line, the advertisers?
Man, it'd be a shame if bantz alienated the ever populous shitter market :^)
So if gg ez is bad, does that mean that if I say "git gud" I'm basically the Antichrist?
Is this for real, imagine them telling football players or basketball players not to trash talk. fucking pussy beta egamers
Those trips make you the anti-christ you cis gendered scum.
Every time I win, and I mean EVERY time, I ALWAYS tell the other team to get shit on. It's part of the fucking multiplayer experience. If these pussies won't keep the trash talk tradition alive, I'll damn well do it myself.
i used to. i tried to be nice then after a while i realised i cant just fix shit-talking in vidya, i have to fix my life because trashtalk is just a symptom
took me a while
My pleasure buddies
Overwatch doing that chat filter shit was what made me change my "gg ez" bind to a "I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me." bind.
You guys know this is fake, right? The template is real from some faggy campaign by people who don't play vidya but it saying "gg" and "gg ez" is fake. Probably making fun of Overwatch's fee-fee's protection filter.
I was in a FFA in wow today, didn't engage anyone but then two orcs tried to jump me and I basically gibbed them in 5 seconds. That one was free. Then they come back for me when I was low and got me, so I returned to kill both and spat on them. Then they came back for more, did it again - /goodbye when they were dead before they released and summarily used my whistle to get out
was such a lame nothing personnell feeling but 1m overkill on two tards is hilarious
well, time for to kill himself
quads wills it
how does it feel to get quad'd like that?
Devil's quadvocate.
Im gonna say gg ez even more now, fuck faggots who can't take a fucking joke, especially gg 2ez Jesus fuck.
Put me in the screencap
>Not ezpz
impressive. very nice
That's some Kelly level shit right there.
The only way you're crossing the line is when you take a gg ez too seriously
I am but a servant of Lord Kek.
>they don't type ez game ez life at the end of every match
This is why everyone thinks americans are retarded. If it isn't bad enough that you're educating via infographic, you're "educating" basic common sense and decorum (fukken lol, you people live in a pigsty or some shit that you need someone to tell you how to behave?). And then you get it wrong by implying "gg" is "friendly trash talking".
Absolutely fucking retarded.
i say gg, but, it wasn't gg
it was gg ez
oo momma
Those are some nice quads
t. samefag
>INB4 "rustled jimmies" or "rekt"
not that user
GG E to the Z
i tell people to fuck off if they say gg when i did poorly
i usually go with
"mid is ez, life also is ez"
When did it become such a horrible thing to try and get a rise out of people?
Anyways, what are your favorite winning taunts Sup Forums?
>ez game ez lyfe
>git gud fag1tz
>plz try next time
kek never heard that one before
looks like being a fag has become instinctual for you
I just report anyone who mentions anything negative and let the devs do the rest.
ggez can cost up to at least $40 dollars these days and I love the salt on /vg/
>has become
user I was born like this
>gg ez
instead of
>gg ez pz lemon squeezey, why you gotta be so cheesy?
It devolves into childish behavior really fast.
I can verbally laugh and feel good about a victory, but I dont have the urge to make my opponent upset about a losing a fucking game.
I dont need to act like a middle schooler to feel good about myself
Mad cuz bad
The Overwatch filter backfired horribly, the stuff that "gg ez" filters to is even more tilting than gg ez ever was.
I just see it as banter
Or maybe I do it because subconsciously it gives me a sense of power and superiority that I never felt growing up as a scrawny awkward adolescent and teenager
But then again, I've actually led a very happy life. So it's probably just 4bantz
Fuken rekt
That has to be an edit.
fucking destroyed
But it IS a trash anime.
>win without doing anything
>type "all me"
Nice get, user
aww shit nigga
i disagree
>Guy starts Spamming "ALL ME" at the end.
>Everyone tells him his other teammate did more.
>He logs off.
>Not prioritizing your bm over macro