Why do you still play games at 60fps? Its almost 2017

Why do you still play games at 60fps? Its almost 2017.

>not playing everything at 25 fps for the perfect cinematic feel

>not 24

Why do you still play games at 1080p? Its almost 2017.

>not playing your games at 166fps 2560x1440

What are ya? Poor?

LOL who buys that king of a monitor and uses it with HDMI?

Should I get a 1440p 60fps monitor or a 1080p 120fps monitor

youre right, its 2017 everyone should have adopted the cinematic standard (24-30fps golden number) by now and accepted that 60fps doesn't actually do anything

1080p 144hz.


Is the new meme buzzword?

1440p 144hz

IPS with good colors >>>> ugly TN with high refresh rate

144 Hz

I have my monitor connected to my lappy top via hdmi so I can shitpost while waiting for a game.

get a real hobby and stop spending your money on kid toys

Because I don't "play" assfaggots, CS:Slot Machine Simulator, or Redditwatch, so my games won't run at 144fps, and 72 is no different than 60.
>inb4 turn of vsync
You are seriously stupid if you do this.


Play shooters/racing? 144hz.
Dont? 1440p

>a real hobby
yeah like model trains or drinking heavily

>he fell for the 60hz meme

>argue that everyone should buy a 144hz monitor
>post the worst piece of shit 144hz monitor on the market, which hasn't been updated since 2013, but is still sold because normies don't know any better

Thanks to the weirdness of a high-end Samsung VA monitor from the mid-2000s I play games at 75 FPS if they support it.

Because there are no 16:10 monitors above 60hz

I got it for $200 on sale, I think it's worth it for that price

144hz will be the best thing to ever happen to you if you play FPS's


Got so used to my ips that I didnt notice until i switched.

I returned it.

>166 hz
jesus christ, what an awful refresh rate
>can only properly sync at 166, 83, or 2 fps

I will never understand why 144 became the gold standard over 120.

the human eye can't see above 60fps

you've been jewed yet again

It was a typo.
I meant 165.

You're a normie who didn't bother researching. You could have had a much better one for only slightly more, or some cheap monitor with Freesync and no PWM dimming for 200$ or less. The XF240H is 170$

To be fair, it's much harder to gage what is good and what isn't on the monitor market, because 90% of people just search for the largest number (10000000000:1 dynamic contrast shit) or lowest number (1ms response time, to hell with it being a TN panel or any info about average response time or horrible overdrive problems).

You're going to be staring at this part for years, be a little critical next time

Playing on this monitor at night is like looking at the sun

I figured it was a typo, but I didn't know if it was for 165 or 144.

165 is even worse than 144 if you don't have g- or free-sync.
>can't properly play 24fps movies/tv
>can't properly play 30/60/120/144 fps games
>your good options are 33, 55, or 165

It's literally just coasting off the idea that 165>144, therefore it's better.

Its actually 24.23.