Overwatch Character Discussion

Who is your least favorite character/ favorite character?

I fucking HATE Symetra she's FUCKING useless.


shes pretty sexy for a poo

fav rien
least mei her whole kit has no punish

Offensive and Defense heroes should be buffed

Tanks should be gimped of all outright killing potential, they should only ever be able to finish off a low health attack.

There, I made Overwatch into a good game.

poos that aren't from India are usually pretty hot.

Nigger the comp season just started go play the damn game.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Holy fuck do not ever work for video games.

how would ruining tanks make the game better?

D'Va hands down is my least favorite.

>attack character are supposed to be speedy and mobile to attack the objective
>defense characters are supposed to deal more damage as area denial to counter attack characters
>retards think "attack" means "dps" and whine until all the attack character have their damage buffed
>attack characters now have superior damage in addition to superior mobility which means they do a better job on defense than actual defense characters
gg ez

It would make the game actually balanced and not stupid 3 tank 2 support 1 damage comp.

Anybody think Genji needs a major buff to his kit? He's getting outclassed by literally everyone in the attack category.

they should nerf all tanks slightly but not to the extent that they're useless, I don't want every team to be DPS. Defense would be completely impossible.

3 tank meta is incredibly boring

Reaper beats roadhog winston and DVA
Sombra beats Rien and zarya

McCree is objectively the most boring asshole to play as. You just click people until you win and that's literally it. His ult sucks and there's no point using it, his reload sucks and gives no mobility, his flashbang and fan the hammer are fine close range but half the cast is better at close range than he is. The only way to play McCree optimally is to do nothing but hang out in the back and click people.

A slight DPS increase to keep up with the metas maybe, but nothing major. He's still strong, but you have to be REALLY good to get anything done as him these days.

They should've never nerfed his mobility. Nerf his ult maybe, give him slightly less damage on his skills, shrink his deflect hitbox, but getting rid of triple jumps and ledge dashes is just retarded because all it does is make him less fun to play as.

>Sombra beats Rein and Zarya
Hahahahah, nice one.

She doesn't. At best her ult makes a push easier but nobody will say "hey they have sombra, switch off rein and zarya"

>Sombra beats Rein and zarya
get a load of this guy

This. If you ever play 3s, it's all tanks.

Reaper doesn't hard counter Roadhog and D.va. Sombra doesn't hard counter Rein or Zarya either. You described soft counters.

This fucking slut.
I hate her and everyone who uses her.

>plays sombra
>go invisible
>get behind Zarya or Rien
>Annoy so they turn around

That's not a counter. By that logic anybody that can flank behind a shield like Tracer, Genji and Pharah all counter Rein and Zarya.

I really like Symmetra and Torbjorn because I can aim about as well as Michael J Fox and playing support is fun for me.

I hate McCree because half the McCree's I play against online have rainman headshot powers. Sombra and Tracer are a little annoying by nature of being quick but I don't hate them.

>plays sombra
>go invisible
>get behind Zarya or Rien
>get blasted because everyone heard you come off invis
>run away
>do fuck all, all game

Tell that to the pros.

Tracer and Sombras litteral job is to annoy, sombra can just go one step further and disable their sheilds

Mercy is my least favorite I only have 5min on her and cause I don't understand how anyone finds her playstyle interesting enough to have 100hr or some shit also she makes every match a 5v6 and if she fucks up ultimate she's completely useless characters I really hate thou is just Mei and Roadhog

>Sombra beating anyone
She gets out damaged by everyone in the game and spends more time trying to set up a escape then actually killing

People still play this shit game?

>Sombra beating anybody

You know who else can disable their shields? Soldier 76 with his raw killing damage who can do the job of two DPS heroes at once. You're wasting a hero slot and giving the enemy ult charge by playing Sombra.

I don't like symmetra because she seems boring and i rarely ever see her do anything important or useful. also her design is godawful

on the other hand, i love me some fuckin Zarya. Unique even among the varied cast, fun to play, and powerful.

Symetra is cute! CUTE!

good luck doing that without getting shot at by your enemy team

>also her design is godawful
That's an odd way of spelling "hot af".

I think a good Symmetra player can bring the team back from the edge of failure with a Teleporter, though she's never going to get kills at the same rate as any of the offensive heroes.

Also sucks that her shields are shit and she cant heal so "6 easily destroyed laser turrets, a slow ranged, and a good primary attack if you can survive for more than 10 seconds".

whoa yeah her thigh is exposed, i'm cumming!

Have fun doing nothing all game while they still push forward because the game is a 6 v 5

the teleporter is her only useful ability, now that she can project a shield i guess thats good? but i dont know why you wouldn't just pick Reinhardt in that case and have other good abilities and tank health/armor

Her primary fire on gun absolutely melts everyone if you can actually get in range of it. Plus there is the fact that once you are latched, you don't have to aim, so you can jump around like a madman becoming hard to hit at such a close range, and as long as you stay close, you're gold.

Plus as you mentioned, her teleporter can be clutch as shit when used right.

They are changing her quite a bit though, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I love playing as her, but I do understand why so many hate her. She's way too situational.

Well first off she's not a tank, she's support.

I can see her being very useful on defense with her shield generator, and a Symmetra+Torb pair could be legitimately deadly.

I absolutely love playing Symmetra, I'm just being critical of what falls short in her design. I agree though her primary is a tank buster if she can sneak up and stay alive.

>beat Roadhog
>M1, hook, M1

people hate her because she's way too situational just like you said yourself. only being viable on like 2-3 maps and only on defense first point is pretty garbage.

I feel similar about Lucio though, apart from AoE mediocre healing his attacks are kinda garbage apart from the knockback on maps with chasms.

yeah I'm sure that his 100% pick rate in proffesional play is a mistake, he is sooo situational

well yeah but thats what im saying, giving her a barrier is all well and good but if you're picking her for her shield, you'd be better off going with someone who's actually built around shield/barrier usage.

Plus i can count on one hand the number of times i've died to either her or her turrets

She seems like a character made to fill a niche that doesn't exist

It's his speed boost that makes him so useful. I mean, the heals aren't bad, but that speed boost is almost mandatory.

People still play this shit game?

As much as I like her design and like playing healers, Mercy is the least fun to play character in the entire fucking game.

She relies entirely on team positioning, if your team doesn't position well, you're outright fucked. But it's not just "muh teams bad", it's that as her you're essentially a screaming target for the most annoying characters to fight (Tracer, Winston). There's nothing more frustrating in this game than playing as Mercy and the enemy team having a remotely decent Tracer.

That wasn't an attack on you you fungedribbling cleaner shrimp, I was just saying his primaries don't seem all that useful to me beyond passives and knockback.

You know what really blows my mind?

Somehow, 90% of the alt skins in this game are all awful and I'd rather just use the defaults.


>That wasn't an attack on you you fungedribbling cleaner shrimp
What the hell, how did I imply that? lol I'm just saying you're dead wrong. Nothing is more useful than his AOE heal and speed boost.

>fungedribbling cleaner shrimp

please leave

>play as Tracer
>do the same thing except be way more efficient at it

this is true.

>mfw those rare zarya skins make her look like a dumb punk rock chick

i HATE it

Doesn't stop retarded weebs from picking him in every game.

this is the best skin in the entire game though

He is literally the only attack that gets picked other than soilder76 in competitive.

I would agree, if it changed her voice too.


Yeah, most characters have exactly one skin that actually looks good, i.e. Valkyrie Mercy or Junebug D.va

McCree has a lot of great ones though, almost all of them look unique

Tracers job is to rack up kills.

That doesn't make him good. The reason why there are people who still play him is because they invested so much time into mastering his kit before the nerfs and meta changes that they can't adapt to any other playstyle. If people invested half of the time they invested into learning Genji onto another hero then they'd outperform their effectiveness as another hero.

tracer's job is to get shit on

No, fuck off. Genji is a fucking tumor on this game.

Anyone can play Soldier though, I've spent most of my DPS time as Genji and it used to be good but now I just switch to Soldier instead and get way more done. It sucks though, Soldier is so boring to play but him and Reaper are the only ones that can keep up with the triple tank meta.

Do you hate the Scout too?

Agreed. And most people's best skins are the purple recolors.
That said, there are some great ones like Reaper's mariachi getup and Pharah's mechlord.

>Genji being one of the top offense picks doesn't make him good

Off yourself you Genji playing sub human.

scout is nowhere NEAR as annoying as genji

I hate Ana

Not only she appears on each match i play, she is also a pain in the ass to kill

Yes, I mean if they are gonna continue to buff defense and tanks then why not cause he does bad against them

scout isn't nearly as annoying as genji

Comparing Scout to Genji is fucking laughable. Scout doesn't have a move that nullify 95% of all damage in the game. And no counters.

Mei needs buffs.

t. 30% accuracy

Young Soldier, Young Granny, Blackwatch Reaper, Siberian Front, Vishkar Symmetra and Ascendant Zen are the only good ones

I think he would be better if they took away his shuriken and just made him a fast, melee only character with some more evasion/movement stuff.

Bonk nullifies 100% all damage.

Scout takes far more skill to be good with.


76 is definitely easier and more effective than Genji, although I think his entry level tier of play allows you to focus more on improving your game sense and positioning over raw precision skills

Genji is my 8th most played hero.

>And no counters
what is WINston

Winston soft counters 90% of the roster but it's not like he is especially good against genji.

Nigger are you stupid?
Do you know how anything works?
Defense or offense in this game comes down to literally "damage" except for mei given her area denial AND damage. Top teams will bring the mathematically best and most consistent. And they will sit them behind rein or dva. Mobility accounts for almost nothing

In theory all supports are "hard" to kill, Zenyatta needs a couple of shots to kill someone, Lucio has survivability out of his ass, Ana has sleep dart and biotic grenade, Mercy can fly to teammates (although this requires teammates to be in good locations).

I don't mind this, if they were easy pickings they would suck to play as. DPS should still win over them unless they're protected by teammates, but that's a different thing.

And good aim. Most offense heroes out-DPS him unless he lands a lucky right click right to their head.

Because Rein's shield depends on him being in front of you.

Symmetra's shield can cover an entire building.

>tfw Mcree is my favorite character
>love the gunslinger archetype
>have best skin, USA Mcree
>can't use him for shit.

DPS means nothing with Genji's mobility options and how utterly broken Deflect is.

Yes, I'm sure Genji works well when he's being slammed around by Rein's hammer, incinerated by Zarya's beam and tickled by Winston's tickle gun at the same time.

>can cover an entire building

what now? how do you mean?

How is it broken? He predicted your shot and deflected it back at you. It's as much your fault honestly. Yeah the deflect hitbox is huge but it doesn't make him a broken OP ez mode character like so many people here cry about. Nobody who understands the game thinks he is broken. Him using his deflect+swift strike as an escape tool isn't broken. There are 3 other characters who have escape tools as well.

But he has mobility, it's so hard to hit something that isn't just slowly walking around on ground level!!!

I think they're referring to her new shield generator ult. 75 extra shields for everyone is pretty damn powerful.

oh duh, im thinking her projected shield/barrier

would Deflect be better if there was just a % chance of the damage being reflected back? Like, Genji is unharmed, but it doesn't send all of the damage back to the shooter

>Sombra beats Rien and zarya