Haven't seen a game dev thread in a while. What are you guys working on?
Haven't seen a game dev thread in a while. What are you guys working on?
Do you have to start these threads with that same old pic and "how's that game coming along" to get replies?
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
>make a help screen that shows the features of the ship you picked
>need to draw symbols to go with the text
I dun goofed since I can't draw for shit. I don't even know what should go there.
Terribly. I have no motivation and keep jumping around projects.
How's yours?
Haven't worked in weeks and I'm probably gonna be evicted soon if I don't play my cards right
A sequel to DBZ LSW need to try and track down the source code thougb
I don't have one because I don't have any skills at all. I made this thread with the intent of eventually asking where to start because I'd trust Sup Forums's advice sooner than something from a random google search. I do want to see how everyone's doing though, I like to support game devs from Sup Forums when I can.
What role are you looking to fill? If it's programming, there's plenty of tutorials for the various game engines out there. I'd suggest starting with an intro programming course and then moving on to game engines later.
If it's art, then /i/ has some guides on their sticky. For music, I have no idea and have fun competing with the fifty million other musicians.
Is it ok for me to post here link do download .apk of my current project?
Keep telling myself that I'm going to start learning to code one of those days
I think you mean /ic/
You can do anythin you want, but demos are more successful in generals where people trust the source more and when they aren't in a format they need an emulator to run
Basically everything, I want to make my own games, not join a team.
I've been reading and working through the resources on /ic/ for the last couple of days but I really just don't understand where to get started with programming. Not too worried about music right now.
Oops, yeah I meant /ic/.
Almost all programming guides/courses should start with basics like data types, arrays, operators, and such. You need knowledge of these before you can build onto anything more complicated.
Don't expect it to click right away, I flunked every one of my programming assignments for the first few weeks until it made sense.
So should I just pick a language and look up online courses/guides for it? I don't really have the money to enroll in school full time.
You get started with programming by doing it. Choose the first game engine you can think of and start trying to get something to run. IMHO the biggest pitfall for beginners is spending all their time trying to find the "best" platform/language/engine/whatever and never get around to doing anything.
Well, you should pick the language based on what engine you want to use. C# for Unity, C++ for Unreal. I think there's also some that use Python.
You don't need to pay money to learn programming. Programming is high in demand and incredibly well documented, so there's thousands of tutorials out there. Sup Forums might have some good guides.
That has been one big roadblock for me for quite some time, I just worry that learning that way is going to give me problems down the road. But you're right, I need to stop wasting time and at least do something.
I see. Think I'll start looking into C# then.
Thanks for the tips, anons.
yeah man it's been like 2 days since the last one
Keep your focus on doing things once you get started: when you read, apply what you learned. Also. note that for basically every popular technology you'll encounter, your skill level will be the bottleneck for results. By the time you have the ability to reach the limitations of a tool, you will know enough to make an quick decision on your best route.
I finally got around to implementing a method of utilizing button holds as well as button presses in using items. I rigged up a regenerating magic / stamina bar in another GM:S project, so the plan is to have a threshold charge time for the charged action to occur, otherwise the cast is cancelled and the mana that would be spent isn't spent.
Though messing around with GM:S more, I can't help but think about what aspect ratios would be good to game in. My project's heavily inspired by Gameboy games, so I initially began with that aspect ratio and a blown up resolution, but I'm starting to learn towards widescreen just so I don't have to crowd my HUD along the top of the screen.
rate my lore
most of this wont actually be explained in-game
Its cool, depending on how you deliver it.
>depending on how you deliver it.
mostly in subtle and unsubtle hints. I'll likely tie it into dialogue you have to actually be trying to find. Most people wont be looking for it because the game has little to do with it really
I would think, by the time we've reached the near heat death of the universe, that humans would no longer be part of the picture. At least, nothing that we'd call human today. I'd be happy to play a far-off space realm Dystopian with humanoid analogues, but putting a game's setting so far in the future almost begs for entirely alien entities.
you're exactly right. Humans there arent like humans today and on top of messing around too much with dna, look nothing like humans sometimes
there are always purist though that look 'mostly human'
I want to make a turn based arena battler but im autistic when it comes to learning unity sadly
there being a self-destruct switch to keep people from reproducing is a really tough sell to me personally and makes me roll my eyes because I don't believe evolution could work like that. It would turn me off but it's not bad. I really liked the beginning of it.
>Start up my first Unity tutorial
>note the bright as fuck skin
>pause the tutorial
>find the preferences and try to darken the editor
>everything BUT the editor color can be changed
>have to pay $35/month for a seat that gives you a dark, non-eyebleeding theme
>can't hex-edit the color in without corrupting the .exe
that along is making me side-eye GameMaker again
I'm working on a MUD right now. It's highly inspired by Star Wars Galaxies. I also directly ripped the aesthetic of HellMOO. So far, I've got a dynamic mapping system that creates a minimap every time you move based on the rooms around you. The map icons are gathered from each room and displayed. This makes it easy for builders to create neat lookin' maps. Right now, I'm working on a dynamic wilderness system where you move the room itself rather than moving from room to room. This can simulate near infinite spaces without having to make the spaces themselves and explode your RAM. In the future, I'll have to look into implementing Perlin noise to create planets with biomes and random resource generation that shifts every week or so like in SWG.
>tfw I got permabanned from a MUD because I didn't know what jizz meant
felt really fucking bad that they didn't believe me. Those were simpler times
I need to explain that better honestly but this is just my first draft. The self-destruct thing is based on that experiment by John B. Calhoun on 'Behavioral Sink'
Being past the 'warring phase' is sorta supposed to parallel with how the mice all fought aggressively for awhile before ignoring eachother completely despite basically living on top of eachother.
My main characters are two 'specimens' that have been out of the 'sink' long enough to be productive again though I dont actually know if that's how it works
I've always wanted to get into MUDs, don't think I have the patience for it though
I feel like I've heard this one before
It's hard to create animated sprites
This is basically the plot to the first Dark Souls.
That's pretty understandable since most MUDs tend to be rather grindy. They sorta have to be or else they don't have much left besides RP and that hits another layer of niche in an already extreme niche environment.
I'm hoping to take a lot of pages from SWG and fix up what was broken. There will be grind, but I might be able to make it more fun/fair. At least I might be able to make it more fun than SWG power crafting was, maybe. At the very least, I could implement shit to automate the process.
Has anyone upgraded from GMS to Game Make Studio 2? Is it worth it? I don't care about all the stream lining they did to the drag and drop but wonder if I should get it while it is 40% off...
At least people telling you your work looks rad as fuck makes it worth it, right?
So what you guys think about recent unity games? Do they explore what the engine has to offer? Or it's just about profiting?
No one says that.
prepping next floor, hooking things up, etc. it's boring.
how to view Unity assets in .resource format newest versions?
Disunity/UAE don't work.
started working on a rpg on unity, my pixel art is atrocious BUT i'm testing some combat mechanics anyway so i don't care
gonna make like 4 different kinds of combats and ask if anyone wanna test them, gather some opinions and choose the best one
One thing you can do is that destructible blocks have something inside, to encourage curiosity.
Why not GameMaker?
Man. I wish the best of the luck for you. That is such a passion project.