Will you donate to my Patreon Sup Forums?

I just need a little money to help pay off the mortgage and credit cards.

I would feel better peace of mind if you could.


Please Sup Forums

I could make more Sonichu comics if I didn't have weight long-time hanging over my head like many hippopotamuses

What's the status on his vagina? Gangrene yet?

I'll gladly ask Sega and Ninty for their patronage.

he will only buy more toys

Careful Christine, if you get too many donations, they'll pull your tugboat away.


>per month

Christina has been freezing his sperm so once his vagina is fully grown he can inseminate himself and have his daughter, Crystal.

Truly magical.

>monthly welfare
>sells shit on ebay or whereever and videos
>gets donation from his sperg fans
>spends it all on toys instead of buying barbs diabeetus meds
>some kind of lesbian thing

he's a waste of oxygen.

I like how jannys axe CC threads but keep blatant or less than subtle shit threads up

also post his cunt so we can move on with our lives. i cant even watch him, it makes my soul cringe not for what HE is but that people like this even exist and the world is fucked

Is he paying off a new mortgage each month?

>dobson's patreon

>the extra $50k is for..... allowance of...... uh, savings? yeah, future savings...
By this, he means more PS4 games and Crayola clay.

CWC got his taint pierced because "that's where my clitoris would be if I was a girl," used to call it his "un-clit" it got infected, had to have the piercing removed. Then he went to the ER, treated, it got infected again, treated again, now there's just a big hole that's not healing and he's stretching it out. He thinks he's growing a vagina because of these binaural "vagina growth" videos he listens to on youtube.

He got an infection on his taint and is convinced he's growing a vag.

>not wanting to help chris chan become a property mogul

>CC will never be your landlord

Lol, don't be silly.

Once the mortgage and credit card debt is payed off the extra money will go towards toys and DLC for videogames, even ones he doesn't own.

>you will never pay your rent in used videogames, second hand sonic merchandise and autistic screeches

Wait till Lee sees his shirt. Battle of the autists!

i wonder how many times a year he'd hike up the rent.

kek, his Patreon rewards are pretty much just, "i'll make a video and completely ignore anything you request to be in it, and i'll add you on Skype."

>binaural "vagina growth" videos

Does it seriously open with the PS4 share shit? Holy fuck i'm in tears laughing and i'm not even 5 seconds in

what a fucking spectacle

I know this is going to get me banned for a while, so I'll just put it out there because I'll be away for a few days so some regular poster doesn't get slapped with it instead.

Sorry mods, had to do it.

if you don't open the picture your mother will become chris-chan over night, and you will become his crystal

what is this?




That was a while ago now. Please tell me he's seen a doctor about that.