
What's the deal with Sokolov?

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Dudes a renaissance man.

Inventor, Artist, Philosopher.

Dude just loves to fucking paint though.

I'm replaying the first game and remembered he was literally experimenting on humans.

he also apparently did "disgusting" rituals according to the Outsider himself, trying to contact the Outsider, ironically enough all he had to do was be more interesting

dishonored version of da vinici

I found a secret mission on the boat of the one armed woman. You can fix a leak in the engine room by bringing a wheel there and turn it. I didn't find any difference after this. Is this supposed to change anything?

As opposed to...?

Yes well when you have turbo bublonic plague raging in your country you find such issues trifling at most.

>Read all of his diaries about his voyage where he had crewmates die and he just kept on pushing to explore and study
>Read his diaries he's writing now about how he's getting old, frail and his mind keeps on wandering

Well he was kidnapping, imprisoning, infecting people and leaving them to die showing zero remorse. Then they try to play him off like this eccentric grandpa.

Lore and ghosting fags gtfo. This is now a chaos thread.
Here's the latest combat tech

While we're at it. Describe your wildest kill in d1 or 2

There are some journals in 2 where they write about how in making the plague remedy he did experiment on healthy individuals.

>go for high chaos playthrough
>realize I get triggered by being detected
>still kill people but only from the shadows

Also I tried to use the heart to determine whether they deserve to die or not. About 95% of them are assholes.

He's a mix of Rasputin and Nikola Tesla basically. Was born in Dishonored's version of Russia, no less.

>ever being high chaos
i could murder entire areas while doing targets non-lethally and still get low

Piero Joplin was better, and he knew it.
Little did little bitch Sokolov know, Piero was getting visits from the Outsider himself in his dreams.

looks pretty shit for 66 years old
but dude made a trip to the pandyssian continent and survived, so it's kinda understandable

I decided to start over and go more high-chaos with Emily, improvising as I go

Next run is no-powers nonlethal Corvo, don't care how long it takes

gotta remember that its "Victorian England" so life expectancy isnt that great too

>Piero died before Sokolov

The continent doesn't look very big compared to the isles.

That's only if you're a pleb

what? is this referenced somewhere in 2? Only at the Royal Conservatory and found weird Sokolov or any recordings or documents have not mentioned Piero

other than the S&J Elixir name of course

>ending teases Billie Lurk content

Pls no

This lol

He technically should be in prison but since he made the cure its like whatever

His whole character in D2 is focused on how remorseful he feels about the things he did.

not playing this shit game til it's fixed

even if you're royalty you dont escape germs, they have only just developed rudimentary toilets in this second game, I mean the first game all they had was bowls

Is it me or did they make the documents font smaller and harder to read in D2? I rarely even bother.

They've also got healing potions though

>have guns, high tech bridges, electricity, running water and efficient whaling ships
>only just now discovered chamber pots

Dishonored universe is so weird

i've killed that traitorous shit in dlc and i don't want her back

who's the other one?

Piero had brain fevers and weird shit going on by the time of Dishonored 1. He probably died of encephalitis.


Tbh if she lived Corvo wouldve been on that

>daud standing in the doorway
People don't want Lurk. They want MICHAEL MADSEN

the girl who took care of Emily
wonder what the fuck happened, she was pretty young and i always thought that she could end up with Corvo

Died at sea according to Harvey

In DH2 they mention she sent letters to Emily while on some ship but stopped months later, rip I guess

>not being autistic enough to try the heart on everyone, realizing its a set amount and it just randomizes from a list

even on the first they start repeating based on category: guard, civilan, etc. so on the second its only one line per person

>yfw his powers advanced as well and now he can summon entire squad of assassins and his pull works like a big gravitational vortex

Its totally going to be both

that's really fucking lame, even in d2 she would be like 35 years old at most, could be an excellent support character

I quickly realized they were repetitive, but I expected more positive content. Everyone is a thief/murderer.

Daud is basically the dude from EYE

Isn't he supposed to be from Not-Russia?
Some island rugged and untamed and covered in eternal winter?
He does come off as a bit of a watered down, more scientifically-minded Rasputin

not expecting Sokolov v.2

a disgruntled Daud being dragged into shit once again when all he wants is to leave it all behind

If the story wasnt already just a retread of DH1 I agree

If that means more Daud I'm not even gonna be mad.

I want a game set in Tyvia. That place seems pretty neat and diffrent enough from the english Gristol and scottish/irish Morley.

I didn't get the DLCs originally. Got them last week but I'm replaying the regular campaign first.

Everyone is fucking raving about Daud so I'm really curious.

This was just a tutorial basically, so you know what to do when you rob the black market at the conservatory

yeah i was kinda upset by that, on the first, from what i remember it was more 50/50

wish it would change based on chaos, but i have not noticed that

This. That's why he and boat lady get along, they both did bad things in the past

How do I non-lethal ghost Clockwork Mansion? Other than git gud.

Those fucking clockwork soldiers are a pain in the ass.

>Daud DLC
>Corvo wasnt an actual boss fight
>the Low Chaos ending has Daud beg for his life instead of Corvo sending a subtle message


>kills dozens to save thousands
He's no saint, but the guy did a lot more good than harm there.

I'm sick of the Daud/Billie/Delilah shit. We should move on to other people

He's Orochimaru if he was actually useful

>it's basically Siberia
>there's bears you can possess or summon
>vodka instead of health/mana elixirs

dont make noise, leave them for later or use upgraded stun mines and springrazors

I'm sick of Corvo/Emily more honestly, at least Daud had the steampunk Noire thing going on

But yea we defintely need more new people

This, I would much rather Granny Hags be promoted to main antagonist than goddamn Delilah, that did not have a single interesting bone in her body.

he begs for his life nonetheless right? at least on the main campaign, not sure on the dlc

Didn't mind Daud asking Corvo to spare his life, I thought it showed a bit of humanity. Billie Lurk sends you a letter at the beginning of Brigmore Witches where she says she saw you stashing coin in hopes of starting a new life.

"No need to waste breath with apologies or excuses. You taught me that. All I can say is that as soon as I left Dunwall my head felt clear, maybe for the first time. You told me once that people like us burn hot, then burn up. We don't get a chance to start over. No long days in the sun. But I know you, Daud. Despite all the blood on your hands, you've been stashing coin. No one does that if they're not holding on to something. You've got some kind of plan, some hope for a new life.

Maybe you knew, maybe you didn't, but that's what you gave me when you let me walk away. The one thing you said that wasn't possible. And I will never forget that. When the time comes - and it will - I hope you're watching close so you get that chance too.

I left a book for you. The world is big. Bigger than I knew. There are lots of places where an old man like you could disappear."

It would of been funny for Daud's low chaos ending being him trying find his key to open a chest or door and can't find it and instead finds a note from Corvo.

Thinking about Dishonored 2. Can anyone tell me if your able to completely "ghost" the whole game (i.e. get through each mission w/o killing or knocking out anyone aside from your target)? I'm just really dying for a stealth game at the moment.

What is it that he says again if you try to Bend Time on him? That was always one of the best moments in the game.

In the main game you can overhear Daud venting his remorse, but the Noblethal option is to pickpocket him to send a message that you can fuck him over whenever you want

It was alot more subtle and fitting than "Corvo pls dont"


i remember now, you can still fight him and choose to spare him (still non-lethal, low chaos) and he begs anyway

Yeah you can. You can also choose no powers mode if you don't want magic powers.

You could still fight him on Non-lethal, he sends away his assassin back up as well to have a honorable 1 on 1 duel and then the begging stuff happens once you damage him enough.

i'm fucking furious at how they handled Granny, it should've been impossible to kill her in first place as she's like a chaotic evil spirit living in slums of Dunwall who does crazy rituals and leaves riddles for other people
her being a main antagonist in second game could be brilliant, or at least staying as a quest giver who asks you to do all types of hilarious shit

"And now we fight the duel that no two others could fight; against the ticking of the clock."

that's just good old thomas

>kill billie lurk as Emily
>they didn't change the ending scene for Billie with Daud at her grave or something
>they just straight up don't show it since you killed her.

Kinda lame.

>Granny's second recipe requires Daud to pick a the World card from the deck


That said; the Outsider describes how Billie set out to find the closest thing she'd ever had to family. That's Daud 100%.

How the fuck the electroshock therapy is seen as a more merciful option that killing Jindosh is beyond me.

Overseer POV when

Billie Lurk from the DLC

she ages nonetheless since she is still only a human with the mark, she obviously just extended her life ridiculously.
"I would've just like to know how Paolo got her hand"

Cool. There an achievement for either of those? Never really cared about those kinds of things, but it would be kind of neat to accomplish and get a little recognition for it.

The non-lethal options aren't mercy options. They're just non-lethal and pretty poetic in a brutal way.

If you knock out Aramis Stilton in the past, Billie gets her arm and eye back

Would he even know she's dead?

Harvey Smith said that Daud is alive in DH2 but not doing very well, I wonder what he meant by that.

About to play 2, and I have a quick question. Is there anything like Lady Boyle's Manor in it?

Of course.

Try doing Non-Lethal/Ghost/No powers mode on your first playthrough for maximum difficulty. It's what I did and it took me 25 hours to beat it.

Probably dying of prostate cancer

it's unknown what is the lifespan of the marked people is, correct?
i can easily see her being alive and kicking in a second game

Woah, is this perhaps an epic reference to the greatest anime ever made, and incidentally my favorite show, Jojo's bizarre adventure?

>mfw the manor in the present changed

He was around 40-50 in D1. He'd be in his 60s by D2 at a minimum.

He's probably old and weak, plus maybe sick.

The whole change to the place after knocking out Stilton had me actually grinning.
I'm pretty jaded at times but that whole level was some good shit.

Fuck, I need to stop revealing spoilers as soon as I see them

Yeah, you get "Shadow" if you do a ghost run, "Clean Hands" if you don't kill anyone and "Flesh and Steel" if you choose to go no powers.

He'll get his powers back eventually, like the magnet in xmen 3

search your heart, you know it to be true

that's probably what they will do if they cant get the voice actor though

Is the game cracked to the point where we can see what model they use? It's probably just a male civilian, but I'm curious.