EU4 thread
I don't want to talk to those autists at /gsg/
talk about my dumbass ruler, guys
EU4 thread
I don't want to talk to those autists at /gsg/
talk about my dumbass ruler, guys
Congratulations OP, your ruler has autism. And I bet he lives for like 70 more years.
come on, you guys
it's about to go down
What does the lineup look like?
bad times ahead
>france, ottomans, russia against you
Yeah, you're fucked.
not worried so much about anyone but France, honestly
I've already beat up Ottomans, Russia and Denmark in the same war
maybe Spain will pull through versus France
forgot to post pic
looking a little better now
but they have memes on their side
Did you PU Hungary or Bohemia yet?
yeah, Bohemia at the start of 16th century in the second war since the Ottomans intervened in the first one so I ended up just getting gold, no PU with Hungary since I wanted to dump on Venice as early as possible so we just allied
>Play EU4 as Koln
>Decide to take up the role of religious enforcer in the HRE, only take a few other provinces around me but force vassalize any non-Catholic state.
>Reformation breaks out, time to put that warchest to use.
>First nation goes protestant, launch a miniature crusade and put the heretics to the sword.
>Vassalize them, enforce religion, pisses them off, but they make a weak attempt to curb the reformation in their borders.
>More states begin to switch.
>Conquer Oldenburg, Meklenburg, and Bremen.
>Starting to lose steam since money is running out, more states just keep converting due to the spread of protestantism.
>Evangelic union forms just before I finish vassalizing the last protestant state in the HRE.
>Only states in the Evangelical Union now are Sweden, France, England, and Bohemia.
>Still stalemate because Austria is a drooling retard that can't conduct a proper war and I have no ships for landing in England or Sweden to finish the war.
from my experience the English AI is somehow the most retarded when it comes to waging war in mainland Europe
completely useless as an ally
It land a medium sized stack that fails to really be a threat for anything more than the Hansa, but the sizable navy it and Sweden have makes it difficult to really wage an offensive war against their island. Normally, that's not a problem since your wargoal is usually on the mainland and you can win by accruing warscore over time, but in the 30 years war, they simply have to wait you out and stalemate.
You are playing as austria, who the fuck cares? Go win the game starting as fucking air or something and impress us.
Theatrum Orbis Terarrum updates never ever.
am I dumb for only playing very small nations ? like to play different styles, it's very hard tho.
no one's trying to impress you, friend
I actually think I'm better at small countries than big ones like Austria
turned Ragusa into HRE emperor that spanned three continents big
first time really playing Austria
Who the fuck cares about impressing others? You play something Ulm or Ryoko once and then never again because it simply takes a little longer to wind up in the same place as any of the already great nations.
>implying the new world isn't piss easy now the europeans cannot declare war on you
>haven't done a Japan game since about three expansions ago or so
>keeping Daimyos under control is like herding cats, but doable
>take exploration and start colonizing Taiwan and the Southeastern Asia isles
>take Korea from the filthy mongols
>Ming declares war on me
>don't think much of it, they generally aren't that bad
>first battle
>check their tech for the first time, confused
>while the entirety of Asia is hovering around tech levels 11 or 12, the goddamn ming have 15s across the board, on par with the most advanced European nations, despite suffering from +265% tech costs or so like the rest of us.
>they don't even level 3 advisors
>they have such an overwhelming tech advantage that no amount of merc spam would be able to help
What the fug
>Not noticing it was done in 2014.
But it was done before the 2015 patch hit where any colonized province in the new world had a minimum 50% autonomy modifier. Even for natives that were simply expanding.
Thankfully the new world did get a little easier though, the gap between westernized savages and Europe isn't as big as it once was and you can actually build ships now.
Ancient Chinese Secret
thank you, based Castille for deciding to solve the French problem before it's really a problem
What's the religious situation? How of much of Martin Luther's mistake and Kebab remain in Europe.
What do you guys do while you wait for aggressive expansion to go down?
conquer on the other side
shit hasn't gone down yet, we're having warm-ups right now
Wishing I had Mare Nostrum so I could rent out condottieri.
If possible, expand in a different direction, but that's only possible in fairly limited circumstances.
My last completed game as Burgundy had me waiting for about 40 or something years for the entirety of the Empire to not hate me anymore, but in the meantime I was at least able to war against Britain a couple times.
AE is the devil.
Expand somewhere else. Go conquer somewhere where you don't have AE. I tend to play very expansionist and aggressive, so I take Exploration ideas a lot. When fucking everyone in Europe hates me, I go fuck off and colonize and conquer some shit overseas.
Seriously. It's great. Forget about Europe for 10 years, go slice up India for a bit.
I feel like im getting more and more impacient as i get better, i have a habbit of maxing my ae before i can even hope to have a valid colonial range. Also is it worth it to convert culture and cores asap or is it just holding me back
So I've decided to stop faffing around with cheats and shit and actually start playing the game legitimately. I'm doing a Portugal run-through, trying to colonize the Caribbean atm. Is there anything worth going to Africa for besides pit-stops to India? Should I just stick to South America and the Caribbean?
Also, what's another sort of easy-ish country to go for that has some interesting Iron Man achievements?
you're going to want domination over the ivory coast trade node if you go to india because otherwise england or the dutch can just grab that one node and transport everything to theirs
its hilarious to do that to an AI portugal though
I'm not sure how recent patches have changed it, but I would always core.
So, I would always Core unless I knew I needed, or was about to spend admin points. Be aware of any Core cost reductions you can get, like paying for stability before coring.
For culture stuff, don't think about it too much. Unless you have a lot of diplo points to spend. But you'd probably want to convert culture on really valuable areas.
If you are playing as Alberto Barbossa, you probably want to at least get places like Gold Coast, Cape, Kilwa, Zanzibar, and such in Africa, as you need them to direct your trade from India, SEA, and such back to Europe. Plus, you can also take some of the easy colonization spots to drastically slow down competition.
I'm playing as Manchu right now and I just stomped Ming and Korea in a war for Beijing. I'm managing to beat them in tech because I spawned the renaissance in my capital.
ALWAYS GET that southern point on Africa, Cape of Good Hope or whatever its name is. It's a trade node, it's really valuable.
IF YOU CAN colonize all the trade nodes along Africa, get the other lands later. Get them before other nations.
Be sure to grab whatever Centers of trade you can in the African coast [as well as the entirety of South Africa if you can] just so you can have more direct control over where the trade is steered.
I don't know about achievements, but if you want other easy-ish countries that start relatively weak but have lots of potential, Sweden and Milan are up there.
>all those disgusting protestant heretics
They deserve to burn
cape is actually not necessary
it can only forward to one location and every single nation capable of reaching it will ALWAYS forward it
you can try to colonize cape itself for a shot at 7 production gold but otherwise don't bother
I thought Renaissance was coded so it ONLY appeared in countries in Italy?
I remember eating the Ming as Mongolia a couple expansions ago, it was a very intense game.
Ended up with a Mongol Empire stretching from the Urals to the southern coast of China that nevertheless still couldn't support an army bigger than the Ottomans could despite being reduced to Anatolia and Greece alone. Was weird.
I still like getting Cape for the colonization extension and as a resupply point, since usually I rush down Africa pretty fast when my range is relatively low.
yeh if you range is to low cape province itself is useful but all the surroundings aint really worth your time
if you cared about gold you'd have gone and beaten up some aztecs and incas and controlling the zanzibar is way more important
If you develop in a province ALOT whatever institution you don't have will reach 100% within the province and then it will spread to adjacent provinces. I had to bring my capital from 14 to 33 development. I didn't spawn the renaissance, I just brought it to asia.
Do you usually blob or try to keep good looking borders?
Blobbing in whatever direction I can find while keeping good-looking borders.
Why not do both?
But I typically aim for nice border second, valuable areas first.
>Tfw Aachen and first province you go for is Koln
The previous advice is all good. Colonise as much of colonisable Africa as you can. There are also 9 gold provinces in Africa that are easy to get to and worth your time. Be warned that high income from gold increases your inflation.
Milan is a good nation in a fun region, with a God-tier government form, but I wouldn't recommend it to beginners. I wouldn't call any Italian nation easy.
Portugal is considered a beginner nation. If you want the next step up I suggest England, France, Castile, Poland to name a few.
So what's the best nation for forming Malaysia? Any tips on expansion?
What should my next administrative idea be?
Get Administrative, those chinese lands aren't going to core themselves. Seriously, even with -50% or so coring cost from the Qing ideas plus Administrative I was strapped for monarch points the entire game when I tried doing that.
Administrative is always top tier for this reason.
Yeah... It just cost me 240 admin to core Beijing
what are some nations you've found to be surprisingly powerful?
for me it was Ternate
its a LOT more powerful than its SE-asia opm status would indicate given it starts with incredible (for an opm) income and being to far away from virtually everyone to get invaded
The last campaign I did was a fantasy Mongol faction settled in Alaska, I focused on Expansion and Quantity. My population bred like rabbits and the Khanate devoured almost all of the Pacific North-west and Canada.
I actually raided a Spanish colony, and the Spaniards joined a coalition with Native tribes to fight the Khanate off. It was really cool to watch.
Nepal, there are a few smaller nations around you to absorb, and although there are a few big ones nearby, surviving to the late game ideas are great for military power.
I don't know if it's still like this, but the Potiguara tribe in South America could pretty much lock the entire brazilian coast and deny colonization rights to anyone except for the Tropical Amazon Basin provinces and the La Plata provinces far to the south.
Going from a one-province minor of indians living in straw tents to a reformed, westernized, catholic Potiguar Kingdom that controlled all of South America is what I would call deceptively powerful.
Alternatively, Ethiopia. Mountains everywhere, Prime position to eat up all the trade flowing from Asia, and the chance to butthurt muslims all around you.
Forming Qing forces you to adopt Confucianism and your previous true faith Tengri provinces will drop your religious unity like a stone. Religious ideas are the other side of the same coin but Humanist has so many good ideas that affect stuff other than religion.
You're supposed to raze as a Horde you know?
>Start in Asia
>all those rich provinces in your immediate range you can colonize
>letting Bavaria blob through your free city Ravenburg
How do I happy merchant and become the new Rotschild family?
Smolensk's NIs are amazing with Death Star tier artillery.
It doesn't even exist in 1444 start tho.
They definitely need to overhaul the bonus for dismantling the HRE.
100 Prestige really isn't much considering how troublesome it is to get it done.
yeah, they're about to be dealt with
dismantling the HRE is its own reward though
you can now blob there without opposition
start as republic for mana management and Get German ideas
user, at this point, are there even threats left to you?
France's been neutered, you're perma-HRE and probably technologically and monetarily way ahead
honestly once I reach that sort of power I usually quit
Also Bohemia and Austria are too far away to care about blobbing
aren't you in danger of hot burgundy dick?
If you get a good 3 province blob and ally with some of the stronger western HRE members you should be able to hold out until their collapse.
yeh but that collapse just puts you in range of hungry hungry frog
first time I get cucked in EU4
Always get sad when I see this, especially on an imported CK2 save, as I remember all the tournament hi-jinks I will miss.
Poland and its +9540% Cavalry Combat Ability laughs at such notion
/gsg/ is white and based, Memeth
What nation should i play next?
Muscovy, norway, sweden, austria and finland already played out
Still no DOA equivalent map in EU4.
Muh realistic borders are never going to happen.
Do Teutonic Order, it'll teach you to hate literally every single country east of Denmark
play as rwanda, conquer outwards
Rate my Coffee, Sup Forums
What do you expect from a swedish game besides "YES"?
Exclave near Ceuta/10
You seem to have a hard-on for Baltic/Eastern Europe and don't mind playing majors so how about Poland? If you want more of a challenge and better troops than Sweden then Brandenburg into Prussia is the way to go.
so this just happened
ming actually managed to colonize pretty far before mingsplosion
Nigger I found Bahmanis Separatist rebels in the HRE once.
I have no idea how the hell they got here
An OPM Tlemcen refused to give me military access while I was at war with Tunis and Morocco, so the only solution was to invade and annex them.
I just started playing a couple days ago. Started as Castille because it's easy, but I fucked myself out of Gibraltar because I accidentally gave it to Portugal since they had it occupied as my ally. Really wanted to complete that "wreck all Muslims" mission, but I guess I goofed unless I want to start a war with Portugal.
Any beginner tips? I have most things down I think, but I'm still not completely sure what prestige, legitamacy, and power projection do. I understand all the other numbers, and I understand how to get those three, but not positive what they do. Prestige kind of influences deals, but in what way?
You should've just closed the game with task manager and loaded the backup save. Also, you can get an event in the mid game to form a union with Portugal if your opinion is good enough and they have a regency. As Spain, you probably don't want to fuck around in Europe much. Most of your expansion should be in North Africa.
>Palatinate went to a succession war with Brandenburg
>Brandenburg is the leader of the protestant league
>everyone in that league declared war on Palatinate
is this a bug
Prestige gives you various bonuses like trade power, military, etc. but goes down over time to zero unless you have specific bonuses. Legitimacy's main use is its reduction in unrest, and mostly is stable besides some events and really bad crisis. Power projection gives you pretty good bonuses, just remember to use the humiliate in war option to get some good amounts.
The more prestige you have, the more small bonuses to everything you have. It won't win you games, but it'll do things like have +10% army morale at maximum prestige, and get more out of trade, and have better dealings with other countries, the sort of thing that is nice but not groundbreaking.
The lower your legitimacy, the more unstable your country gets and the more unrest you'll have to deal with. The breakpoint where it neither hinders nor helps you is at around 70. Get that Legitimacy too low, and you'll start to suffer.
Also, only monarchies have Legitimacy. Republics have Republican Tradition, which is twice as important as Legitimacy is because the maluses for not having it are a lot more damaging. That said, on the other hand, however, Republics can spend tradition to make their rulers better, something that monarchies can't.
And Power Projection is basically how good you are at keeping your rivals down and being a great power in general. It gives you a lot of bonuses as well, but the most important thing is that if you have more than 50 PP you get a bonus of +1 monarch point to your monthly gain in all three categories, which is huge.
Just hover the mouse over the indicators at the top of the screen and you'll see what each thing does in detail.
Castile as your first nation? You better hope and pray you don't get the Castilian Civil War disaster. That shit will fuck you up familiar.
Not a bug
Thanks, making sense now that I know the two of them are just bonuses. I've been pretty good at getting those points up. Stopping rivals, humiliating, etc. I just didn't know exactly what they did. So it seems like something to just take when it's available, not necessarily go out of my way for, I'm assuming.
Can you give me a summary on the Holy Roman Empire and the Papal state? I'm pretty clueless on how they work at all honestly. Do they compare at all to the World Congress or UN from Civ5:BNW?
>Holy Roman Empire
Don't attack it unless you can shitstomp everyone around you. Taking land from them makes everyone hate your guts. They'll form a coalition against you and stomp you.
>Papal State
Try to keep their opinion of you high as long as you're Catholic. If you switch to Protestant or Reformed later, you can ignore them. Also, don't take Rome. It's a really bad idea if you're Catholic because it gives you pretty bad maluses.
Also, another thing. Don't attack Aragon. Ignore them completely for as long as you can. You'll get an event later than gives you a free union with them, and you can annex them for free once our Admin Tech is 10.