X or Cross?
X or Cross?
if it was + then it could be cross but crosses are not shaped like X.
canonically, cross
commonly, x
It's the X button.
Voiced tutorials told me so.
It's fork you fags
only correct answer
(Cancel) button.
What the hell? Is this real?
is anyone surprised at asians not being able to identify a fork?
>incomplete hourglass
>double V with inversion
>compass rose
>point of conversion
>two bird staring contest
>valley on a mountain
>vanishing point
>small town downtown
>reticle button
Never heard anyone call it an 'X'
sideway plus sign
The A Button
It's a fork from a birds eye view
Littlebigplanet calls it cross
>what is andrew's cross
La equis
El cuadrado
maybe it's supposed to mean folk?
Am I the only one who'd say "press blue"?
are you mentally handicaped?
The letter "X." Does that look like something Jesus would hang on? Rotate that thing to an upper case "T" shape and then you can call it a cross.
>no llamarlo redonda como los chavales retrasados que éramos
x=10 in romanic numerals
siempre ha sido circulo. pedazo de idiota
It's 4 unfinished triangles you plebs.
Triangle = pizza slice
Square = pizza box
Circle = whole pizza
X = no pizza
Only correct answer.
Who's that cute girl?
que no, en tu casa quizás atontao
>Sup Forums will argue about anything
fucking hell
I never heard anyone say Cross until the internet became a thing. It was X and always has been the X button.
En mi vida escuche a alguien referirse al circulo como "redonda"
>X = no pizza
What a fucking pessimist
X = Quartered Pizza
real as the holocaust
You need to go back.
X because it's easier to say.
A dónde burger?
>crosses are not shaped like X
That's like saying you would be dumb if you weren't a retard
Every game I ever played called it the X button, but there was one third-party controller my cousin had that had the name of the buttons on the buttons themselves, and it labeled it as Cross.
a la panocha mugrosa de tu mama, pinche joto
I feel bad for you Spaniards. Your beautiful language has been hijacked by dirty brown people to the point where "Spain" is not the first thing that comes to mind when people hear "Spanish"
El eshpañol, joder tío! xD XD
Los peores doblajes de videojuegos.
Los peores doblajes de películas.
>¿Pero qué coño? xdd
>¡Ala tío! xd
>¡Déjate de chorradas! Xdd
The bad bit is that people are bad at seeing the dialect differences, unlike where you can usually tell an American from a Brit by things like Biscuits, Trousers, Colour, Aluminium etc such differences are not so well known in Spanish.
My university played El Laberinto del Fauno last week. As we were walking out of the theatre, I heard several people talking about how the Spanish sounded so weird to them.
>X is yes, O is no
>O is yes, X is no
which one
>mad cause inbred tiraflechas
It's okay user, my language is still beautiful.
>asumiendo que puedo sentirme ofendido por semejante comentario cuando llevo más de diez años viendo/jugando/escuchando/leyendo todo en VO o VOSE ya sea inglés, francés, italiano, aleman o incluso la basurita de pseudo-español que utilizáis para comunicaros en los países de Sudamérica.
X should've been on the right O on the bottom then the O being yes, etc
Cross is shaped differently and hangs in churches
Its x for me
The controller was designed for 3d games and navigating menus:
>The Circle is for selecting and advancing menus, or using items
>The X is for going back menus or cancelling options
>The Square is for opening the map
>Triangle if for Menus
Don't remember where I read this, but it was legit.
>europoor nigger
If only american devs used O too. Now X only because unlearning it is too hard at this point.
>canonically, cross
not true, the official name is just the symbol
Since we've got /ñ/ on the thread I suppose we can do this.
Test: What is drawn here?
A fork from a birds eye view would just look like a line of dots, that makes no sense.
Fuck off podesta
hello cute girl
1- a donut
2- a switch
3- egg sandwich
4- badly drawn square
5- chess demo
6- wasted pencil
a shiskebab'd donut
a triangle with part of it cut off and pasted on top of itself
a capital i, but the middle part is inflated
a cube
madotsuke's shirt checkerboard thing
an ice cream cone, or maybe a hot air balloon i don't fuckin know
Settling this once and for all with the correct names.
>Press the round button
>Nigga they all round!!
Cross? If someone said press the cross button to me I'd slap their dick off.
>not pyramid
Rayman Revolutions is the only game I've heard it called the cross button.
I'm going with X.
intersecting lines.
Oh. Like a fork in the road.
I get it, but I'm still saddened.