What games let me plot a course?

What games let me plot a course?


gee i'm glad the caveman is in there and we are out here

This shit and Fesh Pince were never funny. Get some fucking taste you fucking faggots

Leisure Suit Larry
The Sims
GTA (particularly 4 for the online dating)
Any VN



resident evil 1

Silent Hunter


Pikmin 3

What games let me find Geoffrey?

Etrian Odyssey

>Skooks was 5 years ago
>Part 5 was 3 years ago

>Part 6 never

Eve online

I saw a cave

>strongman never

Ah, we've got a durhamrockerz fan here

Silent Hunter III

Etrian Odyssey


What games let You SWOOCE right in?

would you shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich?

>he fell for the strongman meme

>shitty YTPer E-celeb cancer
t. no tastes

my nigga

They're not e-celebs if no one knows anything about them retard. Everyone's just quoting their content from a few videos, learn to use words correctly.


Don't let that spider bite ya

"You are plotting a new course again, aren't you?

Let me tell you something about women.
nafafafafafa nafafafafafa nafafafafafa

Sunless Sea. It's pretty good.



Taste in what? dick? like you?

Elite: Dangerous

gay luigi

They're brilliant and you're a miserable fuck

Sunless sea, but its rougelite in a very drawn out way.
Even making money for the next grade of boat will take you something up to 50+ hours if you dont abuse the game mechanics.

What, a pizza hut in the garage?



I mean, the story is good, but fuck if the actual fucking getting to it is so god damn awful I cringe every time I play it.