This is Zarya, say something nice about her.
This is Zarya, say something nice about her
Nice hat.
Nice penis
suka blat
>on reveal, Sup Forums was complaining that she was SJW bait
>now she's the most popular overwatchfu
What went right?
>most popular
Pretty sure that's still Mercy, but Zarya's waifu status has much improved.
You are beautiful lady and I would love to take you to a classy dinner party.
I want to see her in a more girly revealing outfit.
Would bang.
Your man-body has a very pretty face
Zarya is feminine and beefy! FEMININE AND BEEFY!!
zarya is top teir
I would like to cuddle with her next to the fire on a cold winter night and bury my face in her armpits
something nice about her
You know what, I'm not even mad.
Thanks for being broken enough to let me solo Q to top 500 in season 2
I will break my back for you
i was seeing a puerto rican girl that was built like zarya w/ the hair. I changed my address to the inside of her asshole
>most popular
>among the least played characters down there with Symetra
>Jeff Kaplan talking about how hes baffled by that since her kit is so good and awesome on forums
>never ones does it crosses his mind that her sjw design is a massive turn off to non idiots
>most popular
Here I am a testament to that, I care not for her kit, I wont play an obvious look at me im so gay pride bullshit character!
no one cares what you think rofl
She has very pretty eyes
I wish she had a better haircut
Other than that she's perfect
she's my main and is great at making shit happen.
I like using her 1.21 niggawatt laser on people.
Biggest girl!
She'd be very attractive with normal hair.
mercy sucks ya fag
play a good healer
her olympic skin proves that
nice dick
You don't go into a waifu thread and post a shittier waifu, come on user, waifu 101
You can call me a robosexual all you want but zenyatta is my healerfu
Is Reinhardt blind in one eye?
You would make a great mother.
You'll never fuck her...
>"Its yours, misha."
>get OW
>play a bunch of characters, cycle between favorites
>eh, guess ill try zarya next
>tfw she's by far one of the most fun out of all of them
landing her ult on the entire enemy team, full charge, while alone, and getting potg has never felt so, so good
>among the least played characters down there with Symetra
>was so good she was a necessary pick in comp on par with rein and lucio and had to be nerfed
A poop a day keeps the doctor away
>least played characters
Shit gold fags say.
>Sup Forums hates her when she's first teased and thinks she's SJW bait
>game comes out and she's rad as fuck
>now everyone loves her
>most popular Overwatchfu
Literally the very best example of a delusional person.
>Sup Forums [x]
oh come the fuck on, did you see ANY positive feedback in the overwatch threads when she was first announced? even if it was there it was small enough to the point it was negligible
>"competitive" Overwatch are the only metrics Blizzard looks at
What does that have to do with the amount of people playing her?
>Wipe team
>"Heroes never di-AUGH"
>Wipe team again
Even on QP Mercy is fucking useless. Ur waifu sucks.'s better.
Competitive is all that matters. Let the trash in Quickplay and anything lower than Plat complain all they want, Zarya is top tier.
>zarya can shoot through Dva's shield with her primary
Literally no
Easily the most fun character in the game.
cyka blyat
It's funny when I try to talk about overwatch to my roommate and he STILL thinks Zarya is homosex. She's the least gay character in the game.
>even on QP
Mercy is better on organized teams that know to die together and call out flankers. And if you get wiped twice in a row, either the other team blew a shitton of ults or you suck.
And a well organized opponent will be on the lookout for the rez, and kill the Mercy preemptively. Ideally, a Winston and Genji would take her out at the start of any team fight.
There's a reason Mercy is about as common as a Bastion at anything above plat.
Olympic skin is my favorite and when her gun is at maximum charge that sound it makes is satisfiying
>Dva has mobility and a fuck ton more health
literally yes
Thanks for telling me what I already knew dude. I was just pointing out why that guy was retarded. High Diamond Mercy player btw.
If you count bubbles it's around the same.
What's the line she says when she ults?
"i'm going for that honesty"
she's speaking russian
"Let me fuck you"
What could she have possibly meant by this?
Is there any proof she's straight?
If not she sets off a lot of dyke triggers, even if there's nothing actually homosexual about her actions.
She's strong and cute as heck.
It is though
There is mot much concrete evidence of the sexuality for most of the OW characters so you could make that statement about them. But going into her backstory and views she's certainly no liberal, thus suggesting she is less likely to be not straight.
Zarya x McRib OTP
Now I need to know what she's actually saying.
She's saying "I believe I do.
brehs how are you supposed to satisfy her with a normal dick
Thank you for making Overwatch really, really, fun Zarya.
nvm found it
Zarya is so fucking boring. All her animations are completely underwhelming
>special ability is running away
>no beefy gf who pushes you to be a big strong man so she in turn can play to be your dainty princess
obviously the roids increase her sex drive to the point she's always a few minutes from cumming. The issue isn't pleasing her it's once you start you can't stop until she's too tired to go on. Lest you have an irritable "blueballed" Brickhouse for the next hour or so until she gets herself under control
heh, bears
>Be weak manlet with no gf
>Zarya, who you are friendly with, pushes you to be stronger
>Having a crush on her, you at least try
>You fail horribly, can't even lift
>She teaches you good form and recommends beginner exercises
>After you get the hang of things, she playfully offers to be your personal trainer
>Your straight-faced acceptance catches her off-guard
>Over time you become stronger, faster, more agile, and build up stamina
>No matter what, Zarya is standing above you, towering over you, and yet still emotionally on your level, pushing you on without putting you down
>One day, you know you're ready, and you walk up to Zarya, look up to her, and tell her you've become strong enough
>Before she can finish asking "For what?" you've already grabbed her and picked her up in a bridal carry
>She blushes a more vibrant shade of pink than even her hair
Mercy is good heals.
>fast auto heal
>extremely quick CD flying ability
>decent gun if you land headshot
>damage buff is god tier. Pair with zarya or mcree and watch them die
She sucks if you're on a shit team tho
>bastion main detected
She will make a good mother.
literally has a dick
Nah. Only really matters if they're outside his normal falloff range. 76 is a better target.
And it's not that she's bad. It's just that she's a strong character in the game where the broken granny of infinite versatility exists. Ana was a mistake.
>not Zarya was secretly grooming you into her perfect husbando
This is so pathetic. Grow up.
Is this Barneyfag bait?
I really wish her bubbles didn't die to damage absorbed and just ran their full time. Nerf the amount of charge it gives her so it gives the same amount as before if needed.
>pop it as I move in to provide cover and lay down suppressive fire with right mouse
>half a second later it's gone and I'm splattered