Kinda getting tired of league of legends

kinda getting tired of league of legends
are there any fun competitive online games to play?
preferably no mobas

Other urls found in this thread:

Street Fighter V

Prepare to work your ass off to even get out of bronze.

I like Counter Strike

>are there any fun competitive online games to play?

Sorry kiddo, sorry, there are none.

Left 4 Dead 2 has a pretty active competitive scene

I can only think of Starcraft and fighting games such as Street Fighter

Supreme Commander: FA
Planetary Annihilation.
Titanfall 2

Well if you understand fighting games, getting to Bronze is a fucking breeze. Otherwise, learning fighting games is a hard, but incredibly rewarding path. Try it out, OP. If that isn't quite your style, try
>Rainbow Six: Siege


starcraft is always one. i'm trying to push the community forward since nobody else is trying to

The guy was playing fucking League, I doubt his standards are that high.

How do people play LoL anyway? I tried to get into it just to see what all the fuss was about but I didn't get it at all. Gave up after 3 hours.

rocket league

Why don't you ever see art like this for other MOBAs? Literally the only real advantage LOL has over the rest is waifus.


>arguing those games aren't competitive
>when a very small number of people out of millions can make it to the top of the competitive ladder


god damn

Yes, but despite what the memes tell you OW ain't a MOBA

Old joke.

>has one of the ugliest skins in the whole game

if you never did the fighting game thing, this is a good time to do the fighting game thing.

just be aware you are trash and you'll never amount to anything. You'll have to put in hundreds of hours before you start to even scrape away the mediocrity that is you and even when you do, you'll end up embarrassing yourself horribly and shaming your parents. Just so you know.

>are there any fun competitive online games to play?


consider fighting games

fair warning, you don't have any team-mates to blame for your loss

What a shame.

That's a healthy butt

>defending the disaster that is gravelord zyra

What the hell is she doing?

Indifferent would be more fitting.

Counter Strike isn't fun. It's rigged. Guns are too inaccurate.


I'm in the exact same boat OP, no luck finding anything yet though

They aren't inaccurate, they fire the same predetermined spray over and over

It's not really competitive unless you play in the event tournaments but you could try war thunder.
Yes I know it's shit but I just want to see some non cheeki breeki text somtimes

Now Soraka is a real man's waifu

I liked her before her rework, I'm not a fan of her anymore.

When's that new LOL client coming in?


You fucktards this was supposed to be to opposite of a lol thread

Fuck Syndra. Literally.

Play fighting games if you are willing to get good. It takes a lot of time and frustration at the beginning but it's worth it. Bonus points if you have a local scene.

I see.

>Not posting best sluts
None a' you is mah nigga

I don't care about LoL, just entered this thread to see more of this 10/10 cutie.

Those other games don't have waifus, so this is a LOL thread now.

When's that new client coming in?


...with no feedback for learning the patterns other than shooting at walls in an empty server, plus random spread on top of that

my nig. they're so perfect

Since about 2 weeks ago, and it's shit

Ah, I don't mean the bit where you opt into it from the old client. I mean, when does the new client completely replace the old one? Current client broke on me and I haven't been able to get it fixed. No response from Support after 3 days either.

shoudlve made it say goat's milk

Please go on, she's a freaking beauty.


If you download the new client, it replaces the old one and adds a "switch to old" button on login screen



Maybe I'm just retarded but I can't seem to figure out how you download the new client. All I can find is "Opt in by clicking the thing on the old client"



Have you tried actually opting in?

Why do you like posting lewds so much. You're tastes always seem vanilla too.