Kinda getting tired of league of legends

kinda getting tired of league of legends
are there any fun competitive online games to play?
preferably no mobas

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Street Fighter V

Prepare to work your ass off to even get out of bronze.

I like Counter Strike

>are there any fun competitive online games to play?

Sorry kiddo, sorry, there are none.

Left 4 Dead 2 has a pretty active competitive scene

I can only think of Starcraft and fighting games such as Street Fighter

Supreme Commander: FA
Planetary Annihilation.
Titanfall 2

Well if you understand fighting games, getting to Bronze is a fucking breeze. Otherwise, learning fighting games is a hard, but incredibly rewarding path. Try it out, OP. If that isn't quite your style, try
>Rainbow Six: Siege


starcraft is always one. i'm trying to push the community forward since nobody else is trying to