"I don't know... To me, games are, like, the ultimate art form. It's just the ultimate medium."

>"I don't know... To me, games are, like, the ultimate art form. It's just the ultimate medium."
>"I mean, it's the sum total of every expressive medium of all times, made interactive."

Do you agree with this Phil Fish quote from Indie Game: The Movie?

Video games aren't art

No. Everyone who creates something believes their medium is the greatest ever.

The ultimate art form is body modification.



Very few games I'd consider High Art

Fez is not one of them

Sort of, but not the way he phrases it.
Video games have the potential to be an incredible art form because they include so many other art forms(literary, visual, audio, etc) in their production and because they provide the unique aspect of being interactive.
I would not call it the sum total of these things, because they still exist stand alone and aren't completely outclassed by video games.
Also, most developers don't treat video games as art, and the ones that do tend to think this means they get a free pass on the "game" part.

He's not technically wrong, videogames are interlocking designed systems ranging from control responsiveness, model textures, lighting algorithms, stage design, character design, marketing, development-time management, public relations, customer service, and of course pure gameplay.

It's just that lots of people are really shitty artists across the board or are only talented in a limited number of those practices.

No. Video games are something fun to do when you have spare time on your hands.

They're not an art form or a fucking lifestyle. Tired of virgin man-babies acting like clicking buttons is all they live for

>Do you agree with this Phil Fish quote from Indie Game: The Movie?

Phil doesn't even agree with this. If he did he'd still be making games.

As for the quote, more moving parts doesn't necessarily make a better machine.

He is still making games though, he made SuperHyperCube for PSVR this year

No. Video games have elements that are comparable to movies, novels, etc etc but they are not the same.

Really gets my brain cells running

The execution leaves much to be desired though.


>that guy that actually cares about the word art
What's next? Don't tell me you argue with people over music.

>god tier: poetry & music
>pleb tier: everything else

>more moving parts doesn't necessarily make a better machine
Yes it absolutely does you dull, unoriginal shit.

>Attach a bunch of cogs and propellers to it and call it steampunk
>It also makes it a better machine
People like you are the reason why dumb shit is allowed to fly when it comes to engineering of any caliber.
The real better machines make efficient use out of those moving parts. If the most efficient way to get the job done is to cull those parts entirely, then so be it.

I was only for the "videogames are art" argument so big alterations wouldn't be made in localization. Now the US government recognizes it as an art form and they still gets changed for the sake of appealing to a larger audience.

So it's a great platform for artists expression, but it's either not art or at least it's the shittiest form of art that has to bend and change due to someone else getting bent out of shape over something.

I buy art books and music if I feel like I need something for the sake of art, games are just a conversation starter and a hobby.


I think games have a ton of potential as an art form, but they just haven't arrived yet.

Fish is a shit, he's literally only relevant here because someone got tired of their threads being ignored, so they have to bait people into the thread just so OP doesn't feel like he waisted his time.

>most developers don't treat video games as art
Fuck me, this is what's been bothering me about the whole games as art thing but I couldn't put my finger on it until now. Thank you user.

I agree with it completely, but video games are going through a bad time where they don't even pretend to be artful like hollywood does with its movies.

You dumbass, why would it be better to throw more moving parts onto a machine that can already get the job done well? Complexity != efficacy.

That retard's joke was him referencing Rube Goldberg Machines.

Nintendo of America censors your art books now too!

>The joke
>The incredibly overly complex machine
>Your head

I'm sure the Goldberg joke seemed clever in your head, but those fucking contraptions have no place in the discussion or have been relevant since 5th grade flash games.

>salty because he didn't get a stupid and incredibly obvious joke
Not my fault you can't read a name field bro. Maybe next time try not replying if it's really so unfunny and irrelevant.

Games do not incorporate the meritous elements of literature.

Games make you see the world one way.
Books let you imagine and build the world yourself.

>video games are the ultimate medium
>indie game: the movie
Also he's right about the sum total part but nobody's using it for art and the people thinking they are are just being pretentious and the sum total of being pretentious in every medium is like trapping Andy Warhol's soul and putting it into a ten minute button pusher.

>games are, like, the ultimate art form
no, they are a primitive collection of poorly developed artforms
>ultimate medium
>it's the sum total of every expressive medium of all times
it's a sum of a fraction of mediums
>made interactive

Or games are literally in their middle ages stage right now and we haven't had a renaissance.

He looks like a cuck. Is he also a white knight?

>gamers HATE being creative and having feelings LOL!!! WE HATE ART AND INTELLECTUALISM!!!!

I fucking hate you all. Fish is a genius, FEZ was a masterpiece, and so were The Witness, Talos Principle, The Beginner's Guide, and Gone Home.
All masterpieces, all ART, and THAT'S why Sup Forums hates them. Because Sup Forums is so STUPID that it is ANTI-INTELLECTUAL.

Games aren't art.

h o w e v e r

Games use art.

Games contain art.

Playing a game can be art.

The way you play is art.

The core design of the game is art.

The game itself isn't. It's the medium. It's the canvas. It's the instrument. The tool.

pretty much this, why are faggots trying to make art when all i want is a good fucking game.

more parts means more potential points of failure.


I found Beginner's Guide to be really emotional without being cheap. Not a bad "game" at all. It's a walking simulator, but it doesn't feel like a chore

does someone has the screencap from where he falseflagged on Sup Forums about Fez 2?